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Luccus Luccus

Ask me about kumquats.

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Comments 62
  • No. If it's everyone, then it's everyone and at worst it's not the most efficient way to communicate.

    I would say, if you single out a group of people based on physical characteristics, then it gets weird.

    But if it's "The internet won't start" vs "Every packet on port 433 is dropped even though no firewall rule is set", then I think it's reasonable to make some asumptions and adjust communication accordingly.

  • GNU-Linux
  • I work in IT and sometimes I have to explain something to a user who is somewhat tech-illiterate. Even developers may have significant blind spots when it comes to their OS or networking, for example.

    So, if I notice it, I'll change some terminology and I may explain instructions differently or use metaphors so every user understands what I'm saying.

    And most coworkers do the same thing.

    Here's why I bring this up: For whatever reason, some colleagues give female coworkers the same treatment.

    And that's weird.

    If someone is constantly treated like this, they should be allowed to rant about it on their blog. I'm fine with snark if it geht's a point across.

  • 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
  • Der Witz hat irgendwann mal mit Bergdeutschland angefangen. Somit ist's aus historischen Gründen der Bodensee geworden.

  • Wer hat was gewählt?
  • Wurde nach der Einführung des 10€ Tickets von Furries besetzt, ist jetzt schwul und hat 100%ige Gigabit-Abdeckung.

  • Wer hat was gewählt?
  • Berliner Inseln > Sylt

  • Wer hat was gewählt?

    Brudi, alles gut. Du hattest nur einen Albtraum.

    First projections of EU Parliament election results
  • Even worse; the Greens get blamed for shit the FDP does, because people don't know how coalitions work.

  • Alternative Printer Uses
  • Sadly not.

    I was told. Without asking. By a long lost friend of a cousin you wouldn't know.

  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Only data that is not stored cannot fall victim to attackers. It does not matter whether it is a 'nigerian prince', Microsoft or some agency. Even if you completly trust whatever entity with your data right now, they may become problematic in the future.

    This is why a low profile is a crucial component of OPsec.

    Recall is objectively stupid, even if Microsoft only had their users best interest in mind. And they don't.

  • Workers at TJ Maxx and Marshalls are wearing police-like body cameras. Here’s how it’s going
  • Hello, I'm your boss. Saw you on your phone during your break in the video feed.

    You've been asking for a raise for years. Unfortunately, you're a really good performer, always on time, good worker, and I've never heard anything negative that I could base my decision to deny your raise on. So I watched the video feed to find the most minuscule thing that I can pinpoint as a "problem". I was about to tell you that drinking water on the job significantly decreases your performance, but that post you made on your break is now going to be my reason. Screw you. I love money!

    Sincerely, your favorite boss

  • 🗜️🍋
  • That'd be my interpretation aswell.

  • 🗜️🍋
  • This is a spin on a existing meme called "Thour", where various animals or objects are licking a lemon.

    Please refere to this link for references.

  • Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless
  • This makes for a good point about functionality.

    On a modern phone, the display is almost the only thing a user really interacts with. It makes sense to have a large display so that it can show/"do" more stuff.

    With cars, on the other hand, "size" and "weight" are basically the two values you want to reduce the most. They make the vehicle slower, less maneuverable, increase drag, braking distance, fuel consumption, accident severity and overall cost.

    The function of autos is to transport things from point A to point B. Unless the size of these things has increased dramatically in recent decades, it is downright idiotic to increase these two values.

    Sitenote: I renovated my entire apartment with a Volkswagen Up! Unless people ludge around fully assembled sofas all the time, the smallest vehicle offered by modern car manufacturers is sufficient.

  • Male birth control breakthrough safely switches off fit sperm for a while
  • Who's "they"?

    If it's Urologists, like, those are the experts. If it's someone on Twitter, they don't matter. If it's women as a whole… oh, boy. Dude. If it's "the jews", OH. BOY. DUDE. HOW EVEN?

  • Real find in a website's javascript
  • Me: Can I have (small template parser)?

    Stackoverflow: No, we have (small template parser) at home.

    Small template parser at home: Full-stack web framework

  • this picture is 27kb
  • Can you spot why years, months, days, hours and minutes are not SI units?

    This is an honest question. The SI units were chosen very carefully with regard to their human usability and scientific universality.

  • this picture is 27kb
  • I fairly often drive 50,000m/h, except on the autobahn. There I usually go about 120,000,000mm/h.

    And if I stack 1000 1cm³ blocks of water, the resulting 10m high column has a volume of 1l, weighs 1kg and exerts 100kPa of pressure on its base. And to heat it by 1°C requires 1kcal, while 1N would accelerate it by 1m/s every second.

    What I want to say is: Your point is stupid and your units are too.

  • As bans spread, fluoride in drinking water divides communities across the US
  • I'd love to say something sensible, understandable and concise.

    But this post is like someone shouting "WHY DID MATHEMATICIANS MAKE THE √ SYMBOL TICK SHAPED?!", convinced they've found a way to prove that 2+2 is not 4.

    There is so much to unpack there. Properly responding to every explicit and implicit grain is like reasoning against a beach.

  • oWo
  • Permanently Deleted

  • oWo
  • Thanks, you too!

  • oWo
  • My "favorite neoliberal"?

    I'm an entire person, not a single-sided strawman. I edited my reply to also state that I think neolibs suck too, if that helps to unflatten my thoughts on this a bit. And because I think they do.

    I'd also like to add that I've seen this image and others like it posted in anti-progressive groups by anti-progressive people, instilling exactly the message I explained earlier. Which is why I say the message either isn't clear, or just bad.

    I don't feel like I'm "gasping at straws". I feel my argument is somewhat reasonable and I hope my point is a little clearer now.

    I have to go back to work now.

  • Just today I realised Kiwix is still being developed

    (Without checking) I deemed the project dead, because the latest f-droid release is 5 years old. Is there any chance to get the f-droid releases rolling again?


    You can use emojis as credentials

    You can totally use emojis as passwords. You can probably even make this a policy at your company.

    Edit: I thought this was an obvious enough joke, but just to clear things up: Only do this if you hate your company and everyone working there.
