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LeFrog LeFrog
Posts 16
Comments 68
  • Dieser Doppeldenk in diesem MichMich mundet mir äußerst vorzüglich

  • ich🍕iel
  • Mir gefällt.das Michmich ohne das Wort Pizza sogar besser. 5/7 mit Reis

  • Conservatives Go to War — Against Each Other — Over School Vouchers
  • As always with conservatives:

    Every accusation a confession

  • Connections #380 2024-06-25
  • Connections
    Puzzle #380

    I am quite happy about this as a non-native speaker :)

  • Umzug nach
  • Wie ist da eigentlich der aktuelle Stand? Ich könnte alternativ auch auf eine community aufmachen. Bin da ganz offen :D

  • Testpfostierung zur Weltherrschaft
  • Und so beginnt es.

    Vielen Dank :D

  • Testpfostierung zur Weltherrschaft

    Dies ist ein Tespfosten damit ich die Macht an mich reißen kann.


    Umzug nach
  • Wenn du magst, kann ich da auch mit Mod machen (bin einer der Mods von dieser rad-community) :)

  • I like to spread knowledge
  • more teeth

    I have questions.

  • Why does it feel like too much effort just to go from sitting around looking at garbage online to simply watching a film or playing a video game?
  • So being depressed can also be a symptom of something far more serious than just depression.

    This is very poor wording. Depression is one of the deadliest illnesses in young people.

  • ich🟪?iel
  • Dinge die mich von der ÖdP abhalten:

    • Impfskepsis
    • konservatives Familienbild und überwiegend Abtreibungsfeindlich
    • Religion allgemein

    Aber dennoch meiner Meinung nach eine deutliche bessere Alternative (hehe) als CxUfD und Co. Vor allem scheint man sich in der ÖdP auch Kritik zu stellen und klare Grenzen zu ziehen.

  • Vulgar
  • Remeber that their lead is really an asshole:

    Anselmo has given some controversial statements about race, skin color and related cultures throughout his life. At a Pantera concert in Montreal in 1995, he gave a speech expressing that "Pantera are not a racist band" and that he and his bandmates had friends "of all colors and all kinds", but that he had a problem with rap artists "pissing all over white culture". In another concert, he expressed his disgust with affirmative action, saying "fuck all that Black Power bullshit".[76]

    Winda Benedetti of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer accused Anselmo of mouthing the words "white power" and making Nazi salutes at Superjoint Ritual's performance at Ozzfest on July 27, 2004.[77][78] Speaking with Kerrang!, Benedetti alleged that she was seated in the second row, and saw Anselmo lean down and mouth the words towards a crowd of skinheads at the front.[78] Kerrang! was unable to reach Anselmo for comment.[78]

    On January 22, 2016, an intoxicated Anselmo ended the "Dimebash" Dimebag Darrell tribute show by giving a Nazi salute and screaming the words "white power" to the crowd.[79][80][81] The incident was captured by an audience member's cell phone camera and the video was posted on YouTube. Anselmo later claimed that it was an in-jest reference to drinking white wine

  • Und täglich grüßt die Umfrage
  • Ach Mensch. So ein Ding. 48% zu 48%.

  • Non-binary
  • There are also only two different animals: elephants and non-elephants.

  • Every base is base 10
  • Wow I never thought about that.

    But it is always like this:

    let there be any base "b"
    That can represent a number by the sum of their positional digits:
    number = sum(d_i * b ^ i)
       where i is the position index and d_i is the digit at this position. (note: index starts with 0, from the least digit farthest to the right)

    So the (decimal) number 4 in base 4 is then

    1×4¹ + 0×4^0 = 10

    And (decimal) number 8 in base 8 is

    1×8¹ + 0×8^0 = 10

    And 10 in base 10:

    1×10¹ + 0×10^0 = 10
  • Ratkind's greatest fear is ratkind itself
  • Pardon my French but I don't understand this meme ;(

  • That's a lot of corned beef...
  • Seems to be Jamaican Dollars: which is about 12800 US$. Which is still a lot of beef.

  • Polizeigewalt: Der Schlächter von Hamburg
  • Kann man da überhaupt von Unterwanderung reden? Wohngemeinschaft trifft es wohl eher fürchte ich.

  • Menschenrechtsgerichtshof: Erste Klimaklage in Straßburg erfolgreich
  • Meine Theorie: Es ist bei Gericht meistens viel erfolgsversprechender, ganz konkrete persönliche Betroffenheit zu belegen. Je umfassender, abstrakter oder allgemeiner der Klagegegenstand ist, desto geringer die Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeit. Aber könnte auch Quatsch sein.