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MadSciencePro MadSciencePro

RPGs, Comics, Tech, Movies, and naps. These are my favorite things.

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Board Games MadSciencePro

Designing for Balance

Any boardgame/card game designers here? I'm slowly working on a TCG and wondering about best methods of designing for balance.

Example: In a game like Hearthstone, is there a tried and true starting point for coming up with your base numbers? Like a spreadsheet where everything starts with a value of 1, but then any extra abilities or stats get a standard weight added to them?

Warner Bros.'s The Flash grossed an estimated $55.1M domestically over the 3-day weekend (from 4,234 locations). Estimated 4-day weekend gross is $64.0M.
  • 2 out of 5 stars for me. Long time comic fan. Just didn't like Ezra's take on the character. Opening sequence was absurdly stupid to me. Keaton was amazing though. Some good moments, but overall just glad it's over and we can move forward.