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lemmy decided to post this twice for no reason, fuck me
  • I came across this message at a weirdly relevant time. Thanks, I guess.

  • Civil War (2024) Director: Alex Garland
  • I loved this shot so much in the film. It's hauntingly beautiful.

  • Anon plays Persona
  • "So's Animal Crossing, but I don't think less of you for sinking all your time into it."

  • A ~~cool~~ guide to the fascist future
  • I didn't downvote, but the optics are very different on those groups. Jane and John Smith are much more likely to have a terrible experience with local police than federal police. I would like to think they operate under different standards, but I admittedly know very little about how the FBI functions.

  • A ~~cool~~ guide to the fascist future
  • What's Australia's stance on immigration?

  • Your Excuses For Eating Meat Are Predictable And Wrong, Study Finds
  • From what I can surmise, most vocal vegans aren't really interested in changing minds so much as they want to put others down for not making their same choices. They're bitter and jaded, and globally harmful dietary choices are a really easy lightning rod for all the pent up scorn. I'm sure they're great IRL, but this space is for smug self satisfaction and out group shaming, not for civil discourse with the enemy.

  • Anon is baffled by Mel Gibson's continued career
  • Apocalypto is my biggest case for using death of the author to enjoy creative works. I don't like the guy, but that movie is a must-watch.

  • Peak graphic design
  • Humans are so friggin creative I can't stands it.

  • Peak graphic design
  • I second this.

  • Armed to deter cops
  • It's an uncanny irony to me when I hear something like "not everything has to be about race" when, at least from the perspective of a non-white, everything in society really does have an unavoidable racial asterisk that we really wish wasn't there. Racism is a fixed worldwide phenomenon that we have no choice but to acknowledge at this point. It impacts everything.

  • What did your parents refrigerate? Mine refrigerated bread.
  • I like your funny words, magic man.

  • Since America is bringing back kings what other kind of stuff is on your medieval wishlist?
  • I have a cloak vendor bookmarked. I haven't pulled the trigger because I don't know if I wanna be the cloak guy, but dammit I want a cloak.