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Tried something different.
  • Wow. Gorgeous!!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm a cynical ass, but I'm guessing…right where we imagine it would go. :/

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Hahaha you got me. I was mad for a sec. :)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I had read that it's past the time when we can save the Great Barrier Reef, at least according to the advisory committee.

  • The transphobia stops now
  • Awesome. Thank you!

  • How to begin your fisting journey
  • This is, word for word, what I was going to post. Hi comment twin!

  • Phoenix Breaks Heat Record Set in 1974

    As much of the South bakes, Phoenix blazed past a milestone set half a century ago for consecutive days with 110-degree or higher temperatures.


    "We are damned fools": scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come ‘We are damned fools’: scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come

    James Hansen, who testified to Congress on global heating in 1988, says world is approaching a ‘new climate frontier’

    ‘We are damned fools’: scientist who sounded climate alarm in 80s warns of worse to come

    "Damned" being the operative word.


    It's this kind of stuff that makes me lose hope. How to manage your holiday in a heatwave

    Europe and the US are sweltering in 40C heat - what should you do if you're visiting this summer?

    How to manage your holiday in a heatwave

    We're having heatwaves all around the world. What does the BBC, one of the most respected news organizations, do? Well of course they posted an article about what to do if your vacation is interrupted by heatwaves!

    0 EU to drop ban of hazardous chemicals after industry pressure

    Exclusive: Leaked documents show that as little as 1% of products containing hazardous substances could be prohibited

    EU to drop ban of hazardous chemicals after industry pressure

    In Texas, Dead Fish and Red-Faced Desperation Are Signs of Things to Come Opinion | In Texas, Dead Fish and Red-Faced Desperation Are Signs of Things to Come

    Extreme heat is the engine of planetary chaos. We ignore it at our peril.

    Opinion | In Texas, Dead Fish and Red-Faced Desperation Are Signs of Things to Come
    Earn $20K EVERY MONTH by being your own boss
  • I was all set to report. Ooooo, I was gonna do it. But then I was surprised and delighted and now I love you.

  • When you're reminded how f*ed up people can be
  • Wait, but…SuicideGirls is just a site full of naked women with tattoos and piercings. It doesn't have anything to do with actual suicide.

  • Fitness Rule

    So it begins [Rule]
  • I'm an Apollo user, but still. It's a sad night. Why am I so sad?

    Maybe it's because I'm so lonely, and Reddit provided a bright little spark to fill the darkness. And it did that for like 16 years for me. And now it's gone.


  • Dog.
  • This is great. I like this. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

  • What animal or insect going extinct would have the greatest impact on the ecosystem?
  • I'm not a biologist, but I feel like krill would be a strong contender, considering what percentage of ocean creatures rely on them for food.

  • Weekly Observations 26th June - 2nd July: What signs of collapse do you see in your region?
  • You're a peach. Thank you for responding, and for the resource. <3

  • Weekly Observations 26th June - 2nd July: What signs of collapse do you see in your region?
  • Location: Colorado Front Range

    I am so exhausted over climate grief.

    Yesterday I went on a gorgeous hike, and I saw tons of insects. Baby frogs, dozens of them! Orioles and pelicans. It was lovely. But even when I'm surrounded by nature, I can't help but think, "How many more generations of pelicans will there be? What about frogs? This is the first oriole I've seen in a couple of years; is it my last one?"

    It's like we're living in a nightmare.

  • Jennifer Lawrence
  • Okay, okay…I know I'm being the party-pooper here, but I'm reversing the genders in my head, and that's…not okay.

    Can you imagine if a man said, "oh yeah? You felt safe when I whipped my dick out in front of you"?

  • The Deep End of the YouTube Pool RealAccountNameHere

    When fruit being called "Cock of the Walk" is the least weird thing about it…

    Weekly Observations 19th June - 25th June: What signs of collapse do you see in your region?
  • We had a huge fire eighteen months ago that ripped through my suburban town and took 1,000 homes. One of the causes? A super-wet spring followed by a dry summer.

    Give you two guesses as to what kind of spring we're having. Everything scares me.

  • Instant Pot maker seeks bankruptcy protection - NPR
  • What?! Blasphemy!

    I use mine to make bean soups and chilis and stews, and stuff comes out fantastic.

  • Weekly observations?

    One of my favorite posts in the /r/collapse sub is the "weekly observations" thing, where users get to post what signs of collapse they see from their area. I find it fascinating. Any chance we could do that here?
