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SemioticStandard Leigh

#horror #writer. Stories in the British Fantasy Society, 2022 HWA Poetry Showcase, Flame Tree Press, Crystal Lake Publishing, others. Codex, HWA.

Chief architect. Co-founder of Rocky Linux and the RESF.

New England.

Posts 26
Comments 25

Student Loan Forgiveness: Supreme Court Rejects Biden’s Debt Forgiveness Plan Student Loan Forgiveness: Supreme Court Rules 6-3 Against Biden Plan

The proposed cancellation of more than $400 billion in student debt would have been one of the most expensive executive actions in U.S. history. President Biden vowed to try again.

Student Loan Forgiveness: Supreme Court Rules 6-3 Against Biden Plan

Of course they did. If you're rich, you get a bailout. If you're not, then fuck you.

1 Build Your Own Docker with Linux Namespaces, cgroups, and chroot: Hands-on Guide

Take a practical approach to containerization as we guide you through the step-by-step process of building your own Docker-like environment using Linux namespaces, cgroups, and chroot. Dive into the code and command examples to gain a deeper understanding of how these technologies work together to c...

Build Your Own Docker with Linux Namespaces, cgroups, and chroot: Hands-on Guide

There’s nothing like a good hands-on to understand what your tools are doing under the hood.

Also, the author admitted that he used ChatGPT to help write this. In his words:

> Yep, I do use GPT as one of the tools in my workflow. I write these blogs in markdown locally and have a helper script which takes the raw content and with a prompt it helps me generate a title, summary, Intro and conclusion (personal preference to keep these consistent on all blogs) and proofread the whole raw content for any mistakes (replaces grammarly completely now). > > Quite happy with this workflow because it helps me publish articles more frequently where I don't have to worry about stuff other than just dumping my thoughts in raw format. > > It’s similar to how I use Astro as a tool to generate static pages from these markdown files to easily deploy on web or TailwindCSS etc etc you get the point.


Close up of a LED display

Taken with a Canon EOS R7, 24mm, f/6.3


Took a picture of a HomePod

Taken with a Canon EOS R7, 31mm, f/6.3


So glad to hear this. The loss of DPReview would’ve been huge.

0 In pictures: Robber flies win insect photo competition

The winning images from the Royal Entomological Society Insect Week photographic competition.

Holy smokes, the photography in here is incredible. Look at the one the 16-year-old kid won with!


This poem was so, so good. I’ve never heard of this author before and I don’t normally read poetry, but I’m going to pick up a copy of his book now.

In case the paywall stops you:

> was the same summer he met my mother. He and Uncle Max, home from college, > > worked the family farm, drove cattle between fields, passed out by a fire > > after trading swigs of Old Grand-Dad from Max’s flask, the night sky lit up > > like a marquee, “Kashmir” playing softly on their portable radio. It was 1975. > > On off days, he’d drive to Carbondale and see Dylan or Elton. He grew > > his first beard, wore aviators and snap-button shirts, smashed a copperhead’s skull > > with the heel of his boot. He met her, friend of a friend, on someone’s front porch. > > Late July. He pulled a beer from a cooler and handed it to her. Overhead, carpenter bees > > dug into the eaves, dropping a little wood dust that hung in the air, caught on the wind, > > briefly softening the view, lightly obscuring it. At what point should I tell you > > my father spent that summer on the farm, resigned from his job in Chicago, > > because he abandoned his first marriage, washed his hands of a daughter, and hardly > > looked back? And what to do with this? Knowing my existence depends > > on these facts—the beer, the radio, my sister—every one of them.

0 "Dead Space: Deep Cover" - Cineverse & Bloody Disgusting Announce Scripted Audio Series Based on EA's Video Game!

Bloody Disgusting, will produce the new scripted audio series “Dead Space: Deep Cover”, based on the popular video game Dead Space.

"Dead Space: Deep Cover" - Cineverse & Bloody Disgusting Announce Scripted Audio Series Based on EA's Video Game!

Huge fan of Dead Space, this'll be cool

0 'Cobweb' Official Trailer - Family Secrets Creep Out in "Marianne" Creator's First Horror Movie

Watch the official trailer for Cobweb now, a new horror movie starring Lizzy Caplan and Antony Starr that hits theaters in Summer 2023.

'Cobweb' Official Trailer - Family Secrets Creep Out in "Marianne" Creator's First Horror Movie

This looks so good!

Beehaw defederating from and
  • I simply hate how they act benevolent where the reality is the opposite; that their admins are legitimately overlords akin to a full-time power-abusing reddit moderator.

    What do you mean by this? Do you have examples? Maybe you’re correct and I just haven’t seen it, but every example I’ve seen of them responding to something has been great.

    Regarding your comment that I need to act with more grace, my apologies. You are correct, I should be less aggressive in my opinions and will self-censor henceforth to protect and maintain the humility of the discussions that occur here.

    Don’t sweat it, brother. <3

  • Beehaw defederating from and
  • Absolutely. It’s disappointing that this person read a post made by the Beehaw admins that was written with nuance and grace, and then decided to respond with vitriol. That’s exactly the kind of attitude that is so prolific on Reddit, and I am happy to leave it behind. Thank you for your reasoned reply.

    OP, I encourage you in the future to choose grace.

  • What are YOU self-hosting?
  • Unifi controller is the only 'real' service I actually keep running. I have various VMs running on Proxmox that I mostly use for testing. Even though I have two physical servers with plenty of compute and memory available, backed by a large NAS and all of hanging off a UPS, I just don't feel comfortable in self-hosting things I deem critical.

