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ShinyRatFace ShinyRatFace
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Comments 3
Americans seem to support abortion access. Why do Republicans keep trying to block it anyway?
  • My grandmother highlighted portions of text and left notes in the margins of some of her favorite books. She died when I was in my very early 20s. Middle aged me loves going through some of her favorite books and connecting with her (long dead) over bits of prose she thought were especially beautiful and reading her notes in the margins.

  • Lemmy World outages
  • My dog only has a flip phone. Does that make me an animal abuser? In my defense, she's only 10 months old. In my opinion, a little too young for internet access.

  • It's so much easier to comment on Lemmy because it isn't a toxic cesspool waiting to tear you apart
  • Sure, but it took years for reddit to devolve into what it is today. It started out as a really great place to read interesting articles on all kinds of topics and have intelligent discussions about them afterwards. Reddit hasn't been like that in a very, very, very long time but what we have going on here right now is very close to that.