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Singletona Singletona
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Comments 55
Louis Rossman: redditor's reaction demonstrates a LOSING, selfish mentality - this is not how you win in life!
  • yes and no.

    Yes Rossman is more substansive and provides actual good advice, but no in that he outright encourages rage flame baiting and daring people to call him on his behavior while he fosters the kind of commentary posted.

    I dont' care what he's saying if the community around him is being a toxic cesspit.

  • Louis Rossman: redditor's reaction demonstrates a LOSING, selfish mentality - this is not how you win in life!
  • 'KUDOS'

    Yea look at the dipshit army that's following him. He's encouraging or at least turning a blind eye to the behavior.

    Plus i'm DOING something about the problem. I left. So Congradulations for feeding into the stereotype that constructive convrosation cant' be had because the first person that talks will be shouted down by sarcastic derps.

  • Louis Rossman: redditor's reaction demonstrates a LOSING, selfish mentality - this is not how you win in life!
  • He's being a jackass about it and basically trashing the protests because there isn't this immediate collapse, and for all we know admins have transferred username control to new mods.

    Yea there are a few who want to hang onto the banhammer, but the way rossman is portraying it. Everyone in reddit is a failure and he's blaming the userbase.

  • Finally made an account
  • Hi. Welcome to kbin. There is a bit of a learning curve. There is a bit of jank, but to be honest? You made the right call.

  • Content moderators are just janitors of social media: Low-pay, low-respect, but one of the most important jobs of cleaning up human trash
  • Pretty much. "better than nothing but will often miss corners and edge cases, and get tripped up by the sock someone left on the floor.'

    Mods have always been treated shitty as far back as ye olden BBS and FidoNet days. Always.

  • Remove one letter from the title of a video game; what is the plot now?
  • The longer I think about it the more I want this game.

  • Remove one letter from the title of a video game; what is the plot now?
  • Raveyard Keeper: Your hopes and dreams of making the most fly night club in the 2000's with Bob the Skull as your DJ and hypeman.

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • Then being forced to think about the firehose of shit he puts out.

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • It's an exploration ship.... that's almost big enough to qualify as a mobile starbase given the civilian population. Having armaments isn't stupid, especially given how often they rejiggered the phasers to act as a tool rather than a weapon.

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • 35th rule of acquisition: Peace is good for Business.

    Or maybe it's the other way around I always get those two mixed up.

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • I've been hearing that one for thirty years.

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • The important thing is people can't just casually reprogram the damned thing.

    having an ability to diagnose and correct without cracking your head open is fine, but it has to be a way that's 'you're giving positive affirmation that you're OK with it or a medical professional is physically having to plug a thing in or on or ... just so it can't be 'oh hey yo ustepped through these induction plates. we turned your anti-siezure chip off due to your non-compliance.'

  • Brain chips to be tested on humans this year, Elon Musk says
  • Well the best way to not have us talk about Musk like he's a moron is for Musk to stop acting like a moron.

  • rule
  • ....I... have to actually applaud the bigots for having a sense of style on this one.

  • Private Beta Signup Sheet for Artemis
  • Hope you get in. We need technically minded folk to pick it apart.

  • I've seen a few discussions about the "failed" protests and wanted to talk about it
  • I have a few thoughts on the situation:

    1. The 'Oh we're protesting with a two-day blackout' was the wrong way to go about the announcement since all that says, as has been pointed out, is 'see you Monday then.' Yet it wasn't just a two-day protest. Some came back but many didn't.

    2. The News, be it outlets or people like Rossman, want grand gestures. They want Results. Having people trickle leave isn't dramatic, and it's hard to keep track of especially if reports are true that deleted accounts are undeleted and posts are unscrambled for the sake of searchability. As of this writing my account is listed as deleted and posts I care to find are u/[deleted] but that doesn't mean it isn't happening. If that's happening then it's impossible to tell who's Quit quit, walked away, or deleted their accounts only for it to be undeleted.

    While tinfoil; the undeleting of accounts would track for someone desperate just before an IPO.

    1. The alternatives are still in their infancy, at least when it comes to lemmy, hive, and kbin. PHP forums never went away. Hell, Ye Olden BBS's didn't go away. However, there's no monolithic Giant emerging to come to eat Reddit's lunch. So it's easy to paint any dissent as ' Redditors are never happy.'

    2. The stereotype of 'all Reddit mods are the same. cling to fake power and they all are neckbeard pear-shaped basement-dwellers who never bathe haha look at how pathetic they are.' That is seductive to fall into as a narrative because like it or not a LOT of people want someone they can kick down at. Mods flipping to back a fash like u/spez for the sake of fake power gives people someone they can point at. 'We didn't get results because of YOU.'

    Yet these are the same people who are organizing malicious compliance reorganizations of subreddits and policies have changed. Mods have been told 'comply or be replaced.' We don't know if admins handed the old username over or not to both smear the outgoing mod and to preserve a false continuity or not. We only know some subs have unlocked after the gun got leveled at their heads.

    As someone with a patchy at best history against authority in online communities my sympathies are actually with the mods. Unpaid, having to herd cats, get shit on from the userbase, shit on from on high, and without anything major and high profile? They're getting shit on by otherwise 'liked' personalities such as Rossman when they tend to be the people holding thigns together day to day.

    1. This is not a game of instant results. Modern culture has shifted to NOW! NOW NOW NOW NOW! RESULTS NOW OR IT IS A FAILURE! This is a long game of bleeding reddit dry of relevance. Reddit won't be killed, but it will be a shell of itself and it won't be seen as The Place to go to for answers.

    2. As others have stated, news outlets lie. They don't have a story here so they will make one. Protesters crushed. Who knew internet-addicted Millenials are too spineless to see things through. Millennials are killing protests. Etc etc. Boomers get to feel smug.

  • Is there a computer game, or a specific moment, a fight etc that you wish you could do fresh with no prior memory of it?
  • If I could go in full blind no prior knowledge? Final Fantasy 6. I get that it's cheating but it was a sprawling emotional epic and it's been twenty years. I remember getting to the end at like... 3AM after basically a full complete and maxed out run and that ending was.... I want to say a half hour. It had a hell of a lot of emotional callbacks, resolutions, and a few genuinely funny moments. All in a refutation of Kefka's strawman nihilism.

  • Private Beta Signup Sheet for Artemis
  • @hariette As someone with poor (but still useable) eyesight and low end android hardware. I'll try doing my part to break things (while documenting what I can) to help you improve.

  • /kbin meta Singletona

    Why is the comment form at the bottom of the thread instead of the top?

    I can completely understand wanting to differentiate from Reddit, but to me, this is a matter of convenience and priority. Putting right after the article implies commenting on the article is emphasized. Putting it at the bottom of the comment page implies a want to comment on the comments.

    Maybe there's a reason I'm not seeing here? Am I just dumb?
