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ProvokedGamer Provoked Gamer

Yo. Prolly doing some dumb shit.

Posts 34
Comments 260
That sweet sweet dopamine
  • Hey, I know it’s been a while, but I just wanted to say that this meme wasn’t about attention whoring. I made this meme for showing that dopamine release you get when you get a notification from someone because you know it’s probably gonna be a pleasant conversation talking with them on Lemmy. I made this meme because everyone was talking about how nice everyone is on Lemmy at that time so I though this would show it.

    Sorry about that misunderstanding, I know my choice of meme template was not a good idea because it can confuse people.

  • Japan is on its own wavelength.
  • Americans still use it in rare cases, like the Fourth of July

  • Japan is on its own wavelength.
  • DD/MM/YY and YY/MM/DD are the only acceptable ones IMO. Throwing a DD in between YY and MM is just weird since days move by faster so they should be at one of the ends and since YY moves the slowest it should be on the other end.

  • It be like that
  • Shave your tongue off so it grows back longer

  • Always rubbing their hands together

    Alt text: Meme with a caption at the top saying “No one: Flies:”. Below, there is an image of Patrick from SpongeBob rubbing his hands together with a grin on his face and an eyebrow raised.

    and where did that bring you?
  • That’s not how farming started though. They started farming so that they can feed themselves and their community. It eventually devolved into that, but it’s not how it started.

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Where I live it’s winter for like a little less than half the year (just started snowing) so the airs dry. Probably because of that.

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Also, do you use a saline spray before your nose is dry, or when your nose is dry?

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Maybe. Is it normal to get dry boogers every 1-2 days or nah? It’s been happening my whole life so i don’t know if it’s normal or not.

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Thank you! I might grab one of these then.

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Thanks, I’ll check it out. I’ve heard you’re not supposed to overuse it because it can make your nose more dry.

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?
  • Popped off your face as in… severed from your face? Is that possible?

  • How do you get the dry boogers out if you don’t pick your nose?

    I always get dry boogers and they’re impossible to remove when blowing into a tissue.

    Does anyone know where to view your saved?
  • Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the clarification.

  • Inrulestines
  • This is nightmare fuel

  • ancient Greek Firefox rule
  • My favourite ones the second one because I feel it’s the right amount of simplification without oversimplifying. The first one is alright though.

  • Does anyone know where to view your saved?
  • I checked there, but it’s not there.

  • What single item improved the quality of your life over you got it? (Buyed it/got as present/made it)
  • I prefer how Jellyfin’s UI, but you can also use a third party client IIRC

  • What is your opinion on the lack of downvotes?
  • Ah ok. It did let me create an account, but the admin has to approve it so I probably won’t be on anytime soon (if ever)

  • How do I come up with a good username?
  • Nothing, I just want another username that I use to separate my personal accounts (like discord, Snapchat, etc.) from my online accounts (lemmy, Reddit, etc.)

  • What is your opinion on the lack of downvotes?

    I’m not from, but I was wondering what you think of not having downvotes. Do you like having the ability to downvote, or not being able to downvote and why?


    What are these things? I always see them in the sky

    These shoot up or down from the sky and leave a trail of smoke. Are these meteors?


    What’s the best way to discover RSS feeds?

    I’m new to RSS and I’m trying to get into it. I don’t really check out news all too often, so mostly the other parts of RSS. Thanks.


    Why do people look at sunsets?

    I thought you could go blind looking at the sun.

    Edit: My title was worded badly. I meant how people don’t go blind. I understand why people look at sunsets, just not how they do blind. That’s my fault.

    Edit: Thanks for all the replies and clarification!

    Here’s what I learned incase anyone else has had the same question as me, the reason we don’t go blind is that we’re usually looking at the colours of the sky during a sunset and only some few second glances at the sun.

    Looking at the sun also doesn’t make us go blind during sunrise and sunset because the light rays have to go through more atmosphere, so by the time they reach your eyes, the rays are weaker. It’s fine to look at the sun for a few seconds when it’s more red than white or yellow.

    Again, thanks for all the clarification.


    Saved Comments

    Any chance you can add saved comments eventually? In the saved tab inside your profile, it only shows saved posts. I haven’t seen any Lemmy client that has done this yet.

    P.S what would be the best way to send bug reports. Using TestFlight or something else?


    What happened in your latest dream? Lucid or not.

    In my dream, I dreamt I cooked a food in class. It tasted sweet and was a teensy bit crunchy on the outside but soft on the inside.


    Is there a way to get custom swipe animations on android?

    I come from iOS jailbreaking, and there was a tweak called cylinder that would add custom swipe animations when swiping from page to page in the home screen. I was wondering if there was anything similar to that on android. I’m willing to root if it’s required.


    Why don’t Lemmings capitalize the beginning of each letter in their title for their posts?

    I would assume people would capitalize their titles in posts since that’s the standard pretty much anywhere else like on YouTube or news sites, and that’s what you learn to do in school. Why is it only different on forum platforms like Lemmy or Reddit?


    [SERIOUS] How do you do figure out what job you want after high school?

    This might not be the best community for this, but I don’t know what job I want after high school. I’m afraid of pursuing a job that I’ll end up hating. How do I figure out what job I want when I grow up?
