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Mammal Mammal

Just an average mammal doing average mammal things.

Posts 2
Comments 108
Israel kills police officer in charge of securing aid convoys
  • Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture which says that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, any parodic or sarcastic expression of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of those views.

  • Republicans’ House majority is their smallest in decades, and shrinking
  • And they still get most everything they want; whereas when Dems are in charge they have to make up obscure reasons (example: Oh Noe!!! The Parlimentarian won't let us do it!!!111) why they can't pass popular legislation.

  • China's housing minister says real estate developers must go bankrupt if necessary
  • Those silly commies don't understand that you have to bail out capitalists when they fail.

  • A Russian women's life coach advised women to send their husbands to war in Ukraine or turn them in.
  • "Life Coach" is a wonderful job for people with spouses who can support them.

  • Israeli military review of Gaza aid convoy deaths finds most killed in stampede
  • Oh! Well nevermind, then.

    Please proceed.


  • Israeli tank in 'likely scenario' fired machine gun at reporters after deadly shelling, report finds
  • More like: "My ancestors ate chickpeas ... therefore, that falafel is mine!"

  • Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden
  • If Biden disagreed with the decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem - why didn't he move it back to Tel Aviv?

    Everything else you listed has no bearing on added support for Israel. Also: Israel oppresses Muslims harsher than anything Trump has proposed, and they actively court evangelicals in the US.

    Has Biden done anything to discourage that?

    Roe v Wade, Energy policy, SCOTUS ... it's irrelevant when compared to supporting genocide.

  • Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden
  • What, exactly, will Trump do differently from Biden when it comes to the US-supported genocide? More weapons? More money? More political cover?

    Consider: As long as Biden is president Dems aren't going to get behind stopping the genocide.

    So no. When it comes to stopping Israel's genocide: Trump is an improvement because then at least maybe there will be some change from the Democrats.

    I'm not apathetic - I'm realistically describing the situation.

  • Young Progressive Activists Lay Out Demands For Biden
  • Awwww..... isn't that cute? They really believe they have any kind of leverage, and that they aren't going to vote Blue No Matter Who no matter what the Dems do.

    It's like watching puppies just before getting being murdered by an IDF sniper.

  • Yeah it would actually be quite the opposite
  • Why do conservatives insist on making the left look so cool?

  • Kibbutz Be’eri Rejects Story in New York Times October 7 Exposé: “They Were Not Sexually Abused”
  • Thing is: There's plenty Hamas & related groups did on Oct 7th to enrage a population - no exaggeration is necessary.

    However, there ISN'T enough to justify a genocide ... especially since Israelis have been torturing Palestinians for decades.

    Israel needs to de-humanize the locals to the point where the population can justify an ethnic cleansing. Hence: Ridiculous accusations of using breasts as foot-balls and mass rape.

  • Carnage at Gaza food aid site amid Israeli gunfire. Here’s what we know
  • "Israel offered an evolving account of the incident as the day progressed."

    Awesome way to say: Making up shit and seeing what sticks

  • Hindu nationalists go to court over lion named after Muslim emperor in India
  • Honest question from an ignorant 'Murican, with no context about what this controversy is about:

    To a Hindu, would naming the lion 'Akbar' kinda be like naming an elephant 'Hitler' in Israel?

    Or is this all just a religious/ cultural thing that makes no sense to outsiders such as myself?

  • West Virginia House passes bill allowing prosecution of librarians
  • Don't mess with librarians. They look mousey ... but they take their jobs really seriously and will fuck your shit up.

  • Sir, did you know you're wearing underpants on your head?
  • Better than conservative political cartoons.

  • Egypt reveals alleged Israeli plan to evacuate Rafah civilians
  • Wasn't there a story the other day claiming that Israel expected the US to pay for these camps?

    Has that been debunked yet?

  • After searing inflation, "American workers are getting ahead," Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says
  • Any increase I've experienced in my pay has been completely surpassed by healthcare bills and inflation.

  • Billionaire PayPal co-founder backs doping-friendly Olympics — the ‘Enhanced Games’
  • Anyone who would get enjoyment from watching this kind of event has a diseased soul. As has been said elsewhere: It's BumFights with a higher budget.

  • Why does "Heathcliff Without Heathcliff" dominate Lemmy's [email protected]

    Is it an in-joke? Or does the person who makes these just enjoy posting them all day?

    See for yourself: [email protected]

    ON EDIT: Corrected the title after getting advice from @CommunityLinkFixerBot


    What kind of mixture should I use to make my own back-yard mud-pit?

    I want to create the kind of mud-pit rich people soak in when they visit a spa in Yurp.

    I'm going to dig a 1-meter deep pit (That's 3-ish Freedom™ Feet) and fill it with some combination of soil and volcanic ash. I thought for sure there would be some DIY instructions for such a project on the internet .... but I'm not finding one and I don't know where else to ask.
