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What's the craziest or funniest Wikipedia outline you've seen?
  • Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.

  • Syzygy (astronomy)
  • Thank you, internet stranger! I've got a pretty high tolerance for monster of the week nonsense, and was looking for a 'new' show to binge.

  • Syzygy (astronomy)
  • I watched every single one back in the day, til the movie came out and I quit cold turkey. The only ones I remember were the vampire pizza boy, the Bobby Darrin song, and the circus freaks in the sewer. Is it worth a rewatch?

  • Pizza Principle
  • Ol Doinyo Lengai

    ...the lavas of Ol Doinyo Lengai have temperatures of 540–593 °C (1,004–1,099 °F); they are so cold that during the day they look like mudflows or oil and glow only during the night.

    Citizendium (Wikipedia alternative/competitor)
  • See also: Conservapedia

    I thought this was a joke for too long. It is not.

  • Mall goth
  • 🖤

  • One of these days it'll be my turn...
  • This is the way. Mac and cheese accepts most additions.

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • That's the most controversial take so far. Cheers!

  • What is your BG3 unpopular opinion?
  • My first playthrough, I didn't understand that you could recruit everybody. I thought, since my party is full that's all I get. I never met Karl, never invited Wyll to camp, never rescued Lazy. So it was just Shart, Astarion, and Creepy Wizard for the first two acts.

    Everybody ran out of stuff to talk about in act 2, which really made the tone even gloomier... until the creep started talking about his suicide mission. Not only did he skeeve me the whole time, he was now an active threat.

    I abandoned him at camp the instant I could grab Papa Halsin and never looked back. So of course he was abducted and murdered by Orin. Lol. Sucks to suck, Gale.

    Now, it is my stupid goal to do an honor mode playthrough with Gale as my origin character, so he and Astarion can both be the worst versions of themselves and ruin the world..... but he's such a butthole and I keep dying. Oh well.

  • What was using the internet in the early 2000s like?
  • Back in the AOL CD via postal mail days, the Internet was the AOL home page. News feeds, email, dumb games, chat rooms, message boards.... and for everything else.

  • What was using the internet in the early 2000s like?
  • Everyone had a blog.

    I'm so glad my Diary-X got irretrievably wiped.

  • Whale fall
  • A 2022 study identified 45 known natural whale falls, 38 implanted ones, and 78 fossil ones, mostly in the Pacific, but a significant number, particularly of fossil ones, in the Atlantic.

    The cool thing about this is, (non-wiki links) we now know of 50+ more off the coast of Southern California, as of this year. Scripps was tasked with finding sunken WWII munitions with their ROVs and the sonar scans came back with all this new whale fall data, conveniently located right next to an oceanographic research institution. I hope they have live streams online somewhere.

  • Jeju oreum
  • Not exactly a one-to-one, but western North America has a huge variety of volcanic fields to explore. I had sandwiches on top of a cinder cone north of Flagstaff this spring, and Craters of the Moon is on the bucket list, too.

  • What's the dumbest blockbuster movie you have seen that somehow received high praise?
  • Joel Schumacher's Batmen movies, especially the Clooney one, were so awful they changed the tone of superhero movies from that point on.

    I watched them both very recently during an extended Arnold Schwarzenegger movie binge, and it's absolutely worth hate-watching them again for the sheer wonkiness and absurdity of... everything. Try tallying the Dutch angles. And girl power platitudes.

  • Gonzo journalism
  • I read it the first time right around 9/11, and I still have it on my shelf. Feels like a good time to dust it off....