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Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized
  • That's true. The only thing leftists hate as much as conservatives and liberals is other leftists.

    (insert Groundskeeper Willie meme)

  • Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?
  • I agree completely. We really need to make onboarding to the fediverse as painless as possible. If there's a barrier to entry the general audience will gravitate towards tech savvy folks. That's cool and all but what made Twitter and Reddit so good was the diversity of voices.

    There were tech folks but also senior citizens, people who don't usually use social networks and those with marginalized voices. Both platforms started with mostly tech folks, Twitter didn't really blow up until the color revolutions, reddit really came into its own after the digg exodus.

    The fediverse is making big gains because of both platforms thoroughly shitting the bed but we're not the only game in town. Threads has an extremely low barrier to entry but it's an entry into a Max Headroom style blipvert hellscape. Making our barrier to entry as low as possible could really help us "rescue" those users.

  • Admin of an anarchist Mastodon server raided by FBI, insecure user data gets seized
  • Those pesky anarchists out here feeding the hungry and building dual power through community! If people can depend on each other for safety, security and human dignity how will the state continue to maintain its control!

    Also, they use violence as a means of protest, only the police can use violence! No fair!

  • Fortress Friday!
  • I'm a compulsive fort starter. I usually retire them after 4 or 5 years. my latest fort, like all my others, would be well thought out and separated. Each pair of floors would be for an industry and it's associated stockpiles. It would be beautiful and symmetrical!

    Then it turned into my regular style fort, sprawling but with healthy cloth and food industries. My dwarves just want to make sure no one in their world is cold and hungry. We're subterranean grandmas that worry you're getting so skinny! Have these roasts and put on a coat, dear.

  • Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?
  • I feel like those were somewhat easy to find (but not explicitly stated).

    • for Lemmy
    • for Kbin
    • for Mastodon

    Once people are in there then we start talking up moving to and instance that fits their style. Kind of like picking a fighter character then picking a specialization at level 2. That's still a hard sell on Lemmy and Kbin where we don't have the account export/import/redirect tools that Mastodon has. I could see them coming pretty soon though.

  • Reddit demands moderators remove NSFW labels, or else
  • There's always some people walking around dead malls, even if the mall died years ago. Reddit will be around for at least 5-10 more years but it's overall influence will start to decline. It will be slowly at first but I'd bet three years from now reddit will just be seen as a forum site for scammers, bots, incels and alt-right lunatics (more than it is now).

  • Can Twitter Alternatives Escape the Enshittification Trap?
  • Bluesky and Threads are perfect examples of "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." I've got no sympathy for folks who will be blindsided when those platforms start squeezing them almost immediately.

  • DoorDash, UberEats, and Grubhub sue New York City over a new $18 an hour minimum wage for delivery drivers
  • Tech bros big mad when they can't continue to exploit a workforce and have to play by the rules. "How can we disrupt if we can't cheat and steal from our workers and customers?"

    Those shit acre silicon carpetbaggers can get infini-fucked.

  • What are the most funny and positive movies or series?
  • The Good Place is overall pretty positive. Same with Parks and Recreation as well as Abbot Elementary.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Their small squad tactics are unbelievable! Kids these days will just lay down suppression fire and flank you, no respect!

  • The beauty of the Fediverse
  • Holy shit, as someone on kbin, direct hit!

  • What's your solution to end all wars?
  • I bet I could convince you that there are no winners in global thermonuclear war with just 1000 games of tic tac toe.

  • A very short survey on attitudes towards biological immortality
  • The idea of biological immortality terrifies me. Like other commenters have said, the risk of power being further entrenched in the rich is basically an inevitability. Biological immortality under capitalism is pretty much a guarantee of immortal god-oligarchs that will control a bigger portion of resources and power than they do now.

    Also it removes death as an unbeatable end. What if there were still robber barons from the early 1900s alive today? We'd be worse off politically than we already are. Death is an integral part in the march of progress.

    From a personal standpoint, I'm not super jazzed about living past my 80s even if I didn't age and was in perfect health. If biological immortality comes to be I'll still punch out around 90 at the latest and update my will to prevent my consciousness from being uploaded to San Junipero.

    The sweet abyss of oblivion worked for me from the beginning of the universe until my birthday, it'll work fine again when I get back to it.

  • Space Opera?
  • Anyone who hasn't read The Murderbot Diaries should read The Murderbot Diaries right now!

  • Space Opera?
  • Children of Ruin feels like it's just going to be a rehash at the beginning. Stick with it, though. It takes a drastic departure into horror and asks some really interesting questions.

  • YSK: No Labels is a political party trying to run a spoiler candidate for President in 2024 that should not be taken seriously.
  • Sorry, I was making a joke. I replied above about leftists being like vegans. Joke missed, my bad.

  • YSK: No Labels is a political party trying to run a spoiler candidate for President in 2024 that should not be taken seriously.
  • No, leftists are like vegans. Call a vegan a vegetarian, "I'm not a vegetarian, I'm a vegan!"

    Call a leftist a democrat, "I'm not a democrat, I'm a leftist!"

    (btw, I'm a leftist. Not a vegan though)

  • YSK: No Labels is a political party trying to run a spoiler candidate for President in 2024 that should not be taken seriously.
  • If someone refuses to admit their political affiliation in the US you can basically guarantee they're right wing.

  • US supreme court rules against affirmative action in Harvard and UNC cases
  • You would rob yourself of the glory of living as interstellar bread? Being baked to a golden brown by cosmic radiation while aimlessly shooting across the void infinite?

    Join me, our bodies no longer bounded by our form. We expand, yeast eating sugar, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. We intermingle, no longer you, no longer me. Just intimately bread, endlessly bread.