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Marmie Marmie
Posts 4
Comments 35
I make these really cute porcelain cat necklaces
  • I love all of your stuff! The hanging pot with the worm is adorable as hell!! Aaaah!! If I understood it right, you accept photos of peoples cats and then make the necklaces to look like them? I'm thinking about getting a necklace for my friend this summer sometime when my economy is a little better. I think she'd like it; she's bonkers about her cat lol

  • Amazing performance by two guys combining mime with vocal sound effects

    BEST New Nintendo Switch Games | Any WORTH it!?
  • Oooh that's so cool! Definitely buying it :D

  • [Title Prompt] Do you believe dragonflies should have equal rights to humans?
  • As a child I was actually terrified of dragonflies. It's aaaaall starting to come back to me now lol

    (great job, by the way!)

  • [Topic Prompt] Spitting gum vs Littering: Which is worse?
  • I'm glad I have convinced yet another soul of the correct path in life lol

  • I make these really cute porcelain cat necklaces
  • Oh my fucking god that is the cutest thing I've ever seen lol

    Do you sell them or something? Because if not, you should!

  • BEST New Nintendo Switch Games | Any WORTH it!?
  • Is there more than one Kataramari game for the Switch? Because while all Katamari games are an interesting experience due to how fucking whack they are lol, the Katamari Reroll didn't live up to my expectations. My favorite is "We love Katamari".

  • Do you believe dragonflies should have equal rights to humans?

    [Title Prompt] The Other Side of the Wall
  • Thank you!

    Edit: am I supposed to respond to your comments in 100 words as well? What are the rules here? lol

  • [Topic Prompt] Spitting gum vs Littering: Which is worse?
  • Between the two, I would have to say spitting gum. Why? I just don't know. I just feel very strongly about this. Unreasonably strong. I think people who spit their gum out on the street should have their gums and teeth pulled out through their nostrils and surgically inserted into their livers. They need to be tried and executed for war crimes. Their houses needs to be cleansed by holy fire. Their family members, friends and acquaintances all needs to be individually, consecutively and ritually lowered into a cage of starving, blood-thirsty capybaras infected with gonorrhea and syphilis. Fight me.

  • [Title Prompt] The Other Side of the Wall
  • I've been hearing strange noises coming from the other side of the wall in our apartment. It sounds like people talking and laughing, like a group of friends enjoying dinner together. But there's something uncanny about it the way their voices sound. It's similar to how a recording sounds when you play it backwards. Warped. Unintelligible. And it makes no sense, because that wall is what separates our apartment from the outside. There can't possibly be a room there. My boyfriend doesn't believe me at all. One day I knocked and shouted "hello?". Eerie silence. I haven't heard anything since.

  • Russ 2 ++, an old, fake intro sequence by Vinnie Veritas
  • Yeah! What always impressed me so much is that the artstyle is very simple, and looks to be done in Paint or something lol, he's got such imagination when it comes to the world he's presenting as well as having a eye for how to animate motion that is just becomes epic!

  • Russ 2 ++, an old, fake intro sequence by Vinnie Veritas

    A fake intro sequence that was posted on Newgrounds by Vinnie Veritas almost two decades ago. This was the coolest thing I had ever seen back then, and I watched it over and over and over and over and

    Backyard Squirrel Maze 1.0- Ninja Warrior Course
  • Watched this a while back and it's so cute and wholesome lol, thanks for reminding me this exists!

  • Sommarlov…
  • När jag var ett barn var jag ganska ängslig och rädd om nätterna, men min tonåriga storebror brukade ibland röta runt i köket på nätterna och då kändes det tryggt. Det har hängt kvar tills nu när jag är vuxen inser jag. Älskar att sova när det sitter folk runt om kring mig och pratar, även om de är högljudda. Och om det är folk ute på gatan som festar tycker jag det är lika mysigt det med!

  • Logo, Banner och Bio
  • Älskar det! Tillsammans marcherar vi utför stupet i solidaritet! Eh, hmm. Wait a minute.

  • [REPOST] You want me to only do what you've assigned me and not help anyone else? Okay then.
  • That's pretty awesome of him to actually admit he was in the wrong and apologize instead of doubling down.

  • Edge of the World, me, digital, 2020
  • It's pretty! Getting cliffs of Dover vibes.

  • Wondering if you are bi?
  • sweats profusely

  • Reposting my reddit memes to Lemmy part 1 of 1
  • They both look really good lol, I love this idea

  • [Politics] Trump defiant after pleading not guilty in classified documents case [BBC]
  • "Against a backdrop of American flags, Mr Trump, who is the frontrunner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, struck a defiant tone and told the assembled crowd he had "every right" to hold the classified documents, but "hadn't had a chance to go through all the boxes". "

    Except that the minor detail that there's an audio recording of him in 2021 admitting he didn't declassify them. I can't believe this is finally happening. I was so sure nothing would ever come out of all of this. I'll admit there's still a minuscule chance he'll get off, but it's actually starting to look like the end of Trump. I really hope he doesn't croak before he's put in jail. That anti-climatic ending would just be the end of me.

  • [US/Business] Dylan Mulvaney: Bud Light loses top spot in US after boycott [BBC]
  • First they piss off conservatives with the Mulvaney promotion, and then they piss off everyone else by backtracking. They should have just stuck to their guns.

  • My absolute favor(rule)ite picture in the entire world
