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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 27
Amazing attitude
  • This seems like an infinite step up from having to be in the office for 60-80 hours a week just to look impressive, while accomplishing little after the 35 hour mark. I would take this lady's position in a heartbeat.

  • License Free, Encrypted, Off-Grid, Decentralized Mesh Network Comms: A full guide on how to get started with LoRa devices and Meshtastic
  • I have a question about how easy the signal is to block. I live in a somewhat mountains, densely forested area. Do devices need to have direct line or sight to communicate? Wanted to set this up as a potential back up communication source for grid outages and keep a device in each car.

  • 4000ac solar farm in Texas devastated by hailstorm
  • That is fair, I would call that a bit of perspective, bit not unfair perspective. Yes, it did take significant disasters to make the mistakes apparent, so who's to say if anybody would've noticed or how much of a problem they would've been.

  • 4000ac solar farm in Texas devastated by hailstorm
  • Nuclear powerplants are so safe that they've only had a handful of (admittedly disastrous and high profile) failures, and have killed less people per watt hour generated than even wind and solar power. Nuclear power is the safest, cleanest, most efficient form of green energy we can get right now. Yes, it can be dangerous if not managed properly. But Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island were not freak accidents. Deliberate mistakes were made that were known at the time and should be used as warnings to keep the industry safe, not as sirens that lead is to swear off nuclear energy.

  • Liz Cheney warns U.S. can't 'survive' another Donald Trump presidency
  • You don't want Liz Cheney's help. This isn't an enemy of my enemy situation, or a lesser of two evils. You'd be trading one bad for a different but equally bad. You want to go back to Iraq and Afghanistan? She'd put us back in Iraq and Afghanistan if she could.

  • Read in another thread and had to share...(could not crosspost as it was a comment)
  • I'm definitely not gonna disagree with you. Gotta take friends where you can get them, these days. The difference I would say is in intent. I want workers rights so we can go back to a traditional one income household with a married couple and lots of kids, that's what I mean by conservative position. But if people want to take that freedom to try out other stuff like DINK household with plenty of economic security, or a stay at home dad situation, or quality affordable daycare, more power to them. Can't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. As long as quality of life is improving, I won't turn my nose up at it, just cause it doesn't match my traditional religious conservative ideas of society.

  • Read in another thread and had to share...(could not crosspost as it was a comment)
  • Similar story, except I joined the Air Force. 8 still consider myself somewhat social conservative, but distanced myself from the party and the messaging years ago. I would say that it's not necessarily a conservative position just because the RNC says it. I'm pro labor now, and I think of it as a very conservative position, as worker empowerment would empower families to make more choices and would hopefully improve the birth rate. All that to say, don't give up on your principles and beliefs just because the political machine corrupted things.

  • Lego instructs California police department to stop using Lego heads to mask identities of suspects
  • The LEGO group has always been protective of their brand and nervous about being associated with potentially violent content, turning down a partnership with the Halo games because of that. For years, they didn't want to make grey bricks because they were afraid kids would use them to build tanks. All this to say, this seems pretty on brand for the LEGO group.

  • Games rule
  • Killing hundreds of zombies, skeletons, creepers, and Illagers, not so I can save the villagers they wrongly imprisoned, but so I can get that one specific gilded sword.

  • Anon tries to be funny
  • I dunno, this kind of meta commentary could easily accomplish both, if executed well. Shows that you're thinking of things in terms of overall social norms and trends, and figuring out how to present that idea in front of a crowd in an approachable way. I still think that the delivery is the most important aspect of this idea, though, as a piece of comedic satire.