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Lodra Lodra
Posts 11
Comments 231
Etsy to ban sale of most sex toys, explicit content, and more
  • Etsy hasn’t been good for years. But I haven’t found an alternative yet. Anybody know what we should use instead?

  • Wordle #1106 - Sat 29 June 2024
  • Now that we’ve solved the mystery, here’s my score for today. It was much more difficult!

    Wordle 1,106 4/6


  • Wordle #1106 - Sat 29 June 2024
  • Oh interesting! The 1106 post was already up when I played. I wonder why it didn’t change over to the new days puzzle for me? I suspect some time zone nonsense

  • Wordle #1106 - Sat 29 June 2024
  • Wordle 1,105 X/6


    These are apparently my favorite scores to post

  • IRS plans to make its free tax filing program permanent
  • I only have anecdotal info for based on some reading I did last year. As far as I recall, the program and software are new. So they’re slowly building up features for more complicated tax scenarios an in turn, slowly making it accessible to more of the population.

    It’s just a matter of time before this is widely available. I read the post title as “we succeeded in this first year’s test and plan to continue the program”.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • Kinda funny how it plays out IMO. Browser updates require restarting the app. This unloads all tabs but preserves my having them “open”. Memory stays low and we can keep basically unlimited tabs open. It’s quite nice!

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • It’s not as bad as it sounds. Firefox is actually pretty efficient with keeping the RAM usage low. I am running an M2 mbp with 32g but Firefox is definitely not the worst offender on my machine.

  • You can try Vertical Tabs in Firefox now
  • I’ve been using sidebery for months now. It’s fantastic but definitely takes work to setup and hide the default tabs. As a software developer, I typically have over 100 tabs open in my browser at any given time so vertical tabs are basically a required feature for me. This is very good news that Firefox is finally supporting natively. I’ll be testing it out!

  • The Spread Between New and Existing Home Prices is at Record High of Approximately $68,000
  • Huh. Looks like this also happened around 2007. The housing market crashed in 2008. I wonder if these are correlated

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • My pleasure. Thanks for posting! And feel free to ask more questions as you tackle this one.

  • Automatic photo backup is now available for Proton Drive on iOS
  • This is awesome! Thanks for the new feature. Hopefully, this is one more step away from apple in my life. I’ll be testing it out shortly

  • (COMPLETED) [Steam] Fallout 4
  • I saw this joke on my feed yesterday. I’m guessing they just wanted to post something interesting.

    Note to OP: I don’t need the license for Fallout 4. Thanks for sharing the key with someone here. Roll again!

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • I’m on my phone so I can’t really test these out. But this should give you a few methods for printing the list of files changed.

    Here’s a similar page to show the changes for a specific file. I expect that git blame will be similarly useful.

    A few others that may help you get started as well:

    git —help
    git rev-parse
    git log
    git history
  • Wordle #1097 - Thu 20 June 2024
  • Wordle 1,096 2/6


    Well that went well today

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • Yikes! Is this a one-time task?

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • Well this is definitely a bit odd. Send like those comments should be included with the original change. Or maybe they shouldn’t be recorded as comments at all and they should be a git commit message. And where does that hard copy report come from? Anyways, back to your actual question.

    At this point, I’m still suggesting a tiny utility to assist with adding the comments. It looks like %ATTCHANGE and %REM are part of a very sort list of possible values. If so, a little cli tool can definitely help there. It could also handle the general comment structure and the changed value easily. Do these comments ever include something besides #ACCEPTED?

    The tricky part is the ‘12.24/4’. It sounds like you go through the report and then find the files/lines to create these comments. Is that right? It would be tricky to code a cli tool for doing that because you need to jump around between files.

    Last note for now, some simple git commands can definitely help you here. You could easily generate a list of changed files and lines. Another could show you the changed text. For any given change. Etc.

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • Can you give an example of the change and your comment for a single file?

    2000 is a lot of files. If you need to do this often, it might be best to build a small cli tool to make this easier or fully automated. It really depends on how you choose to create those comments.

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • pop-ups (which disappear when I start typing) or a dedicated diff-view which takes up too much space on my small monitor

    What kind of experience are you looking? Apparently, something small that persists while you type. Think you could share some more details?

  • Looking for a git history plugin
  • I think GitLens has some features based on git diff , though I haven’t personally explored them much. Note that many of its features are locked behind a paid license. They’ll give a trial though to test everything for free. But the free features are definitely quite nice!

