Greenstuffed Flag and freehand painting
A WIP of my new flagbearer. The eagle needs some work but otherwise i am pretty happy with it.
Do you want a "rank and flank" game with formations? Or are you fine with large "skirmish" games? Hobgoblins, Dragon Rampant and Warlords of Erehwon might be up your alley, since they can be customized rather easily.
DBA and its derivates are a bit more complicated as far as i know and are thus maybe not beginner friendly, though i do not have personal experience with it.
Vampire Knight for WoE
A 3D printed Vampire (Its a Skeleton originally, but i use him as a Vampire, lol) that will become a champion of my undead force. I orignally wanted to give him steel coloured armour, but i thought a vain bloodsucker could use a more colourful variant.
The armor itself was painted with a mix of violet and silver and some of the details, like the rose petal shaped fibula were done with a bit of red, white, bright skin colour and the aforementioned metallic violet.
Landsknechte for my Human army.
Exactly what it say in the title. These are Warlord Landsknechte, mixed with a few Perry helmets to make them a bit diverse.
I am unhappy about the priming which messed up, but i think i can live with it.
Nice work, i love that oldhammer look of the squig!
This picture was actually used as an inspiration. I always loved the blue-white scheme (Even though i used very bright blue instead white.)
Lol. Thanks, i like them for how easy they were to make.
Selfmade Archer Stakes
I made some archer stakes out of a 5mm pine staff and carved them with an exacto knife. They are looking quite good and they are cheap too, so i will probably make some more.
Green Stuff Banners and Sashes
I did some banners, headbands and sashes to add some colour and life to my human force.
Reichsritter/Imperial Knights
Heavily armoured Reichsritter made by Perry for my Custom WoE/DR army lists. The army itself is based on the late medieval/early modern HRE and contains a German folklore and mythological touch.
The Perry Men at Arms set is really great to work with, allows extreme customization (And gives a lot of bits to work with the other sets) and i can only recommend it.
Potato image of my Troll
My nearly finished Reaper Bones Cave Troll. I will use him as a neutral monster or ally for Warlords of Erehwon or Dragon Rampant.
Storming the Walls
I started to make modular pieces for a city/castle wall from styrofoam bricks. So far im really happy about the looks and they are extremely cheap too (ca. 3 Euro material costs for a wall segment)
I already had the rules for a pretty long time, but i simply did not test it out. It is very high on my list though.
Thanks, i am pretty amateurish at sculpting, but once in a while it works out.
Foot Soldiers of my Human Army for Warlords of Erehwon
Archers and Soldiers armed with pole-arms i painted recently. They will form the core of my late-medieval/renaissance HRE inspired human army.
Green Knight WIP
3d printed Green Knight mini for an arthurian themed Warlords of Erehwon warband. Sill needs some more details and highlights, but overall i am very happy with the paintjob.
Haven't had much time to play recently, but i am working on 15mm minis and vehicles for Bolt Action and i plan to try out Chain of Command and Nuts sooner or later.
Thanks. I think i have not highlighted this thing enough. Compared to my other German vehicles (Which are dark, but the kind of i prefer and intended to have) the dry-brush is nearly not noticable.
Order of Battle: East German Forces during late Cold War
The above link includes one of the most accurate OOBs for the Late Cold War NVA that currently exists. It sadly is in German, but still can help with many questions, regarding positioning, equipment etc.
Sooner or later i will compile a stickied post for ressources, similar to the post about minis, but for now i will some shorter single posts.
Edit: I linked to the wrong OOB. Corrected it now.
Camo Inspiration: Wrongly applied Summer Verdant MERDC pattern
The above example shows a pretty important thing for us wargamers, namely that the same mistakes we make in camo painting also happened in real life too.
Camo Inspiration: Leopard 2 in spot camo
A pretty unique camo from the early 80s. The Leopard 2 seems to have been camouflaged with light spots (Maybe sand coloured).
Undead Cavalry
Finished the bases of my undead cavalry. The painting needs a bit of improvement, but i like them so far.
Finalized my Bat base
I finally finished my bat base with a lot of 3d printed boney bits. I think it is looking pretty great and i can finally seal it.
Yeah, thanks. Sadly that one was not done by my own printer, but it shows what you can achieve with FDM and the right settings.
If you like this community you might enjoy the two others i made:
Thansk, glad to hear that! I already have some plans for the future, like a source thread for miniatures (Like the one i made in ) etc.
I am building an undead army for Warlords of Erehwon, planning for a custom Undead Pirate army and writing army lists for WoE. It appears that i am definitely hooked right now.
Thanks! I like making those miniature dioramas, as objective markers or terrain pieces. They add some life to the table.