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OddrunAsmundr OddrunAsmundr
Posts 0
Comments 22
Somebody Fucked Up
  • I am an American. I think you read it right…

  • Is there a chat/dating app that isn't complete shit and pay wall restricted?
  • Fetlife if you’re kinky. You gotta use it to find local events with fellow kinky people, meet up, vet each other. Etc etc.

  • Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.
  • Lotta weak men in these comments.

    1. Unless you’re a rapist or molester, this meme isn’t about you.
    2. 1 in 5
    3. Stop being so fragile.
  • Women Should Just Be Honest
  • It is a regular occurrence. Ask your female friends about it.

    You’re tired? They’re exhausted. Toxic behavior from aggressive men caused this collective fatigue.

    Unless you behave like the man in the comic, this isn’t about you.

    Maybe instead of pretending this super common thing doesn’t happen, you could encourage other men like I am doing right now.

  • Black national anthem sends MAGA into meltdown
  • I was doubtful right leaning media cared, but quite clearly it’s being heavily covered by such media.

  • What's the best type of food to eat in a shower?
  • …why do they train that?

  • Sleeping position
  • Sounds like you need to lop an arm off. Or dig a hole in your bed.

  • When did you start playing?
  • Started in the beta testing like you. Was crazy laggy and I remember running a direction, the whole world shifting around and bugging out, then shifting back. Often falling through the world and having GMs rescue my corpse as it was literally below the world.

    PvP servers, standard servers.

    The brutality if dieing and losing literally everything. The complete lack of directions (aside from that super basic tutorial).

    Good times.

    I stopped in early 2004. Might re-join again just to look around. Though it looks like I might have to check out project 1999 for the nostalgia and daybreak for the current happenings and content.

  • They look so friendly
  • I did not know that. Dang that was a messed up read.

  • people that use reddit repost bots- are you okay? why do you suck?
  • Truthfully I found I have had to block quite a few more communities than just the reddit bots. Everything in the fediverse has required work so far. Worth it imo though.

  • squeeze it!
  • Free snack

  • Reaganomics
  • Yes. Fascinating, thank you.

  • Reaganomics
  • Can you elaborate or reference books or economic terms on this? Genuinely interested, never heard this before.

  • What song are you listening to?
  • Amon Amarth - The Hero

    Listening while simultaneously studying google street view for vantage points, cover, and entryways at the location I am heading to.