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Fahrenheit vs. Celsius vs. Kelvin
  • Especially true if you include time as well:

    Year > Month > Day > Hour > Minute


    Day < Month < Year > Hour > Minute

  • New cars are great...
  • Yeah, my 2017 KIA has a touch screen for controlling navigation, radio, android auto etc. but climate control is controlled with buttons and dials like you described. It's modern enough to the point it feels safer than an older vehicle might, but I don't think I want a vehicle more modern than this.

  • Making a button to do this is apparently far too difficult
  • It's not that it's too difficult, but having it this way is more inconvenient to the customer leaving them less inclined to make the call. Scummy behaviour all around.

  • New cars are great...
  • I don't mind having a UI for things like navigation or android auto. What gets me is why do things like climate control need to be buried in a UI? If my windscreen starts to steam up mid-jourmey, the last thing I need is to take my attention off the road to change the climate settings in the UI where dials and buttons will do the job much faster without needing to take my attention off the road.

  • My newest Kurumi figure

    Added this to my collection today, love the design :D

    Windows Updated and is Pushing More Stuff
  • Honestly I find constantly having to keep on top of disabling questionable windows features and bloat (knowing I've definitely missed something) more difficult and exhausting than just using linux. Linux feels way more "easy and simple" to me than windows ever has been.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • Where were these screenshots posted?

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • I'd understand more if these communities were outright file sharing. I understand why that's a liability. But discussion of the topic should be permitted, which said communities are exactly that. [email protected] explicitally forbids file sharing in their rules.

    Let's be real though, the admins handling of this wasn't great. A more public discussion could have prevented backlash or allow these communities to address LW admin's concerns.

  • Removal of piracy communities
  • This goes against the principles of the fediverse, I'd expect content censorship from the likes of reddit and twitter. This feels like a knee-jerk reaction to a problem that doesn't exist on communities from completely different instances (and judging by the backlash this decision came out of nowhere without consultng the community). I seriously urge you to reconsider this decision.

  • First time player 250+ hrs in and on level 44.
  • Souls veteran here, we all had to start somewhere. While I found it a bit easier to pick up Elden Ring with my experience from previous games, it's worth noting it took me around 30 hours for everything to "click" when I first played DS1.

    In my experience, the souls games have always rewarded exploration, and Elden Ring is no exception. If anything, it encourages it more than any of the previous games. Look around for new weapons and upgrade meterials to give yourself an edge.

    When it comes to bosses or tough sections, there is no shame in summoning. Whether it's other players or NPCs, feel free to use all the help you need and engage in jolly cooperation.

    Keep at it tarnished! As we said in DS1, don't you dare go hollow.

  • How a road changed over thousands of years
  • Yeah I used to live in the area and the 303 has a local reputation for being absurdly busy at the roundabout near stonehenge, especially during the summer solstice.

  • The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media
  • Pretty much the same as the US (and I imagine other English-speaking countries) with similar age distribution (i.e. facebook mums, tiktok kids) and of course toxic cesspit behaviour on twiitter.

  • The BBC on Mastodon: experimenting with distributed and decentralised social media
  • Even though I take issue with the BBC, I hope they choose to stay on mastadon in the long term. A large organisation like the BBC on a federated platform is sure to spread word and hopefully convince more people to join the fediverse and see it a a feasible alternative to the current big tech landscape.

  • Today i installed arch linux for the first time
  • Marques Brownlee on YT

  • [OC] Thoughts on my Kurumi Elden Ring character?
  • Sadly no, I'd love to see her in Skyrim if you still have the character

  • A dark shade of wedding gown.
  • She really suits the black wedding dress

  • Netflix axes its $10 ‘Basic’ plan in the US and UK
  • Gabe Newall said himself that piracy is never a price problem, but a service problem.

  • Tried to Draw Kurumi Myself [OC], Progress images in post
  • Nice! I like the detail on her dress, good job!

  • RogueSensei RogueSensei

    I drink tea and I code things.

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