  • Jacob Steinberg: Arsenal keen on signing Kai Havertz with Chelsea set to demand fee of £70m
  • If Havertz was worth 70m, then Chelsea wouldn't be selling him.

  • David Ornstein: Arsenal have made proposal to sign Havertz. Pursuit ramped up in recent days; contact with CFC & 24yo. Bayern also keen.
  • He's really struggled at Chelsea, hasn't he? Why would we want him? Does anyone rate him?

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • Well, give young people some credit, though. Mostly they're the ones that have been closing their subs and migrating here and working to develop FOSS software like Lemmy. I say this as someone in my late 30s.

  • A Guide to Cormac McCarthy’s Books
  • Yeah, this one has a lot of existential dread about death and the human condition. It's BLEAK. So if you're struggling with depression, strong avoid.

    Get better, friend. I'm sorry you're having a tough time with things. FWIW, I struggle as well with the same thing.

  • Games that have stuck with you?
  • The Last of Us (both parts). Just started a new play through of Part I. It truly is a masterpiece in storytelling

  • A Guide to Cormac McCarthy’s Books
  • Blood Meridian.

    Does opening this in a private window or another browser enable you to read it?

  • A Guide to Cormac McCarthy’s Books
  • Blood Meridian is stunning, but seriously--if you're not in a good mental place, absolutely do not read it. It's...well, 'dark' really doesn't even begin to describe it.

  • The end of Reddit? Why the blackout is still going – and what happens next
  • It still looks pretty bad (in a good way):

    Almost 7,000 subs private, including many of the biggest ones. This is by no means letting up.

  • A Guide to Cormac McCarthy’s Books

    McCarthy applied a stark, merciless vision to his stories of misfits and the apocalypse. Here’s where to start with his work.

    A Guide to Cormac McCarthy’s Books

    If you haven't read Cormac McCarthy, that needs to change. His prose simply has no equal. The man was an actual, honest-to-god, national treasure. He was so formative for me as an author, and I'm just gutted by his death.

    Be warned: if you're going to attempt to read one of his books, you need to make sure that you have the time and space to give it proper attention. His work is heavy, like a slab of lead, and you need to be sure to give yourself extra time to digest things. But it's so, so rewarding.

    Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • Do not care for open world crafting games. Minecraft, Day Z, fuck even the new Zelda looks to have some kind of crafting system. That just feels like endless fucking grinding to me.

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • Total agreement on all points.

    I tried Sekiro, really gave it a solid go for a couple weeks, thought it was insanely difficult but I was getting the hang of it…

    Then the tutorial basically ended. Fuck that game. The difficulty scale looks more like a cliff that turns over your head. No clue how anyone can enjoy that kind of thing. How is it enjoyable or relaxing to die 30, 40 times before beating a boss??

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • games shouldn’t feel like work

    Oh, boy. Let me tell you about Eve Online, aka, Excel Spreadsheet Simulator. You would LOVE that game! lol

  • Whats a game that everybody seems to love that you cant stand for one reason or another?
  • The content and world in MMOs feels superficial. I much prefer a tightly constructed narrative with deep, meaningful character development. The Last Of Us is a great example of this.

  • Cormac McCarthy has died at 89
  • Ugh. Absolutely gutted by this. One of my all time favorite authors. This man’s prose is simply unmatched. An honest to god national treasure. Fuck.

  • On Politics and Forking
  • Absolutely love this philosophy! Keep up the fantastic work.

  • New Lemmy instance for gardening: The Garden, a place where all are welcome to grow their roots
  • My guess is that it takes some time to work its way through the federation. I had to manually add it just now to the Fediverse Observe, and got this message when I did so:

    Data successfully inserted! Your server will be checked and live on the list in a few hours!

    Update: working now, and is listed there:

  • New Lemmy instance for garden: The Garden, a place where all are welcome to grow their roots

    There's a new Lemmy instance for all things gardening! Since the obvious shuttering of /r/gardening, I figured folks interested in gardening would appreciate an instance tailored to that interest. Perhaps communities on there could be created for specific types of gardening (food, flowers, etc.), or location.

    The popular instances like and have also, understandably, been getting hammered in the last couple of days, so any new instance that can share the load for Reddit expats would be good, right?

    (I just posted this over on the environment community and right after I did that, I saw this gardening one, sorry for the spam--still trying to learn and adjust to Lemmy overall and how things work)


    New Lemmy instance for all things gardening

    There's a new Lemmy instance for all things gardening! Since the obvious shuttering of /r/gardening, I figured folks interested in gardening would appreciate an instance tailored to that interest. Perhaps communities on there could be created for specific types of gardening (food, flowers, etc.), or location.

    The popular instances like and have also, understandably, been getting hammered in the last couple of days, so any new instance that can share the load for Reddit expats would be good, right?

    (I looked around and wasn't sure where the best place to post this was, so I hope this is alright here. Not trying to be spammy at all, but community/instance discovery isn't exactly Lemmy's strong suit at the moment. I'm not the admin of the instance, but I am subscribed and would love to see this instance...grow, heh)


    Following communities on Masto?

    Looks like you should be able to copy/paste the URL of the community in your Masto search bar, such as, but this seems to only work with the Beehaw technology community ( A nondescript 500 server error is returned when I try any others. Is this expected? Is there some kind of toggle for each community that allows/disallows following from other Federated instances?
