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Pantoffel Pantoffel
Posts 1
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Scrolling glitch

Hey guys, this might be a problem on my end, but I don't know if anyone else might be experiencing the same issue. Basically when I' m scrolling through a thread with the mousewheel, the screen will respond appropriately, then suddenly, I'm returned to the beginning of the thread. This is the only site where this is happening for me.

i'm using opera as a browser on desktop, but it's happened with other browsers as well. Any solutions would be appreciated.

Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • He was the best frontman motörhead ever had

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • Hi dude, I think you might've posted this reply in the wrong thread :)

  • Any other metal heads make it here yet?
  • That band dooms like few bands have ever doomed before. So good and so crushing live.

  • What kind of weekly/monthly threads would you want to see on !writing?
  • I second the writing prompts idea, and would like to offer an additional idea which might be a little strange. I used to love this subreddit called "/r/worststory". It was a place for writing prompts where the idea was to intentionally create a terribly written story.

    I got a lot of fun out of that subreddit, especially when there was a collaborative story thread. The basic premise of the subreddit made it a lot less daunting to post and easier to work out silly but creative ideas for stories.

  • How many of you are making your own music?
  • I'm sorry to hear that you're in so much pain. I hope you can find the help that you need. It sounds like a doctor might have to take a look at it.

  • How many of you are making your own music?
  • Don't mean to pry but in what way are your hands rebelling? Does it hurt to play?

  • How many of you are making your own music?
  • The guitarist was good friends with other friends of mine, and so we met each other at parties, concerts, festivals and such. After finding out we share a taste in music we sort of decided to jam for the hell of it. That felt good, so he invited a good friend who is a drummer to join up.

    Since then we've been looking around for a singer through various ways - people we know, friends of friends, random strangers in bars.

    I find I've usually always come to find and do new things through friends and aquaintances. But if you don't have any musicians in your personal orbit, you could try and find places that have open mic night or free jam sessions. Sometimes people will still post musician wanted ads in local record shops as well. And of course there is theoption of searching through the internet, through subreddits for example (or maybe here if the population grows enough.)

  • perfect/near perfect albums
  • A few I can think of right now:

    AC/DC - If You Want Blood (maybe cheating a bit because it's a compilation of songs from different albums, but it's the best live album of all time to me and AC/DC at their rockingest.)

    All Them Witches - Dying Surfer Meets His Maker or Nothing A The Ideal (both albums warrant a full playthrough almost always.)

    Elephant Tree - Elephant Tree (my favorite album of the last decade)

    Elder - Dead Roots Stirring (although Elder keep getting better and better, and are ever more amazing live, this album has a special place in my heart)

    Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here (masterpiece from beginning to end.)

  • How many of you are making your own music?
  • Been playing bass again since the event, found out that I'd really missed making music and joined a band. Recently we recorded a few songs but we still have to mix them.

    I would enjoy a music-maker community for people to discuss their own and other's creations, the process, advice etc.