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Pansexual_Iguana Pansexual Iguana
Posts 4
Comments 16
Crows and magpies using anti-bird spikes to build nests, researchers find
  • Your excerpt made me read the article. For those who haven’t or just don’t want to read it, ducks aren’t the only “crazy” birds. Crows and Magpies have been using these spikes and other dangerous human liter as defense from predators. What type of dangerous liter you might ask?

    In 1933, a South African museum reported a crow’s nest fashioned from hard-drawn copper, galvanised iron and barbed wire. Nails, screws and even drug users’ syringes have all found their way into birds’ nests.

    Some have even ripped metal off nearby factories to build their nests. These birds are on another level.

  • What’s your journaling style?

    Wanna get a post out to show appreciation for all types of journaling. Personally I’m boring and traditional with weekly entries that can be pages long of just emotional venting or thought processing. All of course written with a fountain pen with sparkly ink. I kinda want to switch it up a bit, get the creative juices flowing or maybe some productivity integrated somewhere. So how do you journal? Feel free to show off some entries (if you’re comfortable) or of your journal cover.

    Accidentally ignored my fibromyalgia symptoms, so I completely forgot about having fibromyalgia.
  • Took forever for me to get a diagnosis for my chronic pain, bunch of doctors thought I was either depressed or was seeking pain medication. Once you get the diagnosis though it gets somewhat easier. For me the tramadol is fine it keeps my more painful flare ups at bay and the lingering pain doesn’t leave me stiff if I’m staying in the same position. What I do keep on me all the time though is a snack. Sometimes I feel like I won’t need the meds so I’ll go about my day without them and might take them later in the day. At that point I need to eat something before the tramadol. One time I didn’t care about it because of my pain and ended up throwing up maybe 15-20 minutes later.

  • Has anyone used Hero's Journal?
  • I personally haven’t tried it but looking at the website it seems like a good journal for those who may have trouble starting a journal entry or just want some sort of theme going. It wouldn’t work for me since I tend to just write long winded paragraphs about anything. Maybe you can use it as a baseline in how you want to structure a physical journal and add more features to it, if you want to ever transition into a physical notebook and not pay for the premium version.

  • What’s your current journal set up?
  • Tomorrow River is really good for fountain pen, but I heard that something happened with their production line that the newer batches aren’t as great anymore for fountain pens. I’m not sure how factual that is since I haven’t heard much about them not handling fountain pens, but it should be fine for a gel pen.

  • What’s your current journal set up?
  • I also switch methods often. I used to write my feelings down in sticky notes and then throw them out to just get them out of my system. Currently I think I’ve “officially” filled out two notebooks, since I just started getting into handwriting journals maybe a year ago. How do you feel about the A5 size?

  • What’s your current journal set up?
  • If you are expressing your emotions through writing I’m sure that’s considered as journaling. Sounds like a very interesting et up though I’ve never been able to get into poetry writing, it’ difficult to get a rhyming scheme going for me. I hope you feel welcomed in this community as it grows and share some of your poetry!

  • What’s your current journal set up?

    Sometimes we like to shake things up or just see how other people do things. Currently I have a super simple set up, hardcover Moleskine notebook with a fountain pen. Thinking about changing it out when it’s done due to minor bleed through.

    Thank you!
  • Hi, thanks for your post! I really appreciate the kind words. I was honestly surprised there wasn’t a journaling type community already made when I first joined and it took a lot for me to decide I should just make one. Working on some stuff at the moment to try to get some engagement up soon so stay tuned!

  • Accidentally ignored my fibromyalgia symptoms, so I completely forgot about having fibromyalgia.
  • I’m very light hearted about it. I laughed when I figured it out, but definitely resting and listening to my body now. I was on tramadol for really bad days and basic ibuprofen for less painful days.

  • Fibromyalgia Pansexual Iguana

    Accidentally ignored my fibromyalgia symptoms, so I completely forgot about having fibromyalgia.

