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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Can I install linux on this?
  • Do you not consider Alpine Linux to fall into the general category of "Linux", then? It lacks GNU user space utilities, though there is never a world where I would not consider it a "Linux" operating system. You seem to be overgeneralizing here and making assumptions about OP's intentions that aren't based in fact. I don't see the point in drawing meaningless lines, here. What you're referring to (as described by the GNU project) is GNU/Linux, not "Linux" by itself. The two are often but not always used interchangeably, and treating them as exactly the same leads to major outliers, like Alpine. I've heard plenty of people use the term "Linux" in practice to describe software running on embedded devices that don't contain GNU utilities, so this isn't exclusive to Alpine. In fact, the only real exception that I see consistently to operating systems that run the Linux kernel is Android, so it makes much more sense to formulate a description of the generic term "Linux" as simply having an exception for Android, though I'd argue that the only reasons that Android isn't viewed as "Linux" is because it is a mobile operating system, it is developed with the sole intention of including non-free, proprietary software (AOSP by itself isn't meant to be the full operating system on any device, but rather a framework), and the fact that the structure of the filesystem and the way apps are run differ completely from the ways of traditional "Linux". It seems to be an exception purely by the fact that it operates in fundamentally different ways than other "Linux" operating systems.

  • Battery usage too high.
  • This is a known issue (and has been for over a year), and is pinned on the GitHub. According to the roadmap, this is currently being worked on and is high priority. Hopefully we will see progress on battery optimization in the next major release.

    It should also be noted that apparently this isn't an issue on iOS, so it is likely the result of unintended behavior from a bug in the Android app.

  • Sorry I can't do it.
  • Fedora is what I'd describe as cutting edge, but not bleeding edge. It's still behind from source, and is semi-rolling release, so it's further behind than Arch but way ahead of stable/fixed release distros like Debian

  • [Very bad take] Why open source are not that important (servers and IT)
  • Not sure what the title was before you changed it, but if I see a post in my feed that looks like this (without the "very bad take" part), I wouldn't even want to open the post to see the description. I'm glad you clarified by editing the title, but without making your stance clear in the title from the very beginning, it would be bound to receive a barrage of downvotes.

  • I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
  • Fedora has pretty good SELinux configured out of the box, and isn't focused on opsec. It's just sane defaults and proper limitations to access. It also switched to Walyand-by-default this release, completely removing X11 from the default packages, which mitigates many of the "app spying on other app" scenarios that a previous user in the thread was talking about. That's not to say that Fedora is the pinnacle of Linux security or anything, but it comes with pretty good defaults for the average user. You'd have to get into kernel hardening and deep into SELinux to do better as an end user, which is not something that most users are inclined to spend time or energy on.

  • Both shoes came off. She must be dead.
  • Looks like they cut in front of the truck from another lane, likely completely out of view from the driver. 100% their own fault, and they're lucky they didn't die for it. I don't understand how people like this manage to survive when putting themselves in such needless danger, all while not even saving time on their commute.

  • [Question] Using DD to make a backup of an OS drive?
  • Seconding partclone here, it's the easiest solution for imaging that only backs up the data on the partition that is used. Plus, it's in RescueZilla, which is pretty intuitive and user friendly for those that prefer GUIs

  • I'm going to reinstall linux on my computer. What is it like to run something Silverblue based these days ?
  • Shouldn't be too long left, I'd expect it to hit Fedora 40 sometime this month. I also shared instructions on how to temporarily upgrade the kernel to the one in Fedora 41's repos (which is past 6.9) if you were interested in trying that, though the instructions are untested as of yet (the issue doesn't affect me since I don't play games). It's easily revertible if you wanted to give it a try. I probably wouldn't bother if you use secure boot, because I've had issues with signing things before with similar steps, though those are the official steps from the Fedora documentation, so it may be that they just work fine.

  • I'm going to reinstall linux on my computer. What is it like to run something Silverblue based these days ?
  • Is it related to the issue described in the post attached to this comment? The linked comment also links to an issue page with details about the issue the poster experienced. If so, then that issue should actually be fixed in kernel 6.9 (which still has not been added to the Fedora 40 repos), and not caused by it.

    An extension of this issue is present in 6.8.9+ before 6.9, which is why I ask if this seems to be related (since the versions are pretty close in time and Fedora doesn't even have 6.9 yet).

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • It really depends on the individual case. There are many CS professions where the title "engineer" or "scientist" is incredibly accurate. I believe that is a minority of course, and further depends on how broad your definition of "cs people" is. There are specialties within the incredibly broad field of computer science that require education in classical engineering, as well as specialties that focus on research and experimentation with the scientific method.

  • Flatpak Firefox (and forks) very slow to start
  • Hm, it could be a new issue then. I'm not seeing it on the Bazzite issues page, perhaps you should open a new issue on it here, and provide your hardware specs. At the very least, you could see if this issue is reproducible on other installs, and someone there could help to obtain more useful debug info to determine the actual problem. You could also report it on the Mozilla Bugzilla page, as chances are this is a Firefox issue and not a Bazzite issue, but I admit that the interface for bug reports is less intuitive for non-developers there. Bazzite devs would likely direct you to there first anyway though.

