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Penguincoder PenguinCoder

Bit-breaker working in cybersecurity/IT. Only languages I know are English and Programming ones.

Sometimes I write things about technology.

Posts 14
Comments 51
Federation testing
  • It worked as expected. Thanks.

  • EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2023 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh | Oshkosh, Wisconsin | Fly-In & Convention

    Official website of the EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in convention in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, attracting more than 500,000 people and 10,000 airplanes each July.

    EAA AirVenture Oshkosh | Oshkosh, Wisconsin | Fly-In & Convention

    For one week each summer, EAA members and aviation enthusiasts totaling more than 500,000 from 80 countries attend EAA AirVenture at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Featuring air shows, workshops, and demonstrations. Go see the various aircraft and learn about each; Warbirds. Vintage. Homebuilts. Ultralights.

    Test PenguinCoder

    Federation testing

    Will this work as expected?

    What CLI apps you use to do common tasks like editing (pdf, audio, video, image) files.
  • Your list looks like what I'd write anyway, so just commenting; ^ That.

  • Information Overload - Beehaw style

    Improving Beehaw

    > BLUF: The operations team at Beehaw has worked to increase site performance and uptime. This includes proactive monitoring to prevent problems from escalating and planning for future likely events.


    Problem: Emails only sent to approved users, not denials; denied users can't reapply with the same username

    • Solution: Made it so denied users get emails and their usernames freed up to re-use


    • Disabled Docker postfix container; Lemmy runs on a Linux host that can use postfix itself, without any overhead

    • Modified various postfix components to accept localhost (same system) email traffic only

    • Created two different scripts to:

      • Check the Lemmy database once in while, for denied users, send them an email and delete the user from the database
        • User can use the same username to register again!
      • Send out emails to those users (and also, make the other Lemmy emails look nicer)
    • Sending so many emails from our provider caused the emails to end up in spam!! We had to change a bit of the outgoing flow

      • DKIM and SPF setup
      • Changed outgoing emails to relay through Mailgun instead of through our VPS
    • Configure Lemmy containers to use the host postfix as mail transport

    All is well?


    Problem: NO file level backups, only full image snapshots

    • Solution: Procured backup storage (Backblaze B2) and setup system backups, tested restoration (successfully)


    • Requested Funds from Beehaw org to be spent on purchase of cloud based storage, B2 - approved (thank you for the donations)

    • Installed and configured restic encrypted backups of key system files -> b2 'offsite'. This means, even the data from Beehaw that is saved there, is encrypted and no one else can read that information

    • Verified scheduled backups are being run every day, to b2. Important information such as the Lemmy volumes, pictures, configurations for various services, and a database dump are included in such

    • Verified restoration works! Had a small issue with the pictrs migration to object storage (b2). Restored the entire pictrs volume from restic b2 backup successfully. Backups work!

    sorry for that downtime, but hey.. it worked


    Problem: No metrics/monitoring; what do we focus on to fix?

    • Solution: Configured external system monitoring via external SNMP, internal monitoring for services/scripts
    • Using an existing self-hosted Network Monitoring Solution (thus, no cost), established monitoring of systems via SNMP
    • This gives us important metrics such as network bandwidth usage, Memory, and CPU usage tracking down to which process are using the most, parsing system event logs and tracking disk IO/Usage
    • Host based monitoring that is configured to perform actions for known error occurrences and attempts to automatically resolve them. Such as Lemmy app; crashing; again
    • Alerting for unexpected events or prolonged outages. Spams the crap out of @admin and @Lionir. They love me
    • Database level tracking for 'expensive' queries to know where the time and effort is spent for Lemmy. Helps us to report these issues to the developers and get it fixed.

    With this information we've determined the areas to focus on are database performance and storage concerns. We'll be moving our image storage to a CDN if possible to help with bandwidth and storage costs.

    Peace of mind, and let the poor admins sleep!


    Problem: Lemmy is really slow and more resources for it are REALLY expensive

    • Solution: Based on metrics (see above), tuned and configured various applications to improve performance and uptime
    • I know it doesn't seem like it, but really, uptime has been better with a few exceptions
    • Modified NGINX (web server) to cache items and load balance between UI instances (currently running 2 lemmy-ui containers)
    • Setup frontend varnish cache to decrease backend (Lemmy/DB) load. Save images and other content before hitting the webserver; saves on CPU resources and connections, but no savings to bandwidth cost
    • Artificially restricting resource usage (memory, CPU) to prove that Lemmy can run on less hardware without a ton of problems. Need to reduce the cost of running Beehaw

    This gets it's own section. Look, the largest issue with Lemmy performance is currently the database. We've spent a lot of time attempting to track down why and what it is, and then fixing what we reliably can. However, none of us are rust developers or database admins. We know where Lemmy spends its time in the DB but not why and really don't know how to fix it in the code. If you've complained about why is Lemmy/Beehaw so slow this is it; this is the reason.

