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Favorite minor/side character?
  • There are a lot of great minor characters but I especially liked Barcus and Rolan and being able to impact their stories. I would have liked to see where things were going with He Who Was but never ran in to him again. Did I miss it or was there just the one encounter?

  • What are folks playing this weekend? (Sept 22nd)
  • I'm still caught up in Baldur's Gate 3 and on my third playthrough. I don't understand how it can still be fun but am enjoying it.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3 - Discussion post #1
  • After reaching act III with a sorcerer, I got overwhelmed and restarted with a spore druid dark urge. I still have a handful quests left in act III and it feels a bit weird being that close to the finale with an underwhelming epilogue to look forward to. But it truly is an awesome game and I'll probably start another dark urge as soon as I'm done and not try to save everyone and their mother.

  • Draconic sorcerer half-elf - currently playing through Baldur's Gate 3.
  • @JJROKCZ I totally agree. I don't miss having sliders and spent plenty of time playing around with the options in character creation without them. My husband ended up with an awesome flute-playing tiefling bard that looks like she's in a punk-band.

  • Draconic sorcerer half-elf - currently playing through Baldur's Gate 3.

    Draconic sorcerer half-elf - currently playing through Baldur's Gate 3.

    \#Baldursgate3 #games #gamers #gaming #videogames #VideoGames

    I've never thought of myself as a compulsive person...
  • Schrödinger's rotten basket: The magic thingamajig you didn't know you needed could be in the next container but you won't know for sure unless you look and find the rotten carrot.

  • Baldur’s Gate 3’s Metacritic Score Now Tops ‘Tears Of The Kingdom’
  • The first area is really big. I think I'm about to move on to the next area after 40 hours or so but I also thought that 6 hours ago but keep stumbling into new areas.

  • Searching for a grindy game for on the Steam deck
  • Siralim Ultimate maybe? The Steam description: "Siralim Ultimate is a monster catching, dungeon crawling RPG with a ridiculous amount of depth. Summon over 1200 different creatures and travel through randomly generated dungeons to acquire resources, new creatures, and loot."

    At some points, you need to rethink your setup and incorporate the new stuff you've found along the way to be able to mindlessly grind on but I've played for 160 hours so far and having a blast trying different strategies. Evoker is my favorite class so far - casting so many spells before the battle even begins that the enemy never gets their turn.

  • Gardeners! How was your week?
  • I finally got a greenhouse resulting in loads of padron peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers over the past months. It really made a huge difference in yield. Also, three squash plants is way too much unless you're the Duggars.

    Less spectacularly, the sunflowers still haven't flowered and my clematis died of unknown causes.

  • What's Everyone Playing in Their First Playthrough?
  • Half-elf draconic sorcerer with charlatan background. I'm attempting to trick and persuade my way through Faerun and when that doesn't work, a fireball usually does.

  • My puppy might be part bat.
  • Aw... the shark-stage - so cute when sleeping!

  • Good ground cover plants? (DK)
  • I had no idea they were edible! Now I'm definitely getting some.

    I can totally see the clematis getting out of hand now that it actually started growing. It will be interesting to see what happens next year but so far, it looks great. Is your clematis wild type or cultivar?

  • Good ground cover plants? (DK)
  • Great suggestions - I actually already have clematis growing up some elder trees close by the spot I'm looking to cover. It took three seasons to really start growing so I didn't consider it a viable candidate but maybe I was just unlucky?

    Hostas sound perfect for the place I have in mind and deer won't be an issue there - thanks for the suggestion. Do you have any favorites? It seems like there are a ton of variants to choose from!

  • Good ground cover plants? (DK)
  • Uh, that sounds promising! How much sun do they need?

  • Reddit braces for life after API changes
  • I love Lucky Charms but unfortunately, they're not sold where I live. The sugar content is probably above the official EU limit for cereals or something :(

  • Ruins & Riches - a single-player Ultima Online experience.
  • This is awesome! I've been wanting to play UO for a while and single player is perfect. I really don't miss the PK guilds - one step outside the city and bam, you're dead! Being gutted by a stag due to your own stupidity is much less infuriating.

  • Good ground cover plants? (DK)
  • Maybe some tall clovers could worth giving a shot but the types naturally growing around here are out-shadowed by the goutweed.

  • Good ground cover plants? (DK)

    What are you using as ground cover?

    I'm losing the battle against my neighbor's weed farm (literal weeds like goutweed (Aegopodium podagraria), not even the fun ones) and need some good suggestions for ground cover. I've already planted a ton of geraniums and they're great, but some variation would be nice. I live in Denmark, which means winter temperatures occasionally get down to around -20 oC /-4 oF.

    What's your idea of relaxation/a relaxing time?
  • Had to look Arnold Palmer up - looks nice! I'd never have thought of combining the two.

  • How do you stay interested in something for a long time?
  • I have ongoing hobbies like training my dog and doing garden-stuff during summer but other than that, I switch between gaming, reading, writing, drawing and making pixel art. I've had the same hobbies for years and must have spent several 1000 hours doing all of them by now but suspect I'd have burned out on everything if I didn't switch around. I like making things but I'm not trying to make any of it into a side-hustle - I have plenty work at work - so there is no pressure to keep doing a particular hobby when it begins to feel stale.

  • Animals Shivs

    Calculating the Biscuit Potential.

    Calculating the Biscuit Potential.

    \#dogs #animals

    What is your favorite ever DOS game?
  • A lot of great games have already been mentioned but one of my favorite early gaming experiences was Kaptajn Kaper, a Danish game released in the 80s. You're a pirate captain sailing around Denmark after the battle of Copenhagen in 1807 looking for English ships to plunder. Most people around my age with an interest in computers remember it fondly and apparently, the source code was donated to the Royal Library for preservation as a part of Danish cultural heritage, which is pretty cool.

  • What is your favorite ever DOS game?
  • I totally agree with your list. I loved the Quest for Glory series, at least until the fifth game, which has the crappy 3D graphics from the late 90s.