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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Liberal I know both-sidesing a national liberation movement
  • Since you mentioned Twitter videos.

    There's, for example, a genuine video of Palestinian fighters looting dead Israeli soldiers and then kicking their faces. Then there's fake videos, like the one with Israeli toddlers in chicken cages, being made fun of by Palestinians. That video is fake, as the sound of Palestinians is dubbed over (I have no idea where the images came from).

    Don't forget that Israel was the first to perfect online propaganda.

  • Liberal I know both-sidesing a national liberation movement
  • Nobody hands out independence. If you don't fight for it, you won't gain it. Even if the sentiment is genuine (Palestinians will end up suffering at the end), one has to realise that there's no "enduring" ethnic cleansing. Palestinians have to act at every chance they are given, or they'll cease existing as a people.

  • Thread about cheering nazi in Canada: "Those Nazis, were totally like the Native Americans, who were slavers btw"
  • The whole thread is still absolutely disgusting. "German soldiers didn't know" or "Not everyone was a Nazi".

    Motherfuckers, Hitler regularly put out general orders read to every military unit, demanding they kill women, elderly, children etc. They didn't know my ass.

  • Work.
  • The video I posted, and also this one are the only ones where he outright takes sides, and in the other video it's clear he's not a liberal. His Roman history series also takes time to talk about the people, and I'm betting his view on Julius Caesar has been influenced by Parenti to a degree. I've been following his channel for a long while, and aside from a video here and there, you wouldn't know what his politics are, because he's doing a good job stating the facts and his analysis usually focuses on sources.

    In his channel's early days, he did a series on NATO which was pretty critical of it. Here's the first video in that series.

  • Work. - A history of how capitalists ruined work

    Did your know it's unfair to call every member of the SS a Nazi?
  • And by definition every SS soldier was a Nazi because the SS was the paramilitary branch of the actual Nazi party.

    They are making this error on purpose, because that's the only way they can present that an SS soldier wasn't a Nazi.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • There is a lot to talk about here.

    On the Tibetan uprising:

    The major funder and organizer of the Tibetan uprising was the CIA. This is well-documented by now, and the CIA/USA are openly proud of it (e.g. infuriating but very informative reads on this:,

    The Tibetan guerilla groups requested help from the CIA since 1957, but the CIA was reluctant to help them at first. They then turned to other Western nations. By this point, Canada had already started its Nazi importation programs, in efforts to use foreign anti-communists to combat the rising domestic socialist movement. When China had re-acquired Tibet in 1950, many monks started fleeing to the West, including Canada, through this program ( Eventually, many of the monks who had left Tibet to India would resettle in Canada. The Tibetans joined an existing anti-China community in Canada, created by repatriated KMT fighters and politicians.

    Through this community in Canada, the Tibetan guerilla groups raised funds, and made connections with the Canadian government, and it was through them that they initially established contact with the CIA. The Canadian government was a happy intermediary during this period.

    After the uprising, the Canadian government was at the forefront of accusing China on how it handled Tibet. This is the earliest example I know of, where a Canadian-based NGO publishes a "study" on human rights violations in Tibet.

    On genocide narratives

    Take a look at these Canada-based organizations.

    These are all cut-outs of CIA and CIA-affiliated organizations, based in Canada and employing Canadian lobbyists (The last one was established by this Canadian NGO:

    The strategy is simple: The US issues accusations. Then Canada and Canadian-based NGOs back them up. Why Canada? Because that gives the illusion that the issue is not an excuse to conduct US foreign policy, but rather a legitimate issue of human rights violations.

    A good break down of how the Uyghur genocide narrative was created through this method is documented by The Grayzone: (pay attention to the last segment of the article talking about Canadian involvement).

    The Canadian parliament and the Canadian delegation to the UN are constantly making proclamations about Uyghur and Tibetan genocides:

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • At best, a Ukrainian infantry unit managed to get past a line of dragon's teeth in front of the first line, snapped a couple selfies, then came back.

    If the Ukrainians really did breach the first line, we would be getting flooded with hundreds of TikTok videos of Ukrainians atop tanks waving flags over Russian trenches.

    Even if they did breach the first line, that's nothing. In flexible defense doctrines, the first line is expected to be breached and is the weakest of the (usually) 3 lines. The area between the 2nd and 1st line is designed to be a massive kill zone, with a high density of minefields, pre-sighted artillery fields, removal of cover, booby traps, and a network of hidden passages to enable ambushes from the flanks and behind.

    The initial counteroffensive plan involved 12 Ukrainian brigades, 3 for each Russian defensive line. The Ukrainians ended up committing all of them just for getting past Rabotino. This means there is no more force to keep the offensive going.

    If the Ukrainians took this long and these many losses to pass the first line, there is no way they can do anything beyond that. Not unless they are hiding another 12 brigades up their sleeve.

    If the breach is real, then there's also the possibility that the Russians allowed it, in order to increase Ukrainian force depletion. Following from the previous point, if Ukraine wants to keep assaulting the second line, then they will have to pull troops from elsewhere to do it. As the Ukrainian army is stretched thin already, this will create massive gaps in other parts of the front, which the Russians can easily exploit.

    For an illustration of what will transpire, observe how the Red Army steamrolled all over Ukraine, Finland, the Baltics and the Balkans, after the Battle of Kursk. This was possible because the Germans had overcommited at Kursk at the expense of everywhere else on the front.

    Do not be surprised if the Russian army reaches the Dnieper by next summer.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They didn't just give them weapons. They trained them in Canada.

    Also, let's not forget:

    • Canada has been actively importing Nazis since the 50s (and Trudeau's father signed off on it too)

    • The Canadian minister of finance is the granddaughter of an actual Nazi and proud of it.

    • Canada has been instrumental in pushing the Uyghur genocide narrative

    • Canada has been instrumental in pushing the Tibetan genocide narrative and had financed the Tibetan monk uprising in 1959

    • Canada is littered with hundreds of Nazi memorials, including several to Stepan Bandera

  • Opinion on Hippies?
  • The hippie movement at its core is escapist. Hippies recognize that capitalism is evil, but they choose to not really do anything about it and instead simply avoid it and live a hedonistic lifestyle.

    It should be recognized that some hippies did good things (protests, organizing).

    But most of them ended up forming the core of what the Americans now call "progressive liberal", becoming just another support mechanism for capitalism.