    So since I can't code rust, what do we do? Fix it where we can! Postgresql server setting tuning and changes. Changed the following items in postgresql to give better performance based on our load and hardware:

    huge_pages = on # requires sysctl.conf changes and a system reboot shared_buffers = 2GB max_connections = 150 work_mem = 3MB maintenance_work_mem = 256MB temp_file_limit = 4GB min_wal_size = 1GB max_wal_size = 4GB effective_cache_size = 3GB random_page_cost = 1.2 wal_buffers = 16MB bgwriter_delay = 100ms bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 150 effective_io_concurrency = 200 max_worker_processes = 4 max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2 max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 2 max_parallel_workers = 6 synchronous_commit = off shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements' pg_stat_statements.track = all ---

    Now I'm not saying all of these had an affect, or even a cumulative affect; just the values we've changed. Be sure to use your own system values and not copy the above. The three largest changes I'd say are key to do are synchronous_commit = off, huge_pages = on and work_mem = 3MB. This article may help you understand a few of those changes.

    With these changes, the database seems to be working a damn sight better even under heavier loads. There are still a lot of inefficiencies that can be fixed with the Lemmy app for these queries. A user phiresky has made some huge improvements there and we're hoping to see those pulled into main Lemmy on the next full release.


    Problem: Lemmy errors aren't helpful and sometimes don't even reach the user (UI)

    • Solution: Make our own UI with blackjack and hookers propagation for backend Lemmy errors. Some of these fixes have been merged into Lemmy main codebase


    • Yeah, we did that. Including some other UI niceties. Main thing is, you need to pull in the lemmy-ui code make your changes locally, and then use that custom image as your UI for docker
    • Made some changes to a custom lemmy-ui image such as handling a few JSON parsed error better, improving feedback given to the user
    • Remove and/or move some elements around, change the CSS spacing
    • Change the node server to listen to system signals sent to it, such as a graceful docker restart
    • Other minor changes to assist caching, changed the container image to Debian based instead of Alpine (reducing crashes)



    The end?

    No, not by far. But I am about to hit the character limit for Lemmy posts. There have been many other changes and additions to Beehaw operations, these are but a few of the key changes. Sharing with the broader community so those of you also running Lemmy, can see if these changes help you too. Ask questions and I'll discuss and answer what I can; no secret sauce or passwords though; I'm not ChatGPT.

    Shout out to @[email protected] , @[email protected] and @[email protected] for continuing to work with me to keep Beehaw running smoothly.

    Thanks all you Beeple, for being here and putting up with our growing pains!


    Information Overload - Beehaw style

    Improving Beehaw

    > BLUF: The operations team at Beehaw has worked to increase site performance and uptime. This includes proactive monitoring to prevent problems from escalating and planning for future likely events.


    Problem: Emails only sent to approved users, not denials; denied users can't reapply with the same username

    • Solution: Made it so denied users get emails and their usernames freed up to re-use


    • Disabled Docker postfix container; Lemmy runs on a Linux host that can use postfix itself, without any overhead

    • Modified various postfix components to accept localhost (same system) email traffic only

    • Created two different scripts to:

      • Check the Lemmy database once in while, for denied users, send them an email and delete the user from the database
        • User can use the same username to register again!
      • Send out emails to those users (and also, make the other Lemmy emails look nicer)
    • Sending so many emails from our provider caused the emails to end up in spam!! We had to change a bit of the outgoing flow

      • DKIM and SPF setup
      • Changed outgoing emails to relay through Mailgun instead of through our VPS
    • Configure Lemmy containers to use the host postfix as mail transport

    All is well?


    Problem: NO file level backups, only full image snapshots

    • Solution: Procured backup storage (Backblaze B2) and setup system backups, tested restoration (successfully)


    • Requested Funds from Beehaw org to be spent on purchase of cloud based storage, B2 - approved (thank you for the donations)

    • Installed and configured restic encrypted backups of key system files -> b2 'offsite'. This means, even the data from Beehaw that is saved there, is encrypted and no one else can read that information

    • Verified scheduled backups are being run every day, to b2. Important information such as the Lemmy volumes, pictures, configurations for various services, and a database dump are included in such

    • Verified restoration works! Had a small issue with the pictrs migration to object storage (b2). Restored the entire pictrs volume from restic b2 backup successfully. Backups work!

    sorry for that downtime, but hey.. it worked


    Problem: No metrics/monitoring; what do we focus on to fix?