  • ECE and the .au domain

    I just stumbled on this new community. Having a young child, I figured I should join and learn! I also noticed that the Lemmy instance has a .au domain. I’m sure the theories and ideas will apply globally; but what about information regarding law, school systems, etc? Is this community intended for Australian info? Or is it acceptable that I ask questions specific to the US?


    What is 'mount -a' doing with partitions not in /etc/fstab

    I made some changes to disk partitions. Now I'm seeing an issue with mounts. It's not a big problem but it's definitely confusing me.

    ``` [alex@rog-g15dk dev]$ sudo mount /home-temp mount: /home-temp: can't find in /etc/fstab. [alex@rog-g15dk dev]$ cat /etc/fstab New Partition /home-temp defaults 0 0 # /etc/fstab: static file system information.

    Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a device; this may

    be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices that works even if

    disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).

    UUID=5E74-A00E /efi vfat noatime 0 2 UUID=53a2c9bc-31dd-4e52-902f-633867253481 / ext4 noatime 0 1 tmpfs /tmp tmpfs noatime,mode=1777 0 0 /dev/nvme0n1p2 /home ext4 noatime 0 2 /dev/nvme0n1p3 /steam ext4 noatime 0 2 ```

    Can anyone explain what 'mount -a' is trying to mount?

    Here's the context on the changes I made. My desktop used to run windows. I recently installed linux as well (dual boot). A bit later I destroyed the windows partitions. This left the beginning 2/3 of the disk unused.

    Today I decided to reclaim that disk space. I created 2 new partitions, copied some data to them, updated fstab accordingly, rebooted, and grew the steam partition to 700GiB. That process had a couple of small bumps, including a partition that was mounted to '/home-temp'. I destroyed that partition before using it all.

    So this error is definitely caused by me. That's fine. I'm just trying to understand what's going on and how to clean up the little mess.


    Help me choose a distro, please!

    I'm ditching Windows in favor of Linux on my personal desktop. And so I'm looking for advice on which distro I should start with.

    About Me

    I use Linux professionally all the time but mostly to build ci/cd pipelines and for software development/operations. I've never been a Linux admin nor have I ever chosen the distro I use. I'm generally comfortable using Linux and digging into configs/issues as needed.

    Planned Usage

    I use this machine for typical home usage: Firefox, a notes app (currently Notesnook), maybe office style tools like word and excel. I also use this for gaming: Steam, Discord, etc. Lastly and least important, I use this for a small amount of dev work: VSCode, various languages, possibly running containers.

    What I'm Looking For

    I'd like an OS that's highly configurable but ships with good default settings and requires very little effort to start using. I don't want it to ship with loads of applications; I want to choose and install all of the higher level tools. Shipping with a configured desktop is perfectly fine but not required. Ideally, I can have all of this while still keeping the maintenance low. I think that means a stable OS, a good package manager, stable/automatic updates, etc.

    Last bit. Open source is rather important to me. I prefer free and free.

    Anyone have good suggestions??


    I'm aware of tools like Distro Chooser. They've recommended Arch Linux and Endeavor OS to me so far. But I'm not ready to trust them yet. I'm looking for human input.

    Edit 2: Hardware Info

    I'm running on an ASUS ROG Strix GA15DK. It's just over 2 years old. The hardware was shiny but not top-tier at the time. It’s not new at this point but also not old by Linux standards.

    • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X Processor
    • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
    • 16GB DDR4 3200 MHz RAM

    Edit 3

    It's official. I installed EndeavourOS! I got it to work without any issues. Yup, first try. It definitely didn't take me ~10 tries :D

    Thanks for all the input all! Wonderful crowd here!!!

    118 VS Code’s Token Security: Keeping Your Secrets… Not So Secretly

    This is the full story of the vulnerability we have discovered within Visual Studio Code (VS Code) concerning the handling of secure token storage. While designed for isolated storage for each extension, this vulnerability presents...

    VS Code’s Token Security: Keeping Your Secrets… Not So Secretly

    cross-posted from:

    > FYI to all the VS Code peeps out there that malicious extensions can gain access to secrets stored by other VS Code extensions as well as the tokens used by VS Code for Microsoft/Github. > > I really don’t understand how Microsoft’s official stance on this is that this is working as intended… > > If you weren’t already, be very careful about which extensions you are installing.


