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RegEx RegEx

Programmer, metal head, family dude, explorer.

Posts 9
Comments 5
Noise Trail Immersion - Symbology Of Shelter
  • If anyone has more DSO-adjacent stuff that isn't as... Charged as Aspa-related projects are, please let me know! I know Plebeian Grandstand, but that's about the extent of it.

  • Dark Funeral - Temple of Ahriman

    Some more straight forward BM, that's been a bit lacking here!


    Warning - Watching from a Distance

    I also highly recommend the related project 40 Watt Sun.


    sadness - i want to be there

    FFO: shoegaze, drone-adjacent.

    One of my favorite records from the last few years. Highly recommend listening to the whole album. It's definitely on the fringes of BM and some might disagree with it being BM, but it's just a really good song.

    Noise Trail Immersion - Symbology Of Shelter
  • Whoa, that's a really accurate description! Odium manages to post some fairly intense stuff.

  • Winter Lantern (US) - Festering Vampirism (Demo) 2021

    For fans of rawer stuff. An excellent demo consisting of a really cold, evil, and raw form of BM.


    Hoth - The Unholy Conception

    FFO: Melodic black metal, decent production, Star Wars


    Candlemass - Solitude

    In honor of the community icon - an icon of doom metal

    How do you find new music?
  • Yes, very elitist. But then again they have basically everything on there so in the list of similar artists you can find something tiny you simply won't find any other way.

  • Yellow Eyes - Old Alpine Pang

    First post
  • Ja tottakai saa postata suomeksikin!

  • Welcome! Tervetuloa!
  • Moro kaikille / Hi everyone!

    I just created Lemmy's first (as far as I can tell) Black metal community. If you want to join please head over to [email protected] and post something! Let's get the ball rolling on here as well!

    @[email protected] laitathan viestii jos voi auttaa. Tiedän, ettet pyytänyt lahjoituksia mutta tää sun yhteisö kasvaa nopeasti. Kaikenlaisesta tuesta voidaan keskustella.

  • Mizmor - Prefect

    Let's get started with one of my favourites from last year. Mizmor is a strange band with lots of influences from different genres. This one is the most BM-like song from their collaboration with Thou, another fantastic and versatile act.

    While the rest of the album explores more of the drone-end of the spectrum, this remains one of my most listened songs from Myopia.


    First post

    I couldn't find a black metal community in the fediverse so... I started one! And even if there are others or others pop up, it's nice to have local varieties.

    Sopuli seems like a nice home for such a community as the Finnish black metal scene is very active and has a long history. This community welcomes fans of all genres as long as we treat each other with respect and honesty. Black metal is a genre that originated with underdogs and outcasts. However, that does not mean that there is no main stream appeal or that "popular" bands are any less valid.

    Everyone is welcome, hate will not be tolerated.
