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Riven Riven
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Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • I used the Boo app to find my now fiancee. You can talk with people and it has a quasi social media aspect to it that you can also use to chat with more people, I live in a major city and managed to talk to a handful of people on the time I was there, some of those were started by them too. The chatting wasn't limited iirc it's a friends/dating app.

    Granted I was rated 8/10 on the rate me subreddit so take that as you will.

  • Top Value Stamps - Trading stamps - 1950
  • That's what it was always about. It's deffered cash. They get your money and you may or may not claim it in the future and you might even spend extra just to make sure the card has a 0 balance.

  • Top Value Stamps - Trading stamps - 1950
  • Funnily enough there's gift cards you can use at multiple different shops now a days. Even if isn't explicitly said, I remember using subway gift cards at league of legends. They used the same company for them so it was interchangeable.

  • Work from home
  • Yea from the US. I phrased it that way because I can actually bank vacation days and use them next year, up until a certain cap at least. Actually used it to take a long vacation in japan last year.

  • Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and more
  • That's fair, etsy also sells a lot of adult toys that aren't meant to go inside. They have plenty of bdsm gear made by small creators, I've bought a couple from specific people who I follow and they've been great.

  • Make it stop.
  • Damn I bet she hit you with that hawk ptui fr fr.

  • Work from home
  • Maybe in their country? Weird one.

  • Work from home
  • Just look at it as wear and tear. Doesn't matter how miniscule it may be it's still eating up your storage and battery life in addition to battery charge. Sure you could charge at work too for battery charge but as miniscule as it is it's still killing your battery life.

    Also, don't give corporations any leeway because they WILL take advantage of the employee given the chance. For every single rule and regulation that helps the employee someone had to spill blood to achieve it.

  • Work from home
  • I'm with you brother. I actually enjoy my job and my bosses are decent, they never micromanage or get in my way. Ill still take 'sick' mental health days off every 2 months or so just so they're reminded how much of a pain in the ass it is without me here. I also take all my vacation time but it's usually in one go for extended vacations. Gotta make sure they're reminded every couple months though.

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Honestly if you did those touch ups and said it was real I would still believe it, reminds me of that subreddit where they post weird Stockphotos. Like the lady soldering but she's holding the hot bit of the solder iron, or the hackerman with the faux mask. Serious stock photos can be hilarious sometimes.

  • Yep
  • Yea but they gotta both sides somehow.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Yea, at the end of the day my only solace is that I'm not having kids and neither are my siblings so I don't have to worry about the planet being fucked for them. Don't get me wrong i'll still do everything I can for our youth and I'm a punk at heart but I won't lose too much sleep over it.

  • Holy voting choices!
  • Especially cause it's a myth that regular people have all the power when it comes to climate change. Most of the issues come directly from factories that could be doing better to minimize toxic waste and pollution but instead they spend billions lobbying to make it okay.

  • Happily ever after.
  • Implant technology has come so far that you wouldn't recognize actual normal sized implants in people. It's only the huge huge ones that stretch the skin to the limiit that you could point out. Even the material they use now feels very similar to actual breasts and have a similar shape than what they did a decade ago.

    I've met a couple people who have modern ones and it's crazy how good they are now a days.

  • a cool guide for police encounters
  • That's why I have cameras around my house. All backup to the cloud of course.

  • NO-SHA rule
  • Yea that's I've seen a few with the classic low quality of cctv and it's gnarly. Saw someone get splated under the rear of a forklift. She was being counter weight cause they were lifting too heavy of a load and the other person that was also a counter weight got off causing the forklift to start slanting, she tried holding on, got lifted and then fell and slid under the forklift as it came back down after dropping the load. Not pretty.

  • Microsoft has gone too far: including a Game Pass ad in the Settings app ushers in a whole new age of ridiculous over-advertising
  • The only thing stopping me is stupid vanguard for league. I'm close to just getting a clean league only mini pc and having my main one be Linux. I'll have to check out bazzite. I play the usual minecraft, terraria, ff14, indie games mostly so hopefully they run fine. I don't think I've played a AAA game in like 7 years.

  • What's up with all the "___punk" stuff?
  • Love you too, hope you have a lovely day.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • Someone mentioned it down the thread but I say non committal stuff like 'I'll have to sit on it' 'it be that way sometimes' 'that's interesting' 'I don't know much about that' 'not sure to be honest' 'oh yea?' 'I hear ya' 'if it makes them happy' 'that's how some people like it' 'I haven't looked into it' 'I haven't considered it' 'that's what I hear'

    It all depends on context but I use these replies to let them know I hear them without picking a side if that makes sense. It's best to act like you aren't sure or don't know when they ask about stuff.

    Here's an example from yesterday from the trump Biden debate.

    They asked me if I was gonna watch and I just said I don't know maybe, I was gonna leave it at that but they kept trying to sports team for Trump and pushing me to answer what I thought about them sitting so close. I took that chance to say I don't really talk about politics at work, all the while typing away and working. That seemed to work and they took the hint and stopped.

    It helps if you always act like you don't know/aren't sure about things.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • I did the same, I'm polite, helpful and pleasant to be around. I also keep everyone at arms length and am very careful with how I phrase stuff, people in the office love me and understand I won't be sharing personal stuff and I'm not interested in their personal stuff. If they wanna talk weather, TV shows or games I'm fine with that.

    I was always polite and vague with how I declined their questions early on and eventually they got the hints.

  • Final Fantasy 14 Macros

    Hey peeps, let me preempt this by saying IM DISABLED.

    OK let me explain, I enjoy playing ff14 but unfortunately I have arthritis and carpal tunnel which makes it painful to stretch my hands too much to press all the buttons necessary. When I played wow I was able to get by with the use of their extensive macro communities and add-ons.

    Unfortunately the same communities and add-ons don't really exist and the community seems to be by in large unintentionally ableist, at least by my research. All I see is variations of 'don't use macros because you'll lose .5 seconds and suck!'.

    I don't play hardcore endgame content not do I have any intention to play it with random. I mostly play with friends and they don't care if I use macros or not, they understand my situation and just want me to have fun.

    But here I am asking for help with macro creation and possibly class choice. I'm currently playing a summoner as they don't seem to be very hard and I can macro a couple of things together to ease my pain.

    What tank and healer class would be the easiest to play for someone like me and possibly what macros could they use to give me a hand?

    For summoners, is there a way to macro the summons with gemshine? Plus add a modifier in there for aoe. That way I can trim down 5 buttons to 3. I know it was possible in wow but as I understand it ff14 has a limited macro system on purpose.

    I hope some of you understand my situation and spare me the criticism. Most of the ff community has been lovely and understanding, I just get the rabid folk when I mention combat macros.
