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Civilization 7 leaks on 2K's own website ahead of the Summer Game Fest showcase
  • Can't believe it's been 8 years since Civ6 came out! I still remember people being mad about Civ5 changing stuff from Civ4.

    I suppose we're overdue, though. There were only six years between 5 and 6, five between 4 and 5, and four between 3 and 4.

  • Is there anyway i can transfer a world save from fabric to forge?
  • Cool! I think whether or not this works will vary from case to case, but I'm glad you got it working.

  • American Crow
  • Very handsy boy

  • Am I going insane? Wasn't Create originally a Fabric mod?
  • New Mandela effect just dropped.

    No, I always remember it being a forge mod, since the 1.15 days at least. Not sure what to tell you. Maybe they discussed Fabric but went with Forge in the early stages? Maybe you're thinking of being frustrated with it not being a Fabric mod and having to install Forge? Maybe you're thinking of another mod entirely?

  • February 2024: What Packs Are You Playing?
  • Hadn't heard of it before, but looks neat! RPG-style packs are cool but sometimes get ignored in the sea of tech and magic packs.

  • February 2024: What Packs Are You Playing?
  • RLCraft is definitely a modpack, ha. Don't be afraid to change packs if you end up getting frustrated, since I've heard that unfair deaths are pretty common. You could also do stuff like turn KeepInventory on.

  • February 2024: What Have You Been Playing Lately?

    Haven't done one of these in awhile. What are you guys up to now?

    I made a Cute Tram in Create!
  • Beautiful! Great to see trains in minecraft. I know it's been done before, but Create does it while keeping in the spirit of the game by having you build it however you want in game.

  • What, it's just a little... OH MY GOODNESS
  • I waited for most of them to leave first. I do have a good crossbow tower setup, but the problem is that crossbows aren't effective against undead.

  • What, it's just a little... OH MY GOODNESS

    !And it just gets worse

    And it just gets worse. I tried to wait them out, but even when they left a few stayed behind, lurking in the treetops:

    !Undead trees

    I knocked over one tree with a ballista, and those creatures left voluntarily. I took about thirty casualties clearing out the second tree.

    A year later, the horde returns, and right now I'm ignoring them because there's lots of work inside the fortress that needs done, and I've got a decent tree farm up and going. I'm thinking it's time for Operation FTW, but I'll have to wait until they leave to set up it for the inevitable third return.

    Create: Above and Beyond? More like Create: Blood and Bones!
  • Mini zombies tend to spawn in groups, I find. Probably not many other valid spawn locations if you're getting a bunch of spawns

  • The road to Create Aeronautics
  • Looks cool, best of luck.

  • when you spend an hour trying to get something to work and all you needed was one block
  • It's like that meme where it's the guy saying he just needs that one piece, and the piece is labeled "a billion dollars"

  • Do you use specific software for writing?
  • To be honest, I just stick to plain ol' LibreOffice. I use folders to organize notes, which isn't perfect but works for me.

  • To experienced players: are BGG categories good?
  • Yeah, mechanism is a lot more objective way to classify board games. We can argue all day about, say, what exactly a wargame is, but what games have hex grids, area control, and resource managements is a lot easier to agree on.

  • KS Review of: Obsession: Characters Expansion (with Metal Coins)
  • I haven't played the expansions, but I thought the base decent. It was more interesting than your average Euro, but it didn't blow me away either. I'd say buy it if your into the theme.

  • Announcement: This Sub is now open to posts from all users

    Not sure why it wasn't before, to be honest, but at some point that setting got changed.


    The Sea Mourns

    Tip: If you have visitors wandering around your base, you can go under the knowledge task to see what all books they've read in their lifetime and what kind of books they are. That way, you can search for somewhat unusual types like novels, chronicles, cultural histories, biographies, autobiographies, dictionaries, dialogues, and etc.

    I really wish this functionality was on the written objects screen. Right now you just have to go off of the title. This work, unfortunately, wasn't written in my fortress and we don't have a copy of it, either. That said, I do have a pair of autobiographies and some cultural histories.

    What I would like to do is figure out a way to reliably make dwarves produce biographies. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how. The only requirement that I know of for a dwarf to produce a biography is knowledge of the biography topic, which can be obtained either from them reading a book on the subject (easy) to discovering it themselves (very, very hard and random). After that, I don't know if they have to be assigned to a library or not to actually produce the biography.

    That sounds simple, but the thing is that dwarves are practically-minded. They seem to prefer to write manuals and guides about topics they know than novels, biographies, and etc. What if you had a dwarf that knew only of biographies and of no other topics, though? They might write one guide on the subject of writing biographies, but will they stop writing guides after that and start writing biographies?

