Just wait it out for a few more years and things will settle down. This isn't anything new... the US has gone through a very similar period of political upheaval and realigning of parties every two or three generations since it was founded. This one isn't even the worst we've had.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't realize you all are part of the problem.
No. Wanted kids, but it didn't happen with either wife (sequential, not simultaneous). Current wife can't any more for medical reasons. And frankly I don't want to have a teenager while I'm in my 60s, so I think I'm done anyway.
I would like to have kids, but I do have nieces I can take whenever I want and give back whenever I'm done. Kind of the best of both worlds.
5 minutes if participating, 15 minutes if hosting (unless in another meeting).
Permanently Deleted
Food distribution breakdown. I have 30 days of non-perishable food stored in the basement.
Also 4000 rounds of .223 and 3000 rounds of 7.62x39 in sealed ammo cans in the basement in case that isn't enough food.
porno magazines
large box of condoms
a bottle of Old Harper
panty shields
illegal fireworks
disposable enema
The US invaded Afghanistan rather than negotiate with its ruling power to hand over Bin Laden
To be fair, the US did try to negotiate with Afghanistan to extradite Bin Laden and the Taliban refused.