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Nostromo Nostromo Survivor

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  • Yes. Bedfordshire.

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • That sounds interesting. Will look into that.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • I've had an issue with an LG smart TV (not really an LG, its a re-brand). The web browser was horrifically slow and it flat out refused to play anything. It has very limited processing resources. I was planning on side loading the jellyfin client for LG TV's but that was all dropped in favour of a chromecast. Instantly solved the problem (and they're quite cheap on social media marketplaces)

    Other than that, I've never had an issue with any client.

    My media is a mix of pretty much everything available. 264, 265, avi etc etc. I occasionally have an issue with 265 media, stuttering. Easily solved by deleting and redownloading a 264 version. Transcoding (or not, dependant on client) is all handled automatically by Jellyfin.

    Hope that helps?

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • Oh that's a good shout. I'll definitely look into that. Thank you very much!!

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • Yep. Telegram was suggested to me as a solution in the official Jellyfin Discord. Should be well documented? (I never looked tbh as convincing all my users to download telegram would be difficult; the elderly hate change and I'd have to go and set it up for them and then teach them how to use it)

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • Scrub that. Someone just bought to my attention building a WhatsApp bot in Node Red. I can then use the webhook notifier in Jellyfin to send events to it.

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • I had considered going down the road of Notification listener (windows toast notifications). Sanitise the output and pipe into pywhatkit to generate a Whatsapp group post.

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • Appreciate the reply. Yes. Its on the list for automated request/download. Was holding out for a WhatsApp option first, but as that seems impossible, I'll be going down the sonarr/radarr route now.


  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?
  • Goodness me. Thanks so much for your detailed reply. I appreciate the time spent looking into this and the great suggestions. I will look into all of the above. Jellyseerr/Ntfy looks like the best option. Thanks again.

  • Jellyfin notifications -> WhatsApp?

    Hi all.

    Been searching for a while and still can't find anything on this.

    Looking for a way to broadcast notifications of new media to a whatsapp group, which I use for requests and new media. It just me, kids and friends (10 users).

    Not all have Discord, so that option is out (however well documented).

    Anyone seen anything on this?

    Greatly appreciated.

    Side note; Been running my server for around 5 months. Have all the usuall plugins installed, custom branding, LiveTV through an iptv service, schedule, recordings etc etc. Absolutely loving it. It's just perfect. It's grown rapidly. Over 160 Movies and 90 odd TV Shows and counting. I've already bought two extra HDD's to accommodate. It literally never fails. Any client, flawless, even on the fixed tablet in the car. Now if only I could get notifications via WhatApp to save me doing this manually with every new episode/film. Complete automation is the goal.

    Edit: my bad spelling.

    If you listen closely, you can hear the lemmy servers groaning under the weight of all those new users
  • Absolutely.

    Kind of glad I'm part of the Lemmigration.

    Been 24hrs, going to stay.

  • 4 days before reddit's 3rd party app shutdown, Lemmy daily active users has skyrocketed 1400% this month
  • Fuck that cretinous spez and his money-grabbing lobotomy business plan.

    Double edged sword as it is, I'll probably prefer Lemmy anyway...

  • 4 days before reddit's 3rd party app shutdown, Lemmy daily active users has skyrocketed 1400% this month
  • Found my way here as part of the Grand Reddit Migration. Applying for refugee status please. (1st day on Lemmy, looks good gotta say)