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NotInTheFace NotInTheFace
Posts 16
Comments 70
*Permanently Deleted*
  • People not adhering to the sub purpose was a constant source of frustration for me. But when the post is at 24k upvotes, downvotes or reports won't do much.

  • [Request] Large thumbnails for external links

    Would be great with an option to show large thumbnails for links. Usually the link text is also shown as a body in the post, so it becomes redundant.

    McLaren's poster for the Hungarian GP
  • Man, the marketing for the barbi movie never ends. Now they even use posters from other movies!

  • "Guys?" by Itsmegcomics
  • He's upset he wasn't included.

  • four meal your
  • Familiar...

  • Finally a water for us slobs
  • Ass water 😬

  • Poddrekomendationer
  • Förstår vad du menar. Blir lätt ganska överdrivet och konstlat med komiker som försöker göra allt roligt. Men de känns väldigt naturligt roliga, och har så härligt samspel.

  • Poddrekomendationer
  • "Fråga Anders och Måns" klaffade perfekt med min ungdom när de fanns att se på youtube, så deras podd är ett självklart val. Älskar deras humor och blandningen av komedi och informativa svar på udda frågor.

    "Nours poddelipodd" är också grymt kul med Nour El Refai och Henrik Schyffert. Verkar dock som de har ett längre uppehåll. Men har du inte lyssnat på dem tidigare finns det gott om innehåll att lyssna ikapp.

  • Goodnight, RIF
  • Rest in free

  • Does anyone else feel like advertising has little to no effect in them?
  • And when getting toothpaste for your toothbrush, do you go with a brand you recognize, or an unknown brand?

  • Liftoff v0.9.19 Release - Performance + Everything Feed Fixes!
  • Just downloaded the app, and already like it a bunch! A few things I hope will be added:

    • When using amoled dark mode, you can't see the divider between posts. Would be great if it was possible to choose a white divider instead of black
    • when scrolling up, you see the menu bar for selecting between all/subscribed/local, but not for sorting (new/hot/top etc.)
    • There seems to be no indication when you receive new replies?
    • would be nice if your own username was highlighted in the comment section, so you can find your own comments easier
    • if it's possible, go directly to a comment/reply from your inbox.
    • maybe clicking the home icon while on the home page to go back to top
    • like someone else said, the add post button is a little big and distracting.

    Again, great app! Hope to see it grow and evolve.

  • ‘twas an ordeal
  • "Please see the attached file."

    forgets attachments

  • Lemmy is so good right now because there are no kids here
  • Anti-advertisment, apply directly to the forehead.

  • So true it hurts
  • That is surprisingly expensive. I can get nothing at home for free.

  • me irl
  • Where !hydrohomies at?

  • wtf
  • The old annexaroo

  • Is there a seamless way of linking to other instances?
  • Reading that comment, reading this comment, still clicking on the link with Jerboa:

  • I just found out that the people onboard the Titan submarine are dead. Is OceanGate in trouble?
  • Even without law suits, their credibility as a company will be destroyed. Can't imagine anyone paying to go into one of their subs again.

  • Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

    The ten year anniversary of Dota's public release is coming up (yes, we're working on some fun stuff for it; no, we're definitely not going to hit the July 9th date listed on Steam). As anniversaries go ten years is a big one, and while looking back is important, what's more important is how we appr...

    8 Learning from the Past, Looking to the Future

    The ten year anniversary of Dota's public release is coming up (yes, we're working on some fun stuff for it; no, we're definitely not going to hit the July 9th date listed on Steam). As anniversaries go ten years is a big one, and while looking back is important, what's more important is how we appr...

    4 Ministern om tågkaoset: ”Situationen är oacceptabelt dålig”

    Infrastrukturminister Andreas Carlson (KD) riktar skarp kritik mot Trafikverket för de omfattande störningarna i den svenska tågtrafiken. Under dagen hölls ett möte med företrädare för tågbranschen. – Situationen är oacceptabelt dålig, säger Andreas Carlson i Aktuellt.

    Gaming NotInTheFace

    Gaming headset

    So my old headset finally fell apart completely. I've been trying to find a fitting replacement, but man is it hard... so here's hoping I can get some guidance here.

    I'm looking for a comfortable wireless headset with decent reach and mic. That's it. No need for ANC. Or at least the option to turn it off. Don't need RGB or fancy designs. It seems impossible to find a headset that fits the description without being subpar quality...

    Any suggestions are appreciated!


    Gaming headset

    So my old headset finally fell apart completely. I've been trying to find a fitting replacement, but man is it hard... so here's hoping I can get some guidance here.

    I'm looking for a comfortable wireless headset with decent reach and mic. That's it. No need for ANC. Or at least the option to turn it off. Don't need RGB or fancy designs. It seems impossible to find a headset that fits the description without being subpar quality...

    Any suggestions are appreciated!

    19 Inflationen i Sverige sjunker i maj – nere på 6,7 procent

    Inflationen faller och landar på 6,7 procent enligt KPIF, visar nya siffror från Statistiska centralbyrån, SCB. – Det är en liten besvikelse, som kommer få konsekvensen att Riksbanken fortsätter höja räntan, säger SVT:s ekonomikommentator Alexander Norén.


    Skapade ett community för Swedish Problems Swedish Problems -

    For problems and awkward situations that are typically Swedish.

    Swedish Problems -

    cross-posted from:

    > Ingen har postat ännu... ska man flytta till Island?


    Skapade ett community för Swedish Problems Swedish Problems -

    For problems and awkward situations that are typically Swedish.

    Swedish Problems -

    cross-posted from:

    > Ingen har postat ännu... ska man flytta till Island?


    Skapade ett community för Swedish Problems Swedish Problems -

    For problems and awkward situations that are typically Swedish.

    Swedish Problems -

    Ingen har postat ännu... ska man flytta till Island?
