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Earnest Discussion: It has been 3 days and there is virtually no activity here.
  • feel free to make and moderate a new subreddit if you don't enjoy the current situation is probably an argumentation on the same level as yours...

  • Earnest Discussion: It has been 3 days and there is virtually no activity here.
  • There is the homepage and the forums, there are multiple discords. you react like somehow you have no access whatsoever to information or participation with other people just because mods imo rightfully are participating in that boycott... I don't get it...

  • Earnest Discussion: It has been 3 days and there is virtually no activity here.
  • "people cant read" and "people closing dialogue windows without reading" is basically the universal problem for most issues when people sit in front of any computer device from my experience...

  • Reddit Threatens to Remove Moderators From Subreddits Continuing Blackouts
  • I am strongly for not opening up again and instead try to migrate to an open solution like this instance. people complaining about missing features and whatsoever will always exist...

  • Why was PoE reddit shutdown without consulting the public?
  • The way you react here just makes me more confident that its a good idea to close the subreddit permanently and make a new instance with less user here. you have zero issues with all those changes because you don't spend volunteer hours for moderation and hence you definitely have less to say on that particular topic imo. Also it would be kind of cool to show some kind of cohesion instead of bitching around here.