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Scary_le_Poo Scary le Poo
Posts 2
Comments 19
Screw rule
  • Torx is the only head that needs to exist. The rest can go fuck a rusty chainsaw.

  • Minneapolis police federal probe reveals that police have been doing exactly what minorities accuse them of doing

    First Impression: Amazing
  • Wat the heck... I replied to a comment on another thread and it appeared here? Oof I'll delete my op

  • First Impression: Amazing
  • Novalauncher always and forever

  • The best open-source games you know
  • Spring is dead. The fork Recoil is going strong and fast. :-)

  • What are peoples thoughts on games requiring always online? How does it affect your enjoyment of those games?
  • So I have a very specific dog in this fight. I am currently working on an RTS game for the recoil engine. One of my big requirements is the ability for direct hosting without the need of a central server. My biggest argument for this is the fact that if the server ever goes down or I get hit by a truck or anything like that, people can still directly host games.

    Also I don't think lan parties should require a trip to a third party server just in order to have games with each other. I feel sometimes like I'm the only person who remembers back in the old days when we had giant lan parties and in a lot of cases there wasn't even really much in the way of internet access to them.

    In my personal opinion, I feel like games as a service have done end users a disservice. There are so many games that I would love to go back and play but I can't because the servers don't exist or the developers made it so difficult to host your own servers that you need to jump through a million modding hoops just to make it so that you can actually play a game online with others.

    What is really bad though is single player games that require an online connection. Witafits?

  • If we all cycled like the Dutch, CO2 emissions would drop by 690 million tonnes
  • When are these idiots (journalists/editors) going to learn that messaging matters? 690 million tonnes? Yeah, sounds like a lot. No context for that number in the headline which is all most people read.

    Perhaps instead of listingn only statistics and pretending that laypeople care, help people see what that would mean for them personally. Get them invested in the idea. Help plant the seeds and allow them to come to the conclusion that things should change. It's like someone saying the government spent a billion dollars on something. Sure, that's a lot of money, but the vast majority of people have no real concept of what a billion of something even is.

    It's a damn shame that the us isn't more bike friendly. I would kill to have a public transit system that didn't suck, but unfortunately,l unless there is a massive change, I don't see car usage going anywhere.

  • "which" vs "this"
  • I could be wrong here, but I think the issue lies in starting a sentence with which. Whereas which would be used in the middle of a sentence. For starting a sentence, this should be used.

    Disclaimer: I am not a writer. I just pretend that I know Grammar rules fairly decently.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • Fuck that bad luck Brian looking ass bitch.

    That said, the more stupid shit he does, the more people find out about lemmy. Lessssgooooooo

  • The best open-source games you know
  • ZeroK uses the same engine as BAR, my game, and quite a few others. 😋 And yes, definitely should check out ZK, it's a mature project with a nice community and awesome devs.

    Recoil is pretty much the only foss engine purpose built for modern rts games of all types.

  • The best open-source games you know
  • If you like RTS games similar to Total Annihilation, you should definitely check out Beyond All Reason, it's gorgeous and fun:

  • Stop Doing Discord
  • Honestly if anything wants to unseat discord they have a looooong ways to go. Discord is, imo, the most important communication tool since web forums became a thing.

    I think a lot of people only have a couple of servers joined and don't really interact with them.

    For developers it's worth is incalculable. There is a reason I happily pay for nitro.

    Not all services are bad. If they had sold to MS or whatever company was courting them a while back then I would have had an issue, but literally all they have to do is just keep being good.

  • Here’s How Many Years in Prison Trump Would Be Facing if He Were Treated Like Any Other Defendant
  • I didn't even read the article because the headline sucks and I'm suspecting it's one of these where it adds up the years for each charge. However, sentences for these things are usually served concurrently as opposed to consecutively.

    But the real answer is that if it's anything over 10 years it's basically a life sentence for him, which is just fine with me.

    On a side note, what a self own. All he had to do was give the documents back when asked and not lie to his own lawyers. But I guess asking him not to lie is a pretty tall order.

  • Stop Doing Discord
  • Roger wilco? 🤣 I remember seeing an advertisement for Roger wilco in a program installer and was so jazzed about the idea of talking with my friends over voice while playing games lol

  • Reddit down amid major protest
  • This is correct, it was the jailbait sub. Take one look at a picture of spez. With this new information are you surprised at all? I rest my case.

  • ‘Bed rotting’ Gen Z is destroying their future: ‘Never be at home’
  • It's worth remembering that the New York Post is essentially a right wing tabloid. Same with Washington Examiner.

  • Angry rant about the search button and it being so inconspicuous
  • Yep. I understand that it is a pretty common UI thing to put it there, but honestly on dark mode (dunno about light), it just blends in as background noise.

    The larger issue is the fact that when you go to communities> search and choose url, it doesn't work the same as global search. These search functions do not visibly differentiate themselves from one another (afaict).

    Also fun fact, if you first search via communities > search, it removes the magnifying glass in the top right:

  • What's everyone's thoughts on split or tented keyboards?
  • I was the IT Director for a company that had a lot of data entry people. I had noticed that the keyboards that they were using were mostly plane jane, mismatched, membrane keyboards. After a bit of back and forth with purchasing I convinced the company to purchase a ton of mechanical (cherry reds), split ergonomic keyboards.

    Within a month RSI reports were down by 95% and after 2 months were essentially nonexistent. I also noticed that people had stopped wearing wrist braces as well. I paired this with good, well shaped mice that would hopefully lead to less fatigue with repetitive motion.

    My sample size is tiny, but there are 30 some odd people who if asked, would back me up on this. So while not thoroughly scientifically proven, I am willing to say that ergonomic keyboards do make a big difference. I think mechanical makes a pretty big difference too. Cherry reds activate with very little pressure and, imo, make typing long documents or notes much less annoying/stressful/painful/

  • Angry rant about the search button and it being so inconspicuous

    I understand that you guys probably can't do anything about the interface in lemmy, but, like nearly everyone else, I was searching via the "communities" area because it's the only place with an obvious search button.

    People were talking in another thread about searching via url, but nothing ever came up, until I found a comment at the very bottom mentioning the search button in the top right.

    This is bad ui and very confusing. I want to like lemmy so badly, and I love the idea behind the fediverse, but the setup could not be more confusing it if intentionally tried to be. If there were a search BOX in the top right, then that would be much more visible and eyecatching, but I (and I have to assume many others) had no idea that there were multiple search types.

    And you know the even worse thing? In the communities tab there is a "URL" search option, and when I put a valid url in that box and searched for it, nothing came up. !

    I'm pissy because I'm frustrated and imo this is a lemmy self-own. I have been just going with the flow and trying to figure out how it works as I go, but you have to understand, the fediverse only sounds good in theory. For MOST people, in practice what it sounds like is that they're cut off from the rest of lemmy based upon what instance they join. There is a reason that so many people are joining They want access to all the content posted, not JUST the little (or big) instance that they happened to sign up for. Assurances that you can easily access the rest of the fediverse are garbage without a lot of explanation because when people actually try via what seems to be the most obvious way, it doesn't work the way it seems it should. I still don't know how to see what is effectively the front page of posts intertwined with the beehaw ones and my beehaw front page.

    I pretty much get it now, but this needs to be explained in a way that is easy to follow and doesn't assume that someone is using an app or desktop respectively. Speaking of that, lemmur looks nifty, but no matter how much entering of and cursing will resolve "instance not found".

    Sorry for the rant, but I'm quite frustrated and pissy about how difficult it has been to do some of the most seemingly simple things.

    Edit: Airing this grievance made me feel a lot better lol
