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Serpente Serpente

Those who are on the right think that I am on the left and vice versa. I think what I think. I don't let myself be imprisoned inside ideological fences. I am also "the public face" of the people who develop the project behind the community called S.P.H. SynchroPsychoHistory

Posts 11
Comments 13
General Staff: Russia has lost 568,980 troops in Ukraine since Feb. 24, 2022
  • We live in a world where propaganda is everywhere. What does it matter who has the most victims if the sources are manipulated by both sides? The Nazis were broadcasting proclamations of victory by radio thanks to new secret weapons ready to annihilate the enemies... while the Russians were at the gates of Berlin. There is propaganda in peacetime, let alone in wartime. Does anyone remember Iraq's overwhelming evidence that it had weapons of mass destruction? Well, 10 years later it officially turned out that it was all a hoax to convince the US government and allies to unleash the war against Saddam and seize the oil wells. The counting of the dead only serves to make people of different factions clash and divert from the daily problems of all of us, problems that governments do not solve, instead throwing mountains of money into weapons (money to the weapon producers=money from the weapon lobby for the electoral campaigns)

  • Integrations to Chapter 3 SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers

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    Groups of Perm and Bloemfontain only max downldoads: 20 You have 30 days from July 24 to download it.

    The end of Israel’s economy
  • Netanyahu don't care. US taxpayers pay more for Izrael. The zionist lobby wants it.

  • Tickling doesn't bother us
  • Permanently Deleted

  • Tickling doesn't bother us
  • I don't expect you to understand and I'm not a guru, we don't want to convince anyone. If this community had been created for everyone, I would not have linked material that requires approval to be downloaded and opened. This community is not for you or even for everyone. But I admire your ability to use many words to say nothing.

  • Tickling doesn't bother us
  • What surprises me is the futility of downvoting in posts about things you don't understand or posts that don't require you to express an opinion. If you walk past a store that sells clothes you don't like, what do you do? Do you continue your walk and go to the next store or walk into the store to tell employees that their clothes suck? When I see something I don't like, I ignore it. If I don't like a post, I don't even waste time lowering my thumb. To stay on the previous comparison, if I don't like one store I go looking for another and I don't waste time telling employees that their merchandise is garbage. Downvotes are stuff for lazy teens, amateur trolls, or frustrated adults who have no arguments but only frustration.

  • What a low quality troll You have a lot to learn. 🙄

  • Tickling doesn't bother us
  • Permanently Deleted

  • FIRST DRAFT PREPARED WITH SHORT-TERM DEADLINE SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers

    Envoyez jusqu'à 50 Go - Gratuit et sans inscription - Gardez vos transferts jusqu'à 30 jours.

    SwissTransfer - Envoi sécurisé et gratuit de gros fichiers

    Password-protected PDF. The download link is also password protected. Ask for passwords only if you believe you have valid reasons and skills to have access to the document. Your request will be evaluated. Download limit: 20 times. This link will expire on 08/20/2024 at 11:12 AM

    "Ask me if I'm happy"
  • I asked him, to please him, he replied "I thought if someone asked me this question it would clarify my ideas, but now that you asked me I tell you I don't know"

  • Proton just joined the AI clown car show
  • I complain about human's laziness.

  • Proton just joined the AI clown car show
  • In 10 years, 90% of the population that has access to AI will be reduced to a flock without the ability to write a single birthday card.

  • Phrases that have marked your life - Lemmy.World - [email protected]
  • The name means exactly what it is written. Have you ever heard or read a sentence that has particularly struck you, that has remained etched in your head and that perhaps has changed something in you, in your behavior, in your way of thinking about certain things?

  • Guidelines
  • obviously.

  • I have the right to wipe my butt with a pinecone, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do.
  • thanks for the survival lesson lol. Now, tell us if you keep in your memory a phrase that has been a good life lesson for you

  • Phrases that have marked your life - Lemmy.World - [email protected] Phrases that have marked your life - Lemmy.World

    Phrases that have marked your life that you heard by chance or that a stranger told you, that you read in a book, that you heard in a song or in a movie, that a parent or a relative, or a friend, or a partner told you… or the voice of an animal.

    Phrases that have marked your life - Lemmy.World

    Don't be shy. Visit my new community. [email protected]
