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PapstJL4U PapstJL4U
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How should I continue learning?
  • I am going out and say you like computer games. Visualizing computer game information is, imho, a great target.

    Making a UI for inputs and information or gathering information puts you on road to learn different, interacting aspect.


    • crawl info from wikis
    • display system mechanics in graphs and images
    • create UIs to interact with above data
  • Shower thought, traversal in open world games have turned from game mechanics to loading screens
  • Holding forward during the loading screen is not better than being free to do anything.

    Noone is against background loading. This is a given. People are against pseudo interaction.

  • Army Testing Robot Dogs Armed with Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Rifles in Middle East
  • GC is for war and soldiers are combatants and not criminals by default (switching can happen easily). As an example Hollowpoint against criminals is okay as it can protect surrounding bystanders.

    It's a bit weird, but for countries war is different from domestic problems.

  • Telegram is exposing their users privacy.
  • Guys like you see privacy as a monolith, that it never is. Unusable privacy is meanigless as email had shown. Privacy of communications does not mean privacy of communicators and usable authentication can be more important then anonymity.

    And all this has to be realised on real-world servers, that are always in reach of real world goverment.

  • I love diablo-likes, but they're also really annoying.
  • Maybe look out for single player games?

    Diablo-likes are not good, when the design team thinks about retention and game time instead of accessibilty.

    Stuff like Van Hellsing, Victor Vran and other AA release are not about the grind.

    Insteaf of 120 hours of PoE you can have 30-40hrs of 3 to 4 different diablo-likes a d I will tell you the difference is greater then within PoE.

  • Making GUIs, how do you pick?
  • If you only need something like buttons, sliders and other simpel, non-user-account driven stuff, than is an option.

    A simple requirements.txt and shipping your Python app with an .bat or .sh that just does:

    open venv start in venv closr venv

    should be a hood intermediate step from cli script to gui

  • Yup...i can confirm that
  • You then see people making scripts that take days to run, but it's fine, they're only going to use it twice and are busy enough to be able to wait

    Sponsored by "terrible python code by Matt Parker"

  • How to decide what kind of controller one should purchase?
  • My current focus:

    • hall effect sensor to avoid stick drift
    • i prefer the xbox layout for sticks
    • abxy button layout, because not all pc games support ps buttons
    • cabel, cuz lighter and no sudden loss of input
  • It genuinely upsets me that Valve spent their time and resources on another Dota variation
  • Isnt Icefrog one of the lead devs? I guess he likes this style of game. How many Total Wars, 4x and CoDs were released while Valve made one more Dota-like. Valve has some cool people working, vut O don't see a Suda51, a Raphael, Swery or Co, who has the focus to develope such a single player experience. If the flat structure with 'at will' project focus is still a thing, than sp games have probably a problem getting devs.

  • Real examples here?
  • The OG solution was to use stretched 4:3/resolution, nyt Arx Libertatis allows easy casting with modern resolution.

  • Banned governing body that's fueling outcry on Olympic boxers has Russian ties and troubled history
  • The IBF, headed by russion dude, came up with this undiaclosed "test" three days after the algerian boxer beat an undefeated russian boxer.

    The IBF was so openly corrupt, that the IOC kicked them and 20+ national boxing feds left IBF and created a new organization.

  • 'People got betrayed': Cardi B says she's not voting in the presidential election
  • easy to not vote with "fuck you money", if your own inaction fucks up, you can just leave

  • The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO
  • Why would you punish high apm? Thats punishing people for being better.

    If you free up actions, good players will use the free space for other options.

    If it only taked 50% skill to defend an expandion, people will double expand or expand and attack at the same time.

  • The RTS genre will never be mainstream unless you change it until it's 'no longer the kind of RTS that I want to play,' says Crate Entertainment CEO
  • I feel like people dont understand, that the RT part in rts will always be the important part.

    If you free up macro work, people will micro harder. WC3 got rid of most of the macro demand of SC and in consequence you will lose if you dont micro your units ik battle.

    SC1 had build pipe lines and it wad still better to issue commands seperatley, because the player is more flexible.

    A strategy is worthless if it csn be executed and the limits of execution create strategy.

    Extraordinary pathing and all-select created the a-click deathball, that is one of the most boring ways to see, play and lose to.

  • What open-source software would you like more people to know about?
  • KDEConnect - I use it on Windows and android phone. Very nice when you get security codes or links on phone, want to send files or when I want to control audio|video and I watch from the couch.

    in general: Fdroid nearly always has a more feature rich and performant alternative

  • Marvels Rivals requires creators to sign a contract that removes your right to give a negative review in order to access the playtest
  • Just black list people like a normal company - whoever i suspect they did this to revoke access during EA.

  • Eurovision has become an ugly mess
  • noo, windows95man :(

  • Bekommen Ärzten in Deutschland Prämien / Geschenke, wenn sie Medikamente einer bestimmten Firma nutzen?
  • Offiziell: Nein - Das Geld geht von der Krankenkasse oder Patienten zum Medikamentenhersteller. Der Arzt bekommt Geld für den die Behandlung von der Kasse.

    Faktoren, welche die Verschreibung beeinflussen:

    • Kennt der Arzt das Medikament?
    • Hat der Patient gute oder schlechte Erfahrung mit einer Art von Medikamenten gemacht?
    • Welche Erfahrung hat der Arzt mit der Verschreibung gemacht?

    Was Leute illegal machen ist eine andere Sache, aber die legalste Sache die Hersteller machen ist informieren via:

    • Vertretern, also Leute die zu den Ärzten gehen und die neusten Produkte anpreisen, dass sie existieren oder wie sie wirken.
    • Konferenzen mit Ausstellungen
  • I just love pain
  • and on the other side is game dev, where it is kind of expected to get content before weekend...and the reason they are paid well, right? right? >_>

  • It's time to mentally prepare yourselves for this
  • before i let the people win with "summer time all year", i am ready for the 12h offset in the 24h system