    • Solution: Configured external system monitoring via external SNMP, internal monitoring for services/scripts
    • Using an existing self-hosted Network Monitoring Solution (thus, no cost), established monitoring of systems via SNMP
    • This gives us important metrics such as network bandwidth usage, Memory, and CPU usage tracking down to which process are using the most, parsing system event logs and tracking disk IO/Usage
    • Host based monitoring that is configured to perform actions for known error occurrences and attempts to automatically resolve them. Such as Lemmy app; crashing; again
    • Alerting for unexpected events or prolonged outages. Spams the crap out of @admin and @Lionir. They love me
    • Database level tracking for 'expensive' queries to know where the time and effort is spent for Lemmy. Helps us to report these issues to the developers and get it fixed.

    With this information we've determined the areas to focus on are database performance and storage concerns. We'll be moving our image storage to a CDN if possible to help with bandwidth and storage costs.

    Peace of mind, and let the poor admins sleep!


    Problem: Lemmy is really slow and more resources for it are REALLY expensive

    • Solution: Based on metrics (see above), tuned and configured various applications to improve performance and uptime
    • I know it doesn't seem like it, but really, uptime has been better with a few exceptions
    • Modified NGINX (web server) to cache items and load balance between UI instances (currently running 2 lemmy-ui containers)
    • Setup frontend varnish cache to decrease backend (Lemmy/DB) load. Save images and other content before hitting the webserver; saves on CPU resources and connections, but no savings to bandwidth cost
    • Artificially restricting resource usage (memory, CPU) to prove that Lemmy can run on less hardware without a ton of problems. Need to reduce the cost of running Beehaw

    This gets it's own section. Look, the largest issue with Lemmy performance is currently the database. We've spent a lot of time attempting to track down why and what it is, and then fixing what we reliably can. However, none of us are rust developers or database admins. We know where Lemmy spends its time in the DB but not why and really don't know how to fix it in the code. If you've complained about why is Lemmy/Beehaw so slow this is it; this is the reason.

    So since I can't code rust, what do we do? Fix it where we can! Postgresql server setting tuning and changes. Changed the following items in postgresql to give better performance based on our load and hardware:

    huge_pages = on # requires sysctl.conf changes and a system reboot shared_buffers = 2GB max_connections = 150 work_mem = 3MB maintenance_work_mem = 256MB temp_file_limit = 4GB min_wal_size = 1GB max_wal_size = 4GB effective_cache_size = 3GB random_page_cost = 1.2 wal_buffers = 16MB bgwriter_delay = 100ms bgwriter_lru_maxpages = 150 effective_io_concurrency = 200 max_worker_processes = 4 max_parallel_workers_per_gather = 2 max_parallel_maintenance_workers = 2 max_parallel_workers = 6 synchronous_commit = off shared_preload_libraries = 'pg_stat_statements' pg_stat_statements.track = all ---

    Now I'm not saying all of these had an affect, or even a cumulative affect; just the values we've changed. Be sure to use your own system values and not copy the above. The three largest changes I'd say are key to do are synchronous_commit = off, huge_pages = on and work_mem = 3MB. This article may help you understand a few of those changes.

    With these changes, the database seems to be working a damn sight better even under heavier loads. There are still a lot of inefficiencies that can be fixed with the Lemmy app for these queries. A user phiresky has made some huge improvements there and we're hoping to see those pulled into main Lemmy on the next full release.


    Problem: Lemmy errors aren't helpful and sometimes don't even reach the user (UI)

    • Solution: Make our own UI with blackjack and hookers propagation for backend Lemmy errors. Some of these fixes have been merged into Lemmy main codebase


    • Yeah, we did that. Including some other UI niceties. Main thing is, you need to pull in the lemmy-ui code make your changes locally, and then use that custom image as your UI for docker
    • Made some changes to a custom lemmy-ui image such as handling a few JSON parsed error better, improving feedback given to the user
    • Remove and/or move some elements around, change the CSS spacing
    • Change the node server to listen to system signals sent to it, such as a graceful docker restart
    • Other minor changes to assist caching, changed the container image to Debian based instead of Alpine (reducing crashes)



    The end?

    No, not by far. But I am about to hit the character limit for Lemmy posts. There have been many other changes and additions to Beehaw operations, these are but a few of the key changes. Sharing with the broader community so those of you also running Lemmy, can see if these changes help you too. Ask questions and I'll discuss and answer what I can; no secret sauce or passwords though; I'm not ChatGPT.

    Shout out to @[email protected] , @[email protected] and @[email protected] for continuing to work with me to keep Beehaw running smoothly.

    Thanks all you Beeple, for being here and putting up with our growing pains!

    Support Lemmy web clients! Support this Lemmy issue to change CORS!
  • Very nice write up explaining why you want this changed.

