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PragTob Tobi Pfeiffer

Likes people. Teamplayer, Open Source Enthusiast, Software Developer, Benchmarker, TDDer, Speaker. Elixir, Ruby, JavaScript. Loves Green.

Benchee & SimpleCov (albeit, both deserving some extra love these days).

Posts 2
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πŸ“˜πŸ“˜πŸ“˜ New post: 10 gotchas!

πŸ“˜πŸ“˜πŸ“˜ New post: 10 @elixir gotchas!

It's a great language, but some behavior can be unintuitive, confusing and in the worst case lead to bugs. In this post I wanna help clear some of them up!


Published: Tail-Recursive & Body-Recursive Function Performance Across Elixir & BEAM versions – what’s the impact of the JIT?

Published: Tail-Recursive & Body-Recursive Function Performance Across Elixir & BEAM versions – what’s the impact of the JIT?

Watch me go through @elixir and erlang versions from 1.6 @ OTP 21 up to 1.16 @ OTP 26 and marvel at our performance gains.