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  • Live, Laugh, Lenin
  • I can't believe he would say that! I am literally shaking rn

  • What's the significance of calling it "Israel-Hamas War" vs "Israel-Gaza War"?
  • It matters very little. It's performative, trying to justify the conflict by framing it one way or another. The reality on the ground will remain the same no matter what the media calls it. Ultimately, it will be historians that name the war.

    The combatants are Israel and Hamas. The location is Gaza. Conclude from that what you will as far the "proper" name for the conflict.

  • "Do you live in the Midwest?" by self-report
  • Not that bad, to be honest, but those Oklahomans are kidding themselves.

  • Israel calls for all 1.1 million civilians to leave Gaza City within 24 hours
  • This coming massacre brought to you by taxpayers like you! Thank you!

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • The prompt just says the revolution was successful and that now it's time for a new constitution. It's not even US-specific, so there's no reason to assume that state governments even exist in the context of the prompt, much less need to approve this new constitution. There's no need for such niceties if we're in a world where a revolution has destroyed the old regime in its entirety.

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • Frankly, that's a ridiculous scenario. States are an artificial construct. There's no reason California couldn't be split into five states so they can get more senators, and there's no reason tiny east coast states couldn't be merged together. It's just a matter of political will. States rights do nothing to benefit the individuals living in those states. Often when we talk about states rights, states are imposing some kind of oppression or restriction on their citizens, abortion being the most recent example. The Supreme Court threw it back to the states, many of which banned it immediately.

    The states don't matter! They're overgrown, glorified municipalities. If we are going to redesign the system, we need to reduce their power all together. States are a relic of a colonial system founded by the British, where each colony was individually granted a charter, and a of a constitution written at the same time the Holy Roman Empire was alive.

    What stops ridiculous, punitive laws from being passed? What stops them from being passed now? The courts, for one, and the federal government. Often it's the states that are trigger happy in committing some kind of mayhem.

    We've lived with states for so long that we've been gaslit into thinking that their existence is in our best interest. While states might be useful in some form, like in organizing regional infrastructure projects, their power should be diminished, and they are not deserving of house on par with the house of the people.

    Of course, Congress is in need of other dire reforms as well. It should be bigger, for one, and first past the post should be replaced with some kind of alternate system (perhaps California-style jungle primaries?).

  • [Serious] The revolution was successful! The old government is gone. You get to help write the new Constitution. What do you put into it?
  • Should we care about the states or the people in the states? There are less people in Rhode Island than California. Are those people so much more important that they get more representation, proportionally speaking?

    People have locational representation in their local governments. Let them rule over themselves if you want, but don't give them disproportionate authority over the rest of us.

  • You're the president of a democracy and your army just deposed a dictator with a war. What's your plan to rebuild that country, and what's your exit strategy?
  • Occupy and commit war crimes in the name of "nation building." Do this until political winds change at home and force us to pull out.

    What was the question, again?

  • Matt Gaetz files motion to oust Kevin McCarthy as House speaker
  • Never let a good crisis go to waste. The Dems should seek concessions in exchange for propping up the McCarthy speakership. Unfortunately, if you can count on one thing it's that the Dems will find a way to fuck it up.

  • How to burn thousands of calories
  • Just start your car. It's cheaper

  • How many showers do you take a day?
  • A bit of both. It dries out your skin to shower every day, and I honestly don't feel like I need to shower every day with not-particularly-active lifestyle. Saves water and electric, as well, but not enough for that to be the reason why.

  • How many showers do you take a day?
  • Every other day, but sometimes more often depending on what I've been up to

  • If you could only own 10 albums to listen to your whole life what would they be?
  • Off the top of my head and in no particular order:

    • Highway 61 Revisited (Bob Dylan)
    • Blood on the Tracks: New York Session (Bob Dylan
    • Willie and the Poor Boys (CCR)
    • Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum (Tally Hall)
    • 1990 (Daniel Johnston)
    • Z (My Morning Jacket)
    • I Had A Dream That You Were Mine (Hamilton Leithauser & Rostam)
    • London Calling (The Clash)
    • Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (The Beatles)
    • Roast Beef (Biff Rose)

    If I thought about it longer, I'd probably end up with a more varied list as far as genre.

  • So I have always gotten jokes. A friend told me his favorite and i just don't understand it. I did a web search and found variants but no explanation why it's funny or what it means. Can you help?
  • I've heard this before, but more in the context of a proverb than a proper joke. As far as meaning, I think it's along the lines of "correlation doesn't equal causation," but not exactly.

  • Ukraine designates PepsiCo, Mars as 'international war sponsors'
  • No, I'm not Raid. I'm my own original game, Rage. People really need to get their facts straight...

  • Ukraine designates PepsiCo, Mars as 'international war sponsors'
  • This war brought to you by Rage: Shadow Legends.

  • Lemmy Support Phantom_Engineer

    Icons, avatars, and banner requirements

    What are the requirements for community icons? I've had a little trouble on another instance getting these to work right, and I keep running into somewhat opaque errors until I ended up hitting the rate limit. Where can I find requirements concerning size, format, shape, and etc?

    Community Requests. Phantom_Engineer

    Requesting c/cia

    Cute images of animals hasn't had a post in three years, and the current mod hasn't been on two year.



    me_irl Phantom_Engineer



    Web Comics Phantom_Engineer


    Check out the guys website:


    Civil disobedience

    One by one, we'll get all these classic memes and images moved over to the lemmy-verse





    drama Phantom_Engineer

    I think we can all agree

    If we have to restart r/drama here we ought not invite Lawz
