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Shrexios Emperor Palpapeen

Mean, #Gay, #Pagan, #Puertoriqueño, #Hispanic American, love languages, especially the romance languages.

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Decision of Next Os
  • @bitahcold @utopiah

    If you're going to distro hop, do it, don't let people tell you you're wrong. I've learned how to set up and use a variety of Linux and BSD systems by distro hopping. But, I think maybe you should set up one system that is solid and then distro hop in virtual machines using VirtualBox. It works well and often can handle things like Haiku and Amiga type OSes as well. Just for fun, of course.

  • looking for examples of countries whose governments, school system,health system, wjatever, use mostly GNU/Linux
  • @christos

    They have a Gnome version. I like their default theming and some of their tools.

  • Arch is Easier to Use than Debian
  • @halm @pineapplelover

    What is it about flatpaks that bothers you? I am curious. My experience with them is good, except that are sometimes slower to launch.

  • Questions about Linux-Linux dualboot
  • @GravitySpoiled @notTheCat

    Or, even better, use containers to have access to whatever distro/packaging system you want, like Vanilla OS does.

  • Firefox Is Going To Try And Ship With Wayland Enabled By Default
  • @crypto @Laser Linux desktop is not one thing. If you have a company that standardizes on Gnome, then the software you need to work will work as they will likely have been tested to work. As for work, well, not everyone uses it for work.

  • What devices run with free firmware?
  • @FQQD @p_q if you want that hardware to support something the manufacturer will not support, open source bios can be useful.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @recarsion @KISSmyOS how is your system set up that they are so slow? On my systems once a flatboat has launched once, they are as fast as anything else, or are you talking milliseconds here?

  • GNOME is (Gradually!) Dropping X11
  • @iHUNTcriminals but why comment on it? An elite user should know that different things work for different people not strut about acting superior because he doesn’t use a DE.

  • Fedora or Mint for noob?
  • @mintycactus my experience, as I cannot speak for yours, is that people I have taught about Linux have more easily adapted to Cinnamon than any other. I usually install it on something Arch based, though!

    For my personal tastes, Cinnamon Na d Mate both feel old. Like I am in the 90s.

  • Fedora or Mint for noob?
  • @mintycactus NixOS can install to your hard drive. I have it on my laptop and it runs beautifully. I have issues with Gnome and their insistence on removing things like remembering window size and positions, and recently making it so hard to theme, but I am sure these will iron out with time.

    My plasma desktop, however, is my favorite. Once I got it where I wanted it, it just worked so well and looked so good that I recommend it to everyone (BigLinux with KDE)

  • Fedora or Mint for noob?
  • @mintycactus to you and me that’s true, but to a person just starting with Linux, it could be complex. I think systems like Silverblue, Vanilla OS, and NixOS are great, but I would not suggest them to a new user of Linux.

  • I'm ditching htop for btop, look how cool it is
  • @Static_Rocket @zShxck for a second there I thought he was revealing his favored sexual positions

  • Fedora or Mint for noob?
  • @mintycactus @jack silverblue is not more user friendly than mint, not by any metric. A system with an immutable file system simply cannot be so. The immutability of the system often adds levels of complexity that an average person would have trouble understanding

  • Another post for not using systemd
  • @ultra you proved you’re just looking for an excuse to hate these systems.