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SafCack SadCack
Posts 4
Comments 32
  • You can be a woman who is also a male.

  • God bless the imperial system and bald eagles 🦅🦅🦅🦅 (oil too)
  • I love propaganda I love propaganda I love propaganda I love propaganda

  • Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs
  • Thank you! I will definitely read up on the listed studies once the holidays are over.

    I glanced at a few of the most recent studies, and something's that stood out to me were that they delt with single locations. Usually large hospitals in or around urban areas. The studies focusing on a single geographical location without looking into confounding factors, since some of the studies aren't about breed in the first place, limit the usefulness of their data on attacking dog breeds.

    It does point towards a trend, I am not disputing that. Maybe this is just one or two of the studies that I looked at. Anyways, have safe and pleasant holidays!

  • Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs
  • I would love some sources on their temperament compared to other dogs.

  • Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs
  • One issue is that the data cited often is collected from news stories with the breed of the dog being guessed at more often than not. This leads to two significant problems. One is that any dog attack that's reported on will probably be severe. Other dog bites that are serious but non-sensational will not be counted. Two is that the dogs breed is haphazardly guessed at by either reporters or involve parties. Simply looking at a dog, especially a mix, it can be difficult to ascertain the breed and so one might just call them a Pitbull as a guess. Although I can't find data I would assume that pit bulls are used more often than other breeds for dog fighting, but I am ready to look at statistics and sources rather than simply confirm my own biases.

  • Animal shelters overflow as Americans dump 'pandemic puppies' in droves. They're too broke to keep their dogs
  • I encourage everyone to watch this video about "The Pitbull Problem".

    It's not about how cute and cuddly they are. It's not news stories of them attacking kids. It's a look at the cultural narratives surrounding them and the actual data about Pitbull attacks.

  • In honor of JoCat announcing a hiatus today [Rule]
  • The video is cringe as fuck, but I can just ignore it? If there's something I don't like I don't have to interact with it. Are people harassing him because of this video in particular or is it something else?

  • Had this conversation with someone who chose to no longer be at my table after meeting a blind NPC
  • I think that disabilities would still exist, but they would be limited to the poor and lower classes who couldn't afford the magic treatments. It really depends on how commonplace magic is and varies by the setting.

  • Had this conversation with someone who chose to no longer be at my table after meeting a blind NPC
  • A big part of this is that the existing technology ISN'T a magic fix. It has side effects, it works differently than traditional hearing does and this requires long periods of adjustment and learning to bear with it. Literally being able to magic your hearing back to what it naturally should be doesn't have those significant downsides.

  • Had this conversation with someone who chose to no longer be at my table after meeting a blind NPC
  • I would guess that the vast amount of people with serious disabilities, paraplegic, blind, deaf, would jump at the opportunity to correct their issues.

    That would go doubley so for someone who lives in a d&d style world with far greater dangers and less accomodations than our own.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Reminder to use a fucking holster when appendix carrying. Or carrying at all, really.

  • Sisyphus
  • One must imagine Sisyphus happy.

  • But War Crime
  • This take is pretty dumb. If someone is taking hostages, and killing some hostages guarantees that the purpertrator can't take future hostages, it's a shorty but understandable tradeoff. In the context of of the Israel/Gaza conflict it is infinity more complex. Please read about the history of the region and the nature of the conflict.

  • Land (r)u(le)se
  • I can't wait for lab grown meat.

  • Israeli teen ran 'operations room' as Hamas came to kill her family
  • While I agree that Palestinian civilians are suffering on a much larger scale, the crimes of Hamas and the suffering of innocent Israelis should not be discounted.

  • Rule
  • Please no kink shit.

  • Anti-Semites cannot be granted German citizenship under new law - minister
  • Israel is a apartheid ethnostate, so it's a model country for white nationalist.

  • You're in the wrong neighborhood, Rule
  • He just wanted a light.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This is a horrible idea.

  • 196 Image From Long Ago





    Pitbulls SadCack

    Kona Looking Prim and Proper




