I initially had a hard time getting accepted anywhere - couldn’t find any instances with open registration and the first few places I applied just never responded. I ended up applying to like a half dozen in one go and two of them responded so now I have two accounts. Lol
Places in video games is one option for me especially in cluster setups. EG cluster Tamriel has nodes Morrowind, Skyrim, Oblivion, etc.
I’ve seen this statement like a dozen times over the last 15 years but never before has an alternative been quite as robust as Lemmy been available. Might actually see it happen this time
I haven’t played that one since 2005! How’s it run on the Ally?
Sounds like you mostly play natively on the Ally? Also, what did you pick Mint for as opposed to one of the other distros?
How do you play on your Ally?
- Natively on default Windows?
- Natively on another OS like Bazzite?
- Streaming via Sunshine/Apollo/etc?
And as a follow up, why do you play that way?
I mostly stream to my Ally from my desktop via Sunshine - it can run almost anything at high settings on 1080p, and the Ally can be left on low power mode so the battery lasts forever.
I've left Windows installed on the Ally for maximum compatibility, but I'm playing around with the idea of a Linux distro because if I keep the desktop on Windows I can still play games that don't like Linux.
Curious what the rest of you all do and why!
What are you playing on your Ally lately?
I'm currently working through Avowed. It seems solid so far - I'm not far enough along to really have a fully formed opinion, but romping around fighting stuff with Garrus again has been a blast if nothing else.
Got somebody's old system - anything I should know?
We're still making trips to pick up all the pieces but I think we'll have at least 4 IBC chop and flip style grow beds and 4 whole IBCs
We have 40 Sacramento Perch - roughly fingerling size with a couple slightly bigger ones the supplier gave us because the fingerlings weren't feed-trained but the bigger ones were.
We'd like to acquire giant river prawn for a (separate) tank as well.
How would you assemble these into a working system with these parameters? Curious to see the different designs!