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NeonWoofGenesis NeonWoofGenesis
Posts 6
Comments 49
0.19.4 Prerequisites
  • Well the docker-compose file reads, and with your mention, I switched from version 15 to 16 but the postgres container errored with not being compatible with a version 15 initialized data directory.

    My instance has been running fine on v15 so far. (I switched back to 15 in the compose file and it works again)

    Would be nice with lemmy documentation how to migrate from 15 to 16.

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • Here in Finland the Left Alliance increased votes by 10% while True Finns(hard right party) decreased support massively across the whole country. Only one true finn got voted in.

    So at least we got that going for us...

  • 3000 violated red lines
  • Moscow has been struck by drones multiple times and nothing has happened

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1
  • This was just part 1 with probably the lowest hanging fruits :)

  • De-Google Your Life - Part 1 Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

    What is Reddit doing
  • Yep, why would the subreddit be safer inside their own app xD

  • Outsiders seeing all the jeans
  • I see. That does make sense.

  • Outsiders seeing all the jeans
  • Why are we posting jeans?

  • the end times
  • Weird this line hasnt worked for me yet

  • [Q] Estimate laptop power consumption (/sys/class/powercap/*/energy_uj)
  • Why not buy a wattmeter and observe the real usage?

  • Jeans
  • Yeah I like jeans

  • Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation (Google maps alternative)
  • No unfortunately I haven't had crashes during my 2 years of using it, running on LineageOS with and without microg.

  • How Does The Stormgate Ranking System Work?

    Check out everything you need to know about the Stormgate Ranking system, including leagues, mmr, and more.

    How Does The Stormgate Ranking System Work?
    Organic Maps: Offline Hike, Bike, Trails and Navigation (Google maps alternative)
  • I use this for everything except driving. Organic Maps also makes it easy to add new new points to openstreetmaps :)

    For driving I use Magic Earth. Not open source but their privacy policy states they don't sell your data or store PII.

  • I might've found the weirdest MT-LB(?) of this war
  • Combination of a jawa sandcrawler and c&c harvester

  • yambar: how the hell do I activate this status bar?
  • I installed yambar to check it out. I had to name the config ´config.yml´ and not ´config.yaml´ which you have. With that I could launch it from the terminal.

    However I couldn't make it launch from sway by swapping out my ´waybar´ to ´yambar´, so I can't help you there from my quick test. This is my section for the bar in ´~/.config/sway/config`

    bar {
        id default
        position top
        swaybar_command waybar

    Go and see if you can even launch it from the terminal first.

    edit: Got curious by your mentioned status_command

    With that yambar shows up, but also the default swaybar. I could hide it with:

    bar {
        id default
        position top
        mode hide
        status_command yambar
  • Doggos NeonWoofGenesis

    Doggo sits like hooman too

    Doggos NeonWoofGenesis

    Doggo touches grass
