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MrPoopyButthole MrPoopyButthole
Posts 93
Comments 642
At least buy me a drink first, mon time capitaine.
  • I prefer when the plot stays within an episode.

  • Rangers need not apply
  • I'm trying to sleep next to my GF and you just woke her up!

  • Whale
  • That whale has seen some things

  • The Picardo Maneuver
  • Picardo Worf would have made such a ridiculous character. I'd watch.

  • A bit fucked up, isn't it?
  • Nothing has been removed

  • One of O'Brien's recurring stress dreams
  • This is so terrible. I love it!

  • Not game over, man!
  • Perfection

  • Not game over, man!
  • Super Ripley Mode:

  • question, When were programmers supposed to be obsolete?
  • Yup. Business logic for things that cost millions or billions should not be run by an approximation machine.

  • WE ARE BESET BY SUFFERING ON ALL SIDES [anti-natalist essay]
  • Ezekeil 25:17

    The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee.

  • Tiny tits here
  • Yo baby, you ever had your asshole licked by a fat man in an overcoat?

  • The USA supply problem

    Due to the recent thread here that I unfortunately had to delete (the OP was not playing nice), and the evidence and similar stories mounting over the last few years, I am making this post to acknowledge the problem our USA brethren are dealing with.

    I am not saying there are any good solutions to this, or that you should take things into your own hands, thats for each person to decide for themselves. But this is rather an acknowledgement and also a reason to treat this situation with empathy.

    Stay safe out there everyone!

    Researchers Map 50,000 of DNA’s Mysterious ‘Knots’ in the Human Genome
  • We thought we left Clippy in the 90s but he was with us all along.

  • Debian Orphans Bcachefs-Tools: "Impossible To Maintain In Debian Stable"
  • Debian is the most stable distro and downstream loads of distros rely on Debian being clean. This dev has to be strict if they want to maintain the status quo. Rather let the user DL this as a standalone package and still use it, instead of it being included by default with the possibility of breaking.

    And another thing. Version pinning should be normalized. I just can't bend my mind around code which has to be refactored every 12 - 24 months because dependencies were not version pinned and a new thing broke an old thing. Unless this code is your baby and you stare at every day, constantly moving forward, you should write code that lasts.

  • Resist!
  • He was a union man

  • Update to Terms of Service + New Bylaws (Protections for users)
  • Oh man this ones got some flavour to sink ones teeth into 😅

    I take the side of the admin. If someone can't accept or understand that a cat eats a meat based diet then they deserve to have reality thrown in their face. Better than some poor animals being tortured.

  • Month-long mood swings?
  • It's against the rules of the community to advise others what to do with their medications.

  • This showed up on a neighbor's roof. Extra context in post.
  • This is a client access sector. Not a point to point carrier link from a tower. It will be aimed towards the people with devices and it will spread out its signal in 180 degree or less angle.

  • Reasonable task


    Rokeby Venus

    The Rokeby Venus is a painting by Diego Velázquez which was completed between 1647 and 1651. It depicts the Roman goddess Venus in a sensual pose, lying on a bed and looking into a mirror held by her son Cupid. The painting is the only surviving female nude by Velázquez. Since 1906 it has been in the National Gallery in London.


    Commander Charles Tucker III

    Keep your shirt on Lieutenant



    Voyager S5 E26 Equinox


    Shocking, terrifying, bizarre, and thrilling!

    Coming to - you - in flaming technicolor


    Hyperfixation side effects


    Printer driver failure: All hands abandon ship!


    Please remove this drug dealer

    Look at the post history


    Spent My Life An Actor


    Alternate timeline


    We'll fix it with the transport buffers


    It's almost Cardassian season


    Poor Smiley


    How to make Weyouns


    Discount horga'hn near me


    Shut up Wesley


    Jupiter and Io (New Horizons)


    M51 (Webb)


    When the writers say a planet is -291 Celsius

    The science advisor must have been out that day
