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Mutisi0n Mutisi0n
Posts 1
Comments 16
They really expect us to play along
  • What I love is when someone hears that you don't know who these people are.

    "What?! You've never heard of Henry Cankersore? From 'Trimble's Jive?' What do you mean you've never seen it? That show was my childhood, especially the part where Johnny confessed to eating Zaphod's vintage cake pop collection."

    Then they tell me I need to get out more.

  • The deed has been done.
  • Oh don't worry, the only comment left was a link to join Lemmy

  • Sad to see Reddit go
  • I'm using Jerboa, too! It's quite nice and I look forward to seeing future developments

  • fuck u/spez Mutisi0n

    The deed has been done.

    On to new horizons!





    8 c/futurama subscribers just hit 56!
  • Farnsworth hearing about what's happening to that other site

  • I will not apologize for the pun.
  • My final comment was a join Lemmy link, so at least one of those people banging at the gates is my doing.

  • Watch Reddit go dark: A website that updates live 24/7
  • Indeed, I almost lost 9 full years, lol. That's alright, though. I really like Lemmy and I see that other like-minded folks are migrating as well. Please forgive our traffic! We hope to integrate smoothly

  • Watch Reddit go dark: A website that updates live 24/7
  • 8 years, 11 months.

    I'm going dark in solidarity. 100 minutes to go in my time zone.

    Goodbye, u/mutisi0n. Goodbye, Reddit. It's been real.

  • *oh no*
  • Good question, I think that depends on your phone/settings. If it's just silencing, probably not as to the caller it will keep ringing until VM picks up. If it's declined, that may go straight to VM and the caller may notice a shorter ring and connect the dots.

    Edit: autocorrect likes to have a laugh

  • Gerrymandered Pizza
  • When I was 12-13, I had a period of time where I absolutely could not cut through a pepperoni. What I did was to move the slices around before baking, however. This is the work of a sick mind.

  • TIL blobfish do not look like that famous picture
  • Yikes. I was going to make a joke about my face not looking too thrilled to have the bends, but after finding a detailed description of what actually happens to you I'm just gonna shut up and cry a little bit.

  • Most cyberpunk thing in your daily life...
  • Man, I miss when cyberpunk dystopian existence was a thing of sci-fi writers' imaginations.

  • oh thank fucking god
  • Thanks from me as well, it's a sour day without these photos gracing my feed

  • Is anyone else beginning to mourn reddit?
  • Yeah, I definitely miss the idea of what Reddit used to be. But it's just the platform that's dying, the people are still around and it looks like more and more are jumping ship. Perhaps the niche communities will migrate, as well.

  • Excited to be here!
  • I'm just dipping my toes in as well, but I'm glad to see others with enthusiasm. I don't want to see my favorite communities die out just because the CEO of the site went off the deep end.

  • Welcome reddit refugees!
  • I'm only a few minutes old, but I'm looking forward to exploring. It's pretty cool so far!