    Upcoming Feature in Development: Profile Layers! GitHub Issue 156144 Profiles: Extend from Default Profile · Issue #156144 · microsoft/vscode

    Allow to configure settings across profiles. One idea we are considering is to allow users to choose between following options while creating a profile: Extend from Default Profile Diverge from Def...

    Profiles: Extend from Default Profile · Issue #156144 · microsoft/vscode

    Here's an upcoming feature for those wanting to use multiple profiles in VSCode but don't enjoying micro managing settings across many different profiles. And good news: This feature is currently being developed!

    The feature request is Extend from the Default Profile. The idea is to allow users to organize settings into various layers. Global settings in the default profile. Maybe python specific settings in a python profile. And then golang specific settings in a golang profile. Or however else you want to organize things! This will be a huge help when working with many different workspaces and languages which all need little adjustments.

    This idea actually dates back all the way to November, 2016! While it has nearly 600 votes, nobody implemented the feature. Thankfully, the new feature (again, issue 156144 was requested about a year ago and was actually a part of the Iteration Plan for June 2023. Unfortunately, it wasn't completed in time (that's ok! Thanks devs!) and was pushed to the July 2023 iteration. Hopefully, we'll have this feature released soon.

    If you're as excited as I am for this one, then vote for the feature with a thumbs up.


    Yes, it's already in development but votes can make this feature a priority. You can also vote for specific implementation details too!


    Option to hide posts in main feed only

    I love the new feature to hide posts! But it's a bit clunky if I want to find an older post. Any chance we can get an option to not hide posts when viewing a specific community? I.e. Only hide posts when I'm scrolling through the main feeds.


    Monthly Release Notes - June 2023 (version 1.80) Visual Studio Code June 2023

    Learn what is new in the Visual Studio Code June 2023 Release (1.80)

    Visual Studio Code June 2023
    • Accessibility improvements - Accessible View for better screen reader support, Copilot audio cues.
    • Better editor group and tab resizing - Set min tab size, avoid unnecessary editor group resizing.
    • Skip subwords when expanding selection - Control whether to use camel case for selection.
    • Terminal image support - Display images directly in the integrated terminal.
    • Python extensions for mypy and debugpy - For Python type checking and debugging in VS Code.
    • Remote connections to WSL - Connect to WSL instances on remote machines using Tunnels.
    • Preview: GitHub Copilot create workspace/notebook - Quickly scaffold projects and notebooks.
    • New C# in VS Code documentation - Learn about C# development with the C# Dev Kit extension.

    Hidden Gems: VSNotes by Patrick Lee

    This is the first of a (hopefully) recurring series where we showcase extensions that are likely unknown to most users. Starting with patricklee.vsnotes!

    Marketplace Description

    VSNotes is a simple tool that takes care of the creation and management of plain text notes and harnesses the power of VS Code via the Command Palette.

    Why I like it

    VSNotes seems to be built for frequent note taking. E.g. Taking daily meeting notes and keeping them organized. There are quite a few alternative extensions like dendron.dendron that do this quite well but are much more complicated. I like VSNotes for its simplicity. It's easy to use.

    More importantly, I don't want to create a large number of notes. I just want to manage a few organized files and have them accessible at all times. Here's a screenshot from my work laptop.


    No date stamps. No tags. No subdirectories. Nice and simple. Having these notes embedded in VS Code gives me the expected benefits like markdown syntax and preview. But my favorite part is the Activity Bar icon (far right in my screenshot). These notes aren't stored in my active workspace. They can be but I choose to store these notes in ~/notes instead. This means that the files within that directory are globally available regardless of which workspace is active. If you work with many different repositories and workspaces, this is fantastic!

    A few use cases

    • Basic notes that are always open... duh. So you don't have to send yourself messages in Slack
    • Some bash magic. Some kubectl favorites. Some fancy git commands. All copy/paste-able into the embedded terminal
    • Diagram.d2: I manually set the file extension. Now I can preview terrastruct.d2 diagrams conveniently!

    My Configuration

    { "vsnotes.defaultNotePath": "~/notes", "vsnotes.defaultNoteTitle": "{title}.{ext}", "vsnotes.noteTitleConvertSpaces": "-", }


    (Meta) Content Suggestions

    First and foremost everyone, welcome to our new little community!

    I've watching the subscriber count climb slowly over the last ~36 hours from 0 to the current 64 subscribers. Exciting stuff! And impressive too, given that we don't have any content yet 🙂

    So I'd like to hear from the crowd. What content do you want to see here? Maybe some periodic posts like monthly patch notes? Reply with your ideas!
