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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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I want to get into Doctor Who, but it seems daunting and massive, any suggestions where to start?
  • I agree with Audrey0nne that the charm of the original has not aged well, and also not all of the episodes are available due to archive policies and legal restrictions of the day.

    The first season of the reboot suffers from the same uncertainty that Star Trek TNG first season did. Nobody knew if the show was going to be a success and also they were trying to balance new techniques with old expectations. Christopher Eccleston was cast for his name recognition and star power and he already knew going in he was only committed for one season.

    I say start with the season finale of the reboot’s first season to see David Tennant come in and see where that takes you.

  • What free2play game are you currently hooked on?
  • Gumballs and Dungeons is a fun roguelike gacha. The main game loop is picking a Gumball which have different stats and mechanics and diving a Dungeon which has different enemies and mechanics. So you want to synergize your gumball with your strategy for a particular dungeon. Each floor of a dungeon is a 6x5 tile map and you flip the tiles looking for the down exit. There’s a boss every so many floors and just try to go a deep as you can. At the end of the run you keep some of the stuff you collected to unlock new dungeons and gumballs.

    Another Eden is a gacha RPG from the writer and composer of sony enix dream team; chrono series, xeno series, final fantasy. There is so much content there and a ton of crossovers with other franchises. The map movement is done really well here for a mobile targeted rpg, it’s slightly elevated from a side scroll perspective and you mostly move horizontally in lanes with vertical connections here and there to switch between lanes. The writing is great, the music is great, the battle mechanics can get really deep.

  • How do you contribute to OSS?
  • How should a contributor gauge whether to make big changes to “do it right” or to do it a little hacky just to get the job done?

    When you work in enough diverse codebases, with enough diverse contributors, you begin to understand there isn’t one objectively right way. There are many objectively wrong ways to do something. Picking a way to do a certain task is about picking from tradeoffs. A disturbingly common tradeoff is picking rapid development over long term maintainability, but that isn’t not the right way to do it in a competitive space.

    Needs change over time and certain tradoffs may no longer apply. You’re likely to see better success making lots of little hacky fixes until it’s not a hack anymore because you’ve morphed it slowly over time.

    Version control, git et al, allows you to make multiple commits in a single PR, so you could break the changes up to be more reviewable.

  • How do you contribute to OSS?
  • Hear, hear! I would add that it multiplies again, again when other people are actually using the product. Engineers famously build tools for engineers which can leave something to be desired for the layman.

  • Decision of Next Os
  • My experience, ymmv, the most work went into configuring everything you need or want the first time. The right drivers for your graphics card, for your webcam, wifi, acpi multimedia keys, etc. Though I don’t use a gnome/kde/DE, so some of that may automagically work for you. After that though, updates don’t tend to break the things you’ve already fixed.

    One time in 5 years the names of some acpi keys changed, and I had to update the script, and that wasn’t really arch’s fault. Also Google did a funny thing with their monospaced font that xft couldn’t handle, again not an arch specific thing.

    And here’s a hot take for you, I only update about every 18 months. That’s usually how long it takes Discord to become binarily incompatible with installed libraries. Update the keyring first and never a problem.

  • Briana Belser and Mike Gauyo, “My Little Girl and I”

    This is from the show Ginny and Georgia and I don’t know I’ve ever felt a more concise experience of fatherhood.

    My little girl and I, we go camping and roast marshmallows.

    She gets sticky fingers.

    "Dad, I want you to clean them."

    So I do.

    My little girl and I, we hike the Grand Canyon. She gets tired.

    "Dad, I want you to carry me."

    So I do.

    My little girl and I, we have this game called Magic Carpet Ride, and I zoom her up and around and down.

    And, "Dad, do Magic Carpet Ride again!" So I do. "Dad, do Magic Carpet Ride again!" So I do. "Dad, do Magic Carpet Ride again!" So I do, I do, I do!

    My little girl isn't so little anymore.

    She wants to do it herself.

    "Dad, you don't know what you're talking about." "Dad, you don't get it." "Dad, be cool."

    My little girl is growing up.

    What does she need her dad for?

    "Dad, I want you to stay around."

    So I do.

    I have had a thought on a particular programming class.
  • I too have had idle thoughts about what lessons to pass on and what was lacking in my own formal education.

    My elevator pitch is to have a semester long project broken down by feature. You get a couple weeks to develop, but after each one is complete you have to trade code bases with someone else in the class. It’d teach both how to work in an established code base, and how to be kind to some future maintainer (who might be yourself).

  • We Need To Rewild The Internet | NOEMA
  • Rewilding, as defined in the artIcle, isn’t about reverting a place to a previous state, but instead is about reintroducing diversity to a monoculture system. So the author isn’t saying we need to go back to self hosted small independent servers, only that the internet needs more service providers in each space. It really was a fantastic read.

  • I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years
  • I’m not going to dig into the details because I can’t convince you your experienced reality isn’t real. Paranoia can stem from delusions, a key factor in your story is that most people, even those close to you, aren’t backing up your experiences.

  • I have been stalked and harassed for at least 11 years
  • I’m a stranger on the internet, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I was into your story up until you said planes and helicopters were flying low over your home. It sounds like you may suffering from some level of schizophrenia or other paranoia related condition. Get evaluated, or don’t, but I hope you find peace.

  • What is the most difficult problem that you have fixed in linux?
  • Maybe this goes a bit deeper than the question intended, but I’ve made and shared two patches that I had to apply locally for years before they were merged into the base packages.

    The first was a patch in 2015 for SDL2 to prevent the Sixaxis and other misbehaving controllers to not use uninitialized axes and overwrite initialized ones. Merged in 2018.

    The second was a patch in the spring of 2021 for Xft to not assume all the glyphs in a monospaced font to be the same size. Some fonts have ligatures which are glyphs that represent multiple characters together, so they’re actually some multiple of the base glyph size. Merged in the fall of 2022.

  • Party Rule Cannon

    Disclaimer: I am not a metalhead. I know nothing of Party Cannon’s works. Only that someone uttered, “Fucking Party Cannon” upon seeing this flyer.

    relatable rule
  • As the parent of an ODD child thank you. I don’t have the energy left in me to try to explain to my “society”, let alone strangers on the internet, that my child is compulsively defiant due to an inflated fight/flight/freeze response. And no, your parenting opinions aren’t going to “solve” her behavior, if her psychiatrist, psychologist, and therapist don’t have magic answers.

  • Pancake Day!
  • Ah, the dichotomy of Dad groups vs Mom groups. You’re judging @[email protected] entirely on one tiny happy insight into their life. Maybe their kid has underweight struggles and calories are calories. Maybe by everyday they mean everyday they have them every other weekend, but that’s too painful to say. You don’t fucking know, and this isn’t a life advice thread. Celebrate they have a kid they want to be involved with.

  • Backup Rule [Re-Moldy Monday]

    Was removed previously before Moldy Mondays, now we can all groan at it.


    Oh. My. God. Rule

    Can you come up with famous examples for each category?


    [Moldy Monday] I Have Friends Rule

    Some friends I just can’t shake

    hard enough

    around the neck

    with a firm grip


    Support Rule

    Who’s hands do you suppose they used for the model?

    [Moldy Monday] Post-Grad Learning Rule
  • Judging by the responses, I feel I should convey I relate to the professor and absurdity is that the student would ask such dumb off-topic question.

    As for the question itself, people like what they like, they don’t need to justify themselves. Which is what makes question dumb.