  • Following the usual playbook, IBM's Red Hat begins locking down access to it's "open source"

    Red Hat announced yesterday that the sources for RHEL will no longer be accessible from This effectively locks their source changes behind a subscription to RHEL, that costs money.


    Uploading a picture, test


    Go 1.21 release Go 1.21 Release Candidate - The Go Programming Language

    Go 1.21 RC brings language improvements, new standard library packages, PGO GA, backward and forward compatibility in the toolchain and faster builds.

    Go 1.21 Release Candidate - The Go Programming Language

    Overall, a release more for engineering than language. Even the new API's are mainly optimizations, but a large improvement.

    Evers signs bipartisan shared revenue bill, sending more state money to local communities
  • This is what the Government should do, and be responsible for. Taking care of the citizens. Good use of funds for communities.

  • Beginner's Guide to `grep`
  • Good information and barely scratches the surface of grep usage. It can get a lot more complicated but also do a lot more than you think.

    Two of my most used grep invocations are:

    • Diff two files, showing lines: grep -xvFf (file2) (file1)
    • Show lines that do not contain a string: grep -rivE '^#' (file) ( only shows uncommented lines for most Linux configuration files)
  • Profile pictures may need to be re-uploaded
  • Are you able to explain why that happened with the migrations you did? I see the other post you explain the steps you took. I don't understand how that deleted pictures though.

  • [SOLVED] Still can't sign up for Beehaw 😞🐝
  • Dang, we really need a better looking 404 page. And to not allow that sort of username enumeration.

  • Hacker News: APIs for content sites must be free
  • Yep, reposts bots are expanding.

  • Hacker News: APIs for content sites must be free
  • Not the Hacker News that I'm familiar with.

  • Is beehaw running slow lately?
  • Thank you! I am not a rust developer, so staying away from the Lemmy codebase itself. However they always have open issues. I'm partial to seeing a few of them worked on more quickly, but can't complain about it.

  • Is beehaw running slow lately?
  • According to current system metrics, BeeHaw is running pretty dang well today. Might be the distance from our server to your eyeballs, or some other intermediate slowness.

    We will keep trying to work on performance improvements where ever we can though. Still a work in progress.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • only active mod for a small fan sub

    That attachment is what they (Reddit) are counting on. It's your community, not Reddits; and they don't care. But you do... while admirable in itself, its being used against you.

  • Improved performance!
  • Thanks! Been working on the caching and some other performance changes for Lemmy itself. Very glad to hear that those efforts are doing something. We'll see how it goes after the upgrade tomorrow!

  • What do you think of Hacker News?
  • I really like Hacker News for the most part. Commentary is well above the cesspool of the alien site. People are really knowledgeable and quick to share it. Sometimes there are comments that pop up from 'tech celebrities' too! Always awesome to see people like tptacek (Thomas Ptacek) or CliffStoll (yes, that one) sharing in the discussions there. Sometimes though, there is an echo chamber mentality where it seems everyone commenting is 'An American white male, making $300,000 annual salary + options'.

    As a platform, I appreciate what the moderators do there to keep things on topic and following the guidelines like:

    Be kind. Don't be snarky. Converse curiously; don't cross-examine. Edit out swipes.

  • I'm getting crowd sec banned? I can't view beehaw on my pc
  • No, this isn't your or any other users fault. It's due to the way Lemmy interacts with the backend, and was hitting some rate limit issues which made it look like an 'attack'. From a LOT of different users. Also known as a distributed denial of service attack. Not your fault!

    Thanks again for bringing to our attention, I'll keep an eye on this one.

  • I'm getting crowd sec banned? I can't view beehaw on my pc
  • Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Yes, Crowdsec is a protection mechanism in place to try and stop bad actors/bruteforce attacks.

    I just cleared everyone on this certain blocklist, which means you should be good for now, again.

    Sorry this was happening to you and other users.

  • How do you stop the homepage/frontpage from auto updating?
  • That's the neat thing; you don't.

  • Important Notice: Possible security incident - no detected impact

    Between 19:45 UTC and 19:50 UTC, there was a mistake in how information was stored temporarily (cached) on Beehaw. This mistake could have allowed some people to see and use other people's accounts without permission.

    If you were using the website during that time, please check that your account settings and email address are still correct. Also, make sure that any posts or actions you made during that time are still connected to your account.

    It's important to note that we don't have any proof that this error was actually used by anyone to do anything bad during the short time it happened.


    Rust 1.70.0 release | Rust Blog Announcing Rust 1.70.0 | Rust Blog

    Empowering everyone to build reliable and efficient software.

    Announcing Rust 1.70.0 | Rust Blog

    Personally trying to learn more Rust programming, but awesome to see the cadence of their releases. What's been your experience with Rust development?
