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Reddit mods claimed my buddy was stuffed
  • Aww she’s adorable! Reddit’s loss I guess!

  • Sen. Dianne Feinstein's daughter has power of attorney over her
  • Doesn’t change the fact that no one above 50 should be able to hold office.

  • Furries are typically more likely to be LGBTQ+, if it's okay to ask, what's your orientation / gender preference?
  • Gay cis man.

    I’m versatile, but lean more towards bottom I’d say. In some cases I’m also quite dominant. I like taking charge, but I have a hard time topping people I’m not emotionally invested in.

    Sometimes I do enjoy feeling submissive and vulnerable too though.

  • WTF is scaring my husker?
  • Could be a smell. My dog loathes hand sanitiser, and growled at a dude who tried to pet him shortly after using it.

    Maybe she smelled bad?