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RayeRei Raye

20 she her trans anarchist. IATSE

Posts 3
Comments 16
  • They were pretty good early on. But like

    Yknow when the civilians they were shooting didn't have guns. As soon as Mozambique let soviet guns in that changed pretty fast. Its a pretty bad sign when your so desperate for recruits your advertising on manly man magazines in other countries. Not really getting the cream of the crop

  • sausage blocks rule
  • Me with any type of reactor boost.

    Imo you start to get a marble blast problem where the fundemental mechanics are what make the game fun. Adding mechanics that take away from driving on a track make me have less fun

  • mfs keep saying they're going to leave reddit. bullshit. where else do you find shit like this?
  • Touching grass in the great outdoors. I went on a 2 hour walk to the model shop the other day and walked next to a guy who said he got fired from dupont for sexual harassment. "So now instead of sexually harassing women i just sexyally harass men instead see?" And then he chucked a metal water bottle at a guy walking infront of us.

    I did not stop to explain that what he was doing was just regular harassment

  • rule
  • Surely the danubian federation would have curtailed ethnic desires for autonomy. I mean federations worked so well in the balkans after all.

  • Introduction
  • Thats so cool! You look great by the way. Im transfem but i haven't done any social or otherwise transitioning because my current employment is in film and it'll affect my hiring. Its really inspiring to see you doing so well

  • Jar Jar Rule
  • Gotta get on that grindset. Can you sell jar jar looks or voice better?

    I vote looks. Harder to be copyright infringining when you just naturally look like that.

    Livestream livestream livestream

  • This community needs active mods
  • Im in for it but im transitioning (ha) between diffrent jobs now and if i get my new one it'll be 6 day 12 hour shifts. What im saying is that I'd love to help but my availability might be limited

  • Rice
  • Lick

  • ChubbyPuss


  • I for one welcome our new evangelion posting overlords

  • Reddit communities with millions of followers plan to extend the blackout indefinitely
  • Oh 100% i see moderation suffering. But reddit will only care about that when it directly affects them financially. Which is to say that there is an amount of abuse and bigotry that reddit is cool with as long as it doesn't bring lawsuits or scare advertisers

  • Whats the chance of you guys returning to r/196 if the sub comes back?
  • Yeah spent some time last night since i couldn't sleep and got a handle on it. Theres some insular reddit groups I'll still check with adblock but thats about it

  • Rule
  • Rockin that needler but she'd love SPRNKR frfr

  • War Thunder Raye

    the Sahariano is aggressively unimpressive

    By golly I've 7/0d in a bt7m but i can never seem to kill anything in with the sahariano. The sahariano is wide and lightly armored for its size going up agaisnt tanks it cannot reliably pen. Most of the starting italian tree is pretty poor to actually use in battle (i regularly preform better in the autoblinda 41, a reserve vehicle, than the "2.3" m1341). I love my customized l3 and the rare times i get a kill i cheer but they are pretty rare :(

  • Bi i guess. But maybe not anymore idk i loose intrest in relationships after a couple weeks so I've stopped looking

  • Efficient Milkerule

    Efficient milked ur mom ayo

    Brisket <3
  • Brimgert <3

  • Whats the chance of you guys returning to r/196 if the sub comes back?
  • yeah idk. its good for me to be off reddit. ill miss some of my insular halo lore arguments on reddit but lemmy seems fine so far so ill probably stay here.

    really depends on the nsfw tbh it was coveiniant to have distinct but easily switchable acounts for sfw and nsfw