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Sinnivar Sinnivar
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Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • I think she feels like she has to be with someone to be happy or whatever. They've been together for about 15 years, so I think she also doesn't want to feel like a failure and would rather put up with it than be alone. I've asked her before why she even bothers with him, but she gets mad and says that I wouldn't understand

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • So r/Melbourne is back but the mods are having a temper tantrum so they've made it so you can only talk about Melbourne, Florida, USA? Those mods are fucking stupid

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • That's the same guy!

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • My mums partner is addicted to his PlayStation. He doesn't cook, clean, or help with anything when he's not at work because he just spends all his time smoking, drinking, and playing PlayStation. Over the weekend, it shit itself. It doesn't turn on. So he found an old Xbox 360 that my mum had in storage, and that worked for 24 hours before shitting itself too. Now he's walking around the house, banging cupboards and being a cunt because he can't play his videogames. Any minute now he's gonna spin some story to blame me. Giant man baby

  • Daily Thread: Garfield Mondays 19/06/23
  • Does anyone know where I can get a car key replacement and reprogram? I have a Honda and they quoted me $550, and it wouldn't have even been a key it was just gonna be a fob. But like I need a new key and have it programmed for preferably less than that

  • Daily random thread: Gotta get down on Friday edition (June 16, 2023)
  • Are there any car wreckers in Melbourne where they allow people to walk through and grab and pay for what they need?

  • Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)
  • So how does the new Netflix password sharing thing work? If I sign in at home with my wifi, am I not able to watch Netflix if I travel?

  • Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)
  • Thanks! I figured that, if anyone is like me and underestimated how much they rely on the Reddit avatar icon to know who's who, then making it the same on this platform may be helpful!

  • Daily random thread: almost almost the weekend edition (June 15, 2023)
  • I slept like an idiot last night, and woke up with my cat on my back, so my back is killing me today. Can't bend over without any pain

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Awesome! Just downloaded it. It feels a lot better than the website, but you're right it definitely needs a sort by new function

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Which would you recommend for android? Edit: nvm lol there's only one

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • I wish this site had an app. I'm not a fan of using website forums for some reason

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Quickly screenshot them just in case

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • I got asked for ID at liquorland today. First time ever. Apparently I look under 25, which is weird because I thought people between 18 and 25 could drink. It tripped me out

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • And it looks absolutely heavenly!

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • I used my Reddit avatar on this account because like... Well I don't actually know. Hello everyone!

  • Daily Random Thread: Hump Day edition 14 June 2023
  • Isn't it odd! I didn't realise too, but I need ugly avatars to know who's who