    Sounds almost crazy saying that and to be honest I’m not really sure how to explain it. I don’t want this to sound like I’m complaining for what could be perceived as mild symptoms. I want to use this post mostly to laugh at my ignorance and maybe as a warning to others. For some context I do have moderate ADHD and I’ve definitely been over working myself these past few years. I have been having my regular fibromyalgia symptoms throughout this time but decided to ignore it. Telling myself I had to get through the day and I could take some pain killers later. Now I guess I’ve been doing this so much that I “forgot” all about my fibromyalgia. I ignored it and just pushed through, to the point that I’ve been able to not notice my lingering chronic pain as much. Sounds great right, I somehow managed to mind over matter this. Well the inevitable happened. For the past months I’ve been having the worst symptoms I’ve ever experienced. My chronic pain reached a point that my bad day pain killers felt like I took a Tylenol instead, my fatigue has me feeling like instead of sleeping my body decided to participate in some sort of triathlon, and the muscle spasms and my pain sensitivity have reached a whole new high. I was going crazy trying to figure out what was going on. It wasn’t until I started venting about my back pain to a co-worker who asked why I had such high dosage pain killers that I remembered all about my fibromyalgia, and realized I’ve been ignoring it for a little over a year. So yeah, all that to say don’t ignore your symptoms as they will come back with a vengeance.

    YSK that most car’s fuel gauges have an arrow that point to which side your gas tank is on.
  • Got really bad ADHD so short-term memory things like this are not something I can remember consistently. There are other factors like new drivers or how others have mentioned using multiple vehicles due to work or leasing.

  • YSK that most car’s fuel gauges have an arrow that point to which side your gas tank is on.
  • Hi sorry about that! Thought I had it in the text body my bad. Just added it in.

  • YSK that most car’s fuel gauges have an arrow that point to which side your gas tank is on.
  • I learned this recently. I would end up circling the gas pumps trying to remember if it was right or left. It wasn’t until the person who was on the pump beside me, who also saw me do this circle before getting it right, told me about this feature. I remember telling a friend of mine about it and they told me that they already knew, but no one ever told me about it. Glad to know I’m not the only one who would have to play the guessing game of “which side is the gas tank”.

  • YSK: How to Properly Set Your Side Mirrors
  • It seems like the logical thing to do, but when I first started driving I had no idea how the side mirrors had to be adjusted. I eventually decided that I should at least have it angled to see the other lanes for when I wanted to merge. It wasn’t until much later that I learned that the side mirrors could and should be used to check the back of the car as well.

  • YSK that most car’s fuel gauges have an arrow that point to which side your gas tank is on.

    Not sure if this is common knowledge or not. Why YSK it’ll save you the guessing game of which side your gas tank is on when pulling up to a gas station.

    How to safeguard a Paperwhite against a preschooler?
  • I thought the kindle fire tablets hard reset after five attempts. I’m pretty sure the normal kindle e-reader devices don’t have a limited number of attempts before hard resetting. I do know that the kindle e-reader only devices when you forget your passcode you can enter a certain string of numbers which will hard-reset your device, which may be a concern for your situation.

  • Anybody know what's up with Beehaw blocking so many instances?
  • Beehaw made an announcement recently stating they were experiencing a lot of trolls and other mod related issues. I’m new to this whole thing so I honestly didn’t understand (and still don’t) some aspects of these systems. But, from what I got, it might have to do with limited moderation power and dealing with trolls or something like that.

  • How do you stay focused when studying?
  • I have to literally isolate myself from anything that can distract me. I’ve noticed that pressure from a looming deadline helps, but that’s not very healthy. What really gets me is the motivation to actually study, but I have been getting some good results with putting those ambient music or sounds on noise canceling headphones. For motivation, it’s hard. The mindset of “might as well” seems to work but is hard to get into the habit of doing. I have long commutes to school and if I’m bored I might as well look over my notes on my phone then be bored. Sometimes I just have a “blah day”, which is literally a day I just won’t get anything productive done if I don’t have to. And that’s ok, we tend to burn out quickly so it’s good to listen to our bodies. But I hope this helps!