    All I can really say myself is that I don't experience this on Fedora Atomic KDE 40.20240607 with Mullvad Browser or the Firefox flatpak. I suspect it is either a hardware/config issue (on fresh install, I'd say a config issue is a distro issue if you haven't changed anything), or that this is Bazzite specific and not present in upstream Fedora Atomic. Regardless, it's a good idea to report this so that other users don't experience the same bug

  • Flatpak Firefox (and forks) very slow to start
  • Sounds about in line with what I'd expect. If that works for you where the flatpak doesn't, then it at least makes a viable solution for the short term (though I don't know how much overhead would be introduced). A minute of delay is ridiculously long for startup, so I still don't know why you were having that issue with the flatpak

  • Flatpak Firefox (and forks) very slow to start
  • Is it? I was looking a few months ago at Nix support in Fedora Atomic (which Bazzite is based on), and it required some minor hacks to get the /nix folder and Nix itself working properly with rpm-ostree distros, as root is otherwise immutable. Plus, Nix isn't available by default in the Fedora repos it seems. I believe it required something along the lines of making a /var/nix folder and symlinking it, but I believe you'd also have to work around SELinux contexts on the folder and symlink. I've heard of people even having issues after that, so I wouldn't consider it "official" support. Here's an open issue thread about it

  • Flatpak Firefox (and forks) very slow to start
  • Is this new, or has it been happening for a few days/weeks? I'm on Fedora Atomic (which Bazzite is based on) and have never experienced this (though I mostly use Mullvad browser, a fork of Firefox). I tried Bazzite a few weeks ago and also never experienced this with the Firefox flatpak. If it's been happening for awhile, it may be hardware-specific or a config thing. Out of curiosity (just to get a 1:1 comparison), do you experience the same thing with the Mullvad browser flatpak?

  • Proton Pass for Linux
  • While I don't particularly agree with the sentiment, those in the field of Computer Science could be argued to be "scientists", though often not in the classical sense. As a Computer Science major myself, I would never consider myself a "scientist" in the classical definition of the term. Those involved in actual research, yes, though that does not describe me despite the title of my Bachelor's. I would consider those involved in the theoretical side of Computer Science to be more akin to mathematicians, as most of the theory is based in mathematical proofs and models (take for instance the field describing formal computational models as a means to defining how computers operate, and how effective specific algorithms are in that context). Though I could understand the argument that those involved heavily in the theoretical side of Computer Science may be considered scientists, given their similarity to theoretical physicists. In that sense, there is also active experimentation to test hypotheses about algorithmic runtime. It's a fascinating niche of Computer Science that I studied briefly in university, but likely will not be pursuing in the future.

    Generally those involved with active development of commercial software don't fit into that category, though. It's very much a question of semantics.

  • What will happend to simpleX if the new laws happend to be voted in the EU ? :/
  • How comes? That's rather strange that only simpleX was an exception compared to other messengers? Do you know why, how?

    I believe it had to do with the size of SimpleX (fewer than X employees, or fewer than Y users). I can't fully remember, but I asked about it on Reddit (which I think I probably deleted when I switched to Lemmy).

    Somehow a gray zone? But a dangerous one... If they get caugh by regulation, what can they expect to get for a sentence by not complying to EU laws?

    It would likely be similar to a GDPR violation. The server would have to be reported and investigated, and then a fine will be levied. We will have to wait until we see the final version of the law to be certain, however. SimpleX has new "private routing" servers, which hide your IP address from the SimpleX relays, so perhaps if those become self-hostable, it will be better than a VPN (here's another blog post about that). It would also be incredibly hard to enforce, because the private routing server itself doesn't encrypt your messages, and the SimpleX network has no way of knowing the request came from the EU. That's very much a legal grey area, and I'm not a lawyer, so I don't know how things would actually work out. I still think that using SimpleX's private routing servers would likely not work (since for compliance, my belief is that there would still be IP based blocking), but it's hard to say.

    The other side to this is that all encryption happens on the device (hence why SimpleX is safe even on compromised servers, something detailed in their whitepaper if you're interested), so it may just be that downloads are blocked in the EU. Again, it will depend on the final version of the law, and I'm not a lawyer, so this is all speculation. Since all the SimpleX servers do is transport one already encrypted message to some other endpoint, it may be no issue for them to operate as normal. The law may require that the app checks your location before you can send a message however, in which case I'm not sure how things would be handled. The app could either check your IP address (bypassable by VPN), or check your location (bypassable by location spoofing). Regardless of which it would use, I find it likely that you will simply be denied the ability to send files (as I believe this law only pertains to files, not all messages?).

    Hopefully this law doesn't pass, but if it does, all of this will likely depend on the final version of the law. It could very well be that SimpleX is unaffected due to exemption, as with chat control in the UK.

    It seems that you have gotten a response from a SimpleX contributor that confirms that they can't really say what exactly the law passing would mean for SimpleX. It's far too difficult to predict the wording of the law, and it could change at any point, so trying to prepare in advance isn't a realistic option. SimpleX will likely release a blog post shortly after the law passes (if it does) detailing what it will mean for SimpleX. I'd keep an eye on It's a difficult situation from a legal standpoint, so this whole thing is really hard to say anything definitive about.