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Nicoleism101 Nicoleism101
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Emotional overload
  • Fake or not it made me smile and I do think/remember children feelings being extremely strong. Minor shit makes kids cry and wallow in despair. We all ought to remember about that more often and be gentle with little humans

  • Do animals have emotions like us?
  • My cat: I pissed three times on your stuff while you were away because fuck you and your shitty ‘healthy’ food

    Same evening: cuddles? cuddles! cuddle me human, yes scratches behind the ears!

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • Okay but we are talking about two different things which is fine by me of course but it is a little tricky. I agree though on that second topic

  • I wish I was as bold as these authors.
  • I didn’t mean AI generated anything though 🙄. I meant put lots of ‘AI’ keyword in the resume in whatever way looks professional but in reality is pure bullshit

    Watch their neuron being activated as they see magic word. Gotta play the marketing game.

    You want to be AI ready? Hire me. I have spent three years working with AI and posses invaluable experience that will elevate your company into a new era of rapid development.

  • Whales
  • It boggles my mind why some people do not craft interesting personas specifically for the purpose of having fun or botch it like this. For all who cares I am an ex volunteer in Bangladesh where I was teaching Computer Science to the little kids (I never flew further than Italy)

  • push it real good
  • Maybe because no one would green light testing of it

    We are fine with torturing monkeys but the human babies whole facility would be burnt down and ceo crucified

  • goddamnit
  • I do this little trick where I change .webp to .jpg

  • goddamnit
  • I do this little trick where I change .webp to .jpg

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Leiva-Bianchi, M., Nvo-Fernandez, M., Villacura-Herrera, C., Miño-Reyes, V., & Parra, N. (2023). What are the predictive variables that increase the risk of developing a complex trauma? A meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders, 343, 153-165.

    It’s rare in literature where there is a need for precision but common in practice

  • things you can only do with boys
  • They are in fact used in that manner for better or worse.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Trauma and ptsd can be used interchangeably. PTSD is more precise term and clinically significant. Trauma is more colloquial. I used PTSD on purpose to accent the debilitating effect it has on the society as a whole.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • In fact, collective trauma can impact relationships, alter policies and governmental processes, alter the way the society functions, and even change its social norms (Chang, 2017; Hirschberger, 2018; Saul, 2014)

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Aydin, C. (2017). How to Forget the Unforgettable? On Collective Trauma, Cultural Identity, and Mnemotechnologies, Identity, 17:3, 125-137, DOI: 10.1080/15283488.2017.1340160

  • things you can only do with boys
  • collective trauma refers to the impact of a traumatic experience that affects and involves entire groups of people, communities, or societies. Collective trauma is extraordinary in that not only can it bring distress and negative consequences to individuals but in that it can also change the entire fabric of a community (Erikson, 1976).

    I appreciate your efforts but it is a real, scientifically proven phenomenon.

  • Tolkien wasn't always the most creative with names.
  • It sent me on a trip and in the end to Hittite 𒆷𒄴𒉺𒀸 (laḫpaš, “ivory”) 3700 years ago

    I love etymology honestly and how it is all connected. I am really curious about onomatopoeias.

    For example is ‘hmmm’ used in many unrelated languages just because it has a soothing vibration? Why do we have same onomatopoeias in cultures that never met?

    Is there a language that is closest to interpreting the brain signals if we consider onomatopoeias to be a part of the language?

    Perhaps some primitive pre language consisting of grunts without words. Then the evolution comes into play and animal communication.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • I like this additional take with pure facts and discussion, It’s mostly uncharacteristically civil and starts to be interesting or at least has potential to be.

    However I am mostly focused on why one picture is big wtf and why one is smaller wtf.

  • things you can only do with boys
  • Well you have no idea then. Here no one cares. It’s normal and nothing sexual about it

    And not even on the nude beach either on a normal beach too there’s hordes of nude children running about. I am waiting for your head to explode now

  • things you can only do with boys
  • There’s nothing wrong about nude children or any other human old or young. Just go to a beach in Europe…

    Yes Americans are weird about this thanks to years of well… catholic brain rot

  • things you can only do with boys
  • My god damn pleasure sub

  • things you can only do with boys
  • You guys want to consider gender in vacuum but it is never a good idea.

    Look at the sexualisation and brainwashing of the girls and patriarchy and men having this big power gap and sometimes using it in the most monstrous of the ways even today let alone 100 years ago. This is why the second image is big wtf while the first is small wtf.

    That’s because in the first no one would immediately think that they sexualise the boy while in the second we arrive at this conclusion immediately and without hesitation thanks to all the hard work of men thorought history.

    I know having this original sin of your fathers on your shoulders is not a cool feeling but this is the reality we are in.

    The sooner this collective PTSD heals and that can only happen after some time of treating women as humans, the better for everyone. Problem is that point in history is far, far away considering the core issue is still prevalent.

    It will take another 100 years of intense education and raising new generations to have the society that isn’t obviously fucked up and deeply hurt.