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Leanne Leanne

🤠 Howdy fellas.

I used to to run the Scat Hentai community before it was banned without warning and then denied restoration even after a huge vote in support of by the Lemmy NSFW community.

I'm not here anymore.

Posts 5
Comments 7
Should we ban scat fetish?
  • Looks like the results are in! I just want to say on behalf of the weirdos represented in this poll:

    Thank you for letting us stay here as a part of your community! ❤

    It's hard to find places where we're welcome to exist. I hope one day there will be better filtering options for those that don't want to see it, but for now, here is a full list of subs you can block (once they're restored):

  • Should we ban scat fetish?
  • I'm not going make another response because you side-stepped, re-worded, ignored, or outright lied in answer to my points.

    I think you're trolling, but if you're not then please consider being more respectful in the future.

  • Should we ban scat fetish?
  • $2 per user is very expensive!

    In any case, your argument seems to hinge on 'the instance isn't yours, so don't try and change the rules'. If you like being lead around on a leash, why aren't you hanging out on Spez's Reddit? The admins here have chosen to be mature and democratic, and listen to the requests of their community. That's why they opened this vote and are seeing it out; they're good people.

    The bar for entry to create, manage, and gain traction for an instance is still high no matter how you look at it. As a result they've decided to at least take another look before throwing a niche part of their community into the grinder.

    Democracy is never a bad thing ❤

  • Should we ban scat fetish?
  • It's not reasonable or practical to tell someone to 'go and make your own instance'. Are you actually aware of the costs and difficulties in hosting alone, let alone management? It's not a viable solution for most, let alone a relatively small niche that fits into a community or two.

  • Should we ban scat fetish?
  • I'm seeing a lot of discussion here and just want to chip in and lay down my argument for scat.

    Banning it is really not okay. Unlike gore which clearly has significant ethical issues, scat causes no harm and is simply disliked by many people. Scat is already banned in many places of discussion, meaning that people in this fetish are forced to gather in places where actual child porn and bestiality is, because they literally have no other choice.

    Please throw us a lifeline. Don't make us go to a scummy instance full of creeps and actual pedophiles.

    I really love this community, and I want to stay a part of it with you all! Let us have our safe haven, there aren't many places out there like this ❤

  • Should we ban gore content?
  • This is not okay. Unlike gore which clearly has significant ethical issues, scat causes no harm and is simply disliked by many people. Scat is already banned in many places of discussion, meaning that people in this fetish are forced to gather in places where actual child porn and bestiality is, because they literally have no other choice.

    Don't do this to us, please. The community did not ask for this. Please, throw us a lifeline. Don't make us go to a scummy instance full of creeps and actual pedophiles.

    EDIT: How can I raise this with the admin team? I'd like to make my argument to repeal this decision and have you guys look at it one last time. We might be able to come to a happier solution ❤

  • Known Underage Characters
  • Yeesh... I suppose I'll just keep doing my best and see how it goes! Reports and comments from subscribers will hopefully help narrow things down, but I don't see this rule being 100% enforced in any community.

    I hope the hentai communities don't get slapped too hard and forced to move to less strict instances. That would be sad, I really love this place, and the rule (in theory) is awesome too! ❤

  • Instructions for Joining This Community
  • Hey there~! ❤ Mod of Scat Hentai here. I'm hoping to respectfully cultivate one of the few safe spaces for our niche, since it is unfortunately outright banned in many places of discussion.

  • Known Underage Characters
  • I'm concerned about how enforcable this would be. There are tens of thousands of fictional characters and 90% of underaged anime characters have the same look as any adult character.

    I don't know anime all too well, so I typically go by a rule of removing posts if their age looks questionable, and banning users if it's full on creepo stuff. Should I be expected to do more than that? Looking up characters for every single post is not going to be feasible, especially on the larger communities and on communities with small mod teams.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thank you! ❤

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Missing Scat Hentai