    The problem is, once you have a big library, dwarves tend to swarm it and learn about all the topics. It's hard to pick and dwarf that's "unpolluted," so to speak, and I suspect that if they've avoided the library that much, they'll be poor biographers anyway.

    One idea I've had is the Dwarven Monastery. We take kids that just turned 18, which haven't had a chance to read books yet, and slap them in a private, sealed off room with writing materials, food, and drink. Toss in a bookshelf and make a tiny library only they can access. Assign them as a scholar, and throw down a book on biographies as inspiration. Then, see what happens.

    Note that what kind of books your dwarves write has literally no gameplay impact. This is just for Armok and maybe internet points. Damn it, I want my dwarves to have quality literature!

    Question for the people who play Victoria 3.
  • I haven't made the 2 to 3 jump yet. I'm waiting for the war patch, which is coming decently quickly.

  • September 2023: What Packs are You Playing?
  • I tried TNFC back in the 1.7.10 era, but never got past a bronze anvil. TFC is fun but can be so tedious to progress in sometimes.

  • September 2023: What Packs are You Playing?
  • I didn't realize TFC was out yet for modern versions. I'll have to check it out,

  • September 2023: What Packs are You Playing?
  • Cool! I saw a vid on Better than Adventure but never got around to checking it out.

  • Theocracy (new Civ 1 & 2 like 4X indie game)

    We've just found out about a relatively new indie game called Theocracy which the author @kaptainkook says is his personal homage to Civilization 2. On closer inspection I can also see some Civ 1, Sid Meier's Colonization and Master of Magic influences too as the game appears to be a fascinating...

    Looks interesting. It has more of a fantasy-focus than its inspiration. Right now it's on sale on Steam, so it could be worth checking out.


    September 2023: What Have You Been Playing Lately?

    On time as always, it's time to ask: What Have You Been Playing?


    September 2023: What Packs are You Playing?

    On time as always, our monthly "What Are You Playing?" post! Whatcha all doing, fellow blockheads?

    Rotary Skies has been released!
  • That's the version Rotarycraft is on.

  • Rotary Skies has been released!
  • It has fastcraft. It's a pretty light pack, performance wise, so hopefully should be good on a steam deck, though I haven't tested it on one.

  • Rotary Skies has been released!




    From the creator of Brass and a couple other reasonably successful modpacks comes an entirely new experience: Rotary Skies!

    You wake up and look at your floating rock of dirt. It seems so familiar, somehow, but then a massive meteor screams through the sky overhead. Welcome to Rotary Skies!

    Rotary Skies is the authorized Rotarycraft-centered Skyblock modpack. The start seems similar enough, but as soon as you get steel, a whole world of engines, gearboxes, grinders, pumps, and centrifuges opens up!

    Work through over eighty quests as you go from cobblestone generators to fusion reactors! The quests guide you but don’t hold your hand. They’ll tell you what you need to do next, but not exactly how. In Rotary Skies, the “how” is the fun part!

    There is no sieving in this modpack! What are you, some kind of caveman? No, until our liquefaction machines and centrifuges are up and running, we hunt for ores in the nether, like men (or other strong, mighty genders)!

    We also keep bees, and by “keep bees” I mean selectively-breed and genetically-modify bees in our quest for the uberbiene: the ultimate bee! We’ve also got trains and stuff, so that’s cool.

    Eventually the day will come where we will obtain the elusive and mysterious Crystal, allowing us to escape from our Sky Island and into pocket dimensions of our own creation, full of resources and incredible creatures.


    Patbox's Brewery

    This mod caught my eye. It's similar to a plugin that was on a server I used to play on. Nice to see it as a proper mod instead of a plugin. It's pretty configurable and could be a good addition to the right modpack.

    2 DoamCon 2023: An AAR

    2023 saw DoamCon return to Kansas City, so I made the drive to check it out. Here's my plays.

    DoamCon 2023: An AAR

    Railcraft is back!

    It's an authorized port, and it looks like most of the cart stuff has made it over.




    Modrinth Launcher enters open beta Launcher, Auth, Threads, Oh My! Modrinth Features, Ready to Fly

    We're changing the modded Minecraft landscape with the new Modrinth App, alongside several other major features we've been working on the past few months.

    Launcher, Auth, Threads, Oh My! Modrinth Features, Ready to Fly

    August 2023: What Have You Been Playing Lately?

    From Civ to Centauri and the Aztec to the Second American Civil War, everyone is asking: What have you been playing lately?
