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NAWolveine222 NAWolveine222

Dwarf fortress type of man

Posts 1
Comments 1
What's your mega-project right now?
  • A war to eradicate the Goblin threat on the entire continent half I am on, nearing the last few pits and one is a fortress that houses a "Gold Devil" that has killed everything it has touched so far. My mega-project is raising my population up and training up enough warriors to wear down the devil himself into wanting to go back to the hellish spawn he came from.. oh and I raise elephants. :)

  • Dwarf Fortress Epic: The Tale Of Painted Cloisters Part 1 & 2 (this is an animated movie of the history of my fort part two is qued in playlist)

    The Beginning of a long tale.....come, sit!Part 2 is out now!:
