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PNW_Doug PNW_Doug

Seattleite. Cyclist. Highly caffeinated.

Posts 1
Comments 22
Trump promotes false Harris AI crowd size conspiracy
  • Stuff like this has a real 'whistling past the graveyard' quality to it.

    I'm sure it's catnip to his base, but man, does it ever have the possibility of coming back to haunt him if she keeps building momentum at this rate.

  • Kamala Harris ties Donald Trump in state he won in 2016 and 2020: Poll
  • News like this makes me wonder if David Bowie finally reincarnated somewhere on Earth. Everything went to shit in 2016 after he left for his home planet.

  • Humans didn't invent agriculture
  • While I wouldn't say that's right, I also wouldn't come right out and call it wrong either. This very much engages with the "Selfish Gene", an heuristic model of thinking about evolution from the perspective of the gene itself instead of populations.

    As an added amusement, the book "The Selfish Gene" came out in 1976, and is the source of the word "meme," used somewhat differently than it is now, naturally.

  • What generation are you?
  • Haha, I've been using for so long I'd forgotten I even had the Space Needle profile on my account. Was truly puzzled for a minute.

    "How do they know I'm in Seattle? Oh, yeah."

  • What generation are you?
  • Generation X here.

  • Supreme Court allows cities to ban homeless people sleeping outside, even when shelter space is lacking
  • You can predict the outcome of this court's decisions with two questions:
    A: Will it cause chaos?

    B: Is it cruel?

    They seem to feel it's bonus points if the answer to both is yes.

  • 'Won't Fence Us In' - Nick Shoulders & the Okay Crawdad
  • On the off chance you're unaware, this song is referencing an old standard, "Don't Fence Me In."

    Here's Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters covering it around 1945. Love the melodic link to the original he incorporated.

  • Seattle
  • Thanks! You can’t hear it, but I squee like a little kid in my head every time someone says they like it.

  • Seattle
  • Because that’s what this bike is designed for as a low-trail bike. It’s biased to handle weight on the front. Even fully loaded with two panniers it handles completely neutral. It’s almost unnerving how normal it feels. More stability climbing passes too is also nice bonus.

    I’ve toured with both this and a more standard four pannier setup and this one is far better, IMO.

  • Seattle
  • Haha no. Just a rider with very particular tastes.

  • Seattle
  • A Crust Ramanceür. Built it out as my commuter/touring bike.

  • Seattle
  • Bike’s a bit dirty, but that’s inevitable when you commute in our rainy winters.

  • Seattle

    This past Sunday's ride, a view across the water from Alki Beach in West Seattle.

    US and UK back Canada in dispute with India over diplomats
  • This really rises to one of 2023's oddest stories. I mean, I don't even have a square for "Indian-Canadian Cold War" on my 2023 bingo card.

  • Canada removes 41 diplomats from India after New Delhi threatens to revoke their immunity
  • This really rises to one of 2023's oddest stories. I mean, I don't even have a square for "Indian-Canadian Cold War" on my 2023 bingo card.

  • First Day in the UK, tested the most casual thing I could think about. Your English Breakfast is awesome!
  • The differences between the classic American and English breakfasts are one of those things that make travel between the two countries so pleasing, at least for me.

    Different enough from one another to feel mildly exotic, yet similar enough to make you feel (mostly) at home.

    Did wonder while I was over there ages ago why no one had shown them you can fry green tomatoes too for a bit of variety. Searing a ripe one just kinda makes a mess, lol.

  • Salish Sea human foot discoveries - Since 2007, at least 20 detached human feet have been found on the coasts of the Salish Sea in Canada and US
  • This is sadly most likely stowaways that either fell off ships, or more horrifyingly, have been possibly tossed overboard after being discovered by crew.

    The feet, being encased in a floatable material — shoes — eventually detach and float to shore.

  • Gizmo would like a bite, too, please
  • Not after midnight please! We all know how that turns out.

  • What the hell is a group sound bath?
  • Corporate "wellness" speech for a